Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7560: Fight 6 reincarnations! (two)

The figure of Lin Zhan was engulfed by the terrible Heavenly Dao God Thunder again.

His body shook quickly, and cracks appeared on it.

I have to say that the opponent's Heavenly Dao God Thunder is really terrible, and his war body can't defend.

But his blood of war is boiling rapidly,

While repairing the injury, he provided him with powerful strength.

He shouted in the sky: Do you have only this strength? Can't kill me.

The voice of Lin Zhan came out and shocked countless people: right? Did this guy block it again?

Is n’t it incredible?

The Thunder Dragon God was angry, and a strong killing intention burst into his eyes.

The blood on the dragon road also boiled up, and the terrifying dragon phantom went straight to the sky.

The thunder dragon shadows flew to the sky for nine days and merged into those clouds.

At the next moment, the earth-shattering voice came, and two golden **** thunders appeared.

Afterwards, it turned into a thundering dragon shadow, and rushed towards the front, quickly

Immediately fell on Lin Zhan.

Three golden thunders burst together,

I don't know how many times that force has increased.

Lin Zhan's voice was engulfed, his body began to split, and his blood of fighting flew in all directions.

Huh, he will definitely lose, he will die in vain.

Those around him shook their heads and sighed: Under such power, no one can resist it.

Even those of God Realm were stunned.

To be honest, the speed of the Thunder was too fast on this day, so fast that they could not react.

Lin Xuan's face changed and he wanted to rush out, but he was caught.

You can't go there, it is the thunder of destruction, with your current strength, even if you go, it will be wiped out.


Lin Xuan growled, his eyes were red.

Between the world and the sky, the figure of Thunder and Lin Zhan disappeared long ago.


The people of Huanggu Protoss, who laughed in the sky, and the true **** of Chiyang, and the real **** of magic sword, were also relieved.

The thunder god, sneered.

To be honest, mobilizing the three Heavenly Dao God Thunder is very costly to him.

However, the effect is very good,

A peerless enemy, it fell.

He turned to leave.

The sky-high God Thunder disappeared, and Lin Zhan's figure disappeared. Everyone thought that the other party had fallen.

But at this time, between heaven and earth, there was a loud voice.

If the fighting will not die, I will not die!

Through six reincarnations, my soul of war is still on!

When he heard this, Lin Xuan stopped and looked up at the sky.

He smiled. This was Lin Zhan's voice. Lin Zhan did not die out.

Those of God Realm were also relieved.

The others were stunned: what happened? Is Lin Zhan still alive?

For those of the Ancient God Race, the smile on their faces disappeared, and those of the Taixu Dragon Palace roared wildly.

This is impossible.

How terrifying the Heavenly Dao Shenlei, three Heavenly Dao Shenlei burst together, no one can resist.

How could this guy resist it?

Sword Demon True God and Chiyang True God, their faces also became ugly.

Hallucinations, what they hear must be hallucinations.

Thunder Dragon God, the face also changed.

The power of Heavenly Thunder God Thunder, he knows best, the other party should have vanished.

But what happened with this voice?

What is going on with this fighting spirit?

He felt the whole world, there was an extremely strong force that was recovering.

The blood around them appeared again between heaven and earth.

They glowed terribly, and then flew in one direction.

What is this means? Is the opponent really immortal?

Everyone was stunned, but the elders of the Famine Gods changed their faces.

They seemed to see the most incredible thing.

An elder of the Tianyang Protoss exclaimed: Battle against Samsara!

This is the Samsara Wars.

Damn, he really mastered this power.

Impossible. At that time, there were no five people who could control this power.

That was a powerful and powerful ancient ancient clan, and, at its peak.

This forest war is just a ants of this era, even if the wind is up, where can it go?

In front of us, it is still vulnerable, why can he cultivate it and fight against the reincarnation of Baishi?

However, he is very likely to be an old monster of the God of War, reincarnated and rebuilt.

Kill him soon, be sure to kill him.

The elders of the Taixu Dragon Palace also changed their looks.

They have discussed before that the strength of the Lin Zhan is very similar to that of the God of War.

It ’s just that they ’re not sure,

Moreover, even if it is the God of War tribe? It's just one of the hundreds of ancient people.

As long as the other party does not have the practice of reincarnation, it will still not threaten them.

However, now they found out that the other party had actually practiced and battled for reincarnation.

This is a fatal crisis for them.

In order to destroy the rebirth of the Battle of the World, they used to pay a painful price.

That was consumed, nine supreme gods.

In this day and age, can they withstand such consumption?

While the other party has not yet become the king of the gods, kill them quickly, and absolutely not be able to let the other party grow up.

Thinking of this, the strong man of Taixu Dragon Palace howled: Start.

Use all your heavenly gods and thunders to destroy him at all costs.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked: What happened? Why did the ancient gods become so crazy?

How does it feel? There is a trace of terror in the words of the ancient gods!

What are they afraid of?

Are they afraid of Lin Zhan?

Everyone was shocked,

Even those in God's Domain changed their complexion.

Damn, do you want to join forces?

Hands on.

Lin Xuan roared and rushed out. The dragon in his body roared into a peerless sword light, sweeping the world.

That force made many people exclaim.

Damn it.

Those of the ancient ancient gods, who felt the breath of the dragon sword, also changed their looks.

This is also a force that shocks them and can threaten them.

Now that they had no regard for the Dragon Sword, they had to exterminate the Battle of Samsara first.

As for the Dragon Sword, I will talk about it later.

Thunder Dragon God took a deep breath and united Heavenly God Thunder again.

Golden Thunder, UU reading www.uukaanshu. Com appeared between heaven and earth, and his face became extremely pale, his body trembling.

Although he was born with the Thunder God, but this power is indeed very powerful.

Every time it is cast, there is a huge consumption, even a huge burden on his body and blood.

He has never performed so many gods and gods,

Today, he can't hold it anymore.

However, he must shoot and must destroy the opponent.

Chiyang, Sword Demon, the two of you shot together, and at all costs, killed me.

The elders of the other two protoss also ordered.

Hearing this, the true **** of Chiyang and the true **** of sword demon took a deep breath, and they walked in great strides.

The three top-notch Dacheng true gods must be shot together.


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