Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7574: Blue Dragon Decree! Dragon Palace was stunned!

Xing Tianhe and others joined forces to kill the mansion in front.

A lot of formations appeared around, shining mysteriously.

As soon as the forces of both sides collided, they made a roaring sound.

The elders of Erlongmen frowned slightly when they saw this scene.

According to the rules, the residences of these disciples are protected by the formation.

Anyone who dares to attack will be punished for breaking the rules.

Under normal circumstances, they will definitely come out to stop, and then punish Xingtianhe and others.

But this time is different.

This time, Xingtianhe and others are for the sake of Dragon Tatian!

If they stop at this time, wouldn't they say that they want to be an enemy with Longtatian?

For these elders in the Black Dragon Palace, they have 100 guts, and they dare not dare.

They can only pretend to be silent and watch from a distance.

At the most critical time, it is enough to stop and save the life of the mad god.

After all, the mad **** is the first genius of the Two Dragon Gates. If it falls, no one can afford it.

Without the elders' stopping, Xing Tianhe and others, crazy shots, the formation was really broken by them.

A series of black cracks appeared, and Xingtianhe and others laughed in the sky.

Get in.

They rushed in quickly.

Soon, came to Lin Xuan's mansion.

Those other people were also nervously concerned. At this moment, countless eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

In front of Long Yaotian, there is a light curtain at the Three Dragon Gates, which shows the scene of Lin Xuan Mansion.

Although he didn't shoot, he wanted to see it with his own eyes, and the other party was suppressed.

Stupid stuff, dare to **** my baby, how do you die?

Long Yaotian sneered.

Boy, don't you kneel yet?

Xing Tianhe drank coldly, and the others were murderous.

No matter how strong the mad **** is? Two fists are hard to beat, but they can't beat so many of them.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and looked around without expression.

He was not afraid, but sneered: Are you sure, you want to do it with me?

I advise you to kneel on the ground now and apologize. I can spare you once.

Otherwise, you cannot afford the consequences.

He was so arrogant when he died.

Xing Tianhe sneered: You dare to offend Brother and dare to take Brother Long Yaotian's treasure.

You are destined to fall.

What are the last words left?

Lin Xuan sighed. Hasn't he come yet?

It seems that he can only deal with these ants.

A terrible dragon shadow appeared on his body. The Dragon Dao Wushen tactics worked quickly, and Lin Xuan was ready to shoot.

Xing Tianhe felt this power, and his face also changed.

He is naturally not an opponent, but he will not single out, he shouted: Everyone shot together.

The people around them are also murderous, and the terrifying dragon power flew out.

The battle was about to erupt, but at this time, there was a terrible blue light in the distance, flying over.

This light is really terrible.

It turned into a phantom of a green dragon, and instantly came to the top of Lin Xuan's mansion.

Then, a sound of dragon sounded.

At this moment, the entire Second Dragon Gate was shocked.

Numerous palaces and pavilions were shaking, and the void was rolling, and it seemed to be cracked.

Xing Tianhe and others were startled: Was Dragon Dance shooting?

Dragon Dance is the top genius of the Three Dragon Gates, and their identity is completely above them.

If the opponent shoots, they can't fight.

They also have countermeasures.

Brother Long Yaotian said that once Dragon Dance started, Brother Long Yaotian would take action in person.

Sure enough.

Long Yaotian, who was watching at the Three Dragon Gates, was also gloomy when he saw this scene.

Dragon Dance, I won't let you do it.

He stood up, ready to go to the Second Dragon Gate, but, at the next moment, he was stunned.

He stared at the light curtain in front of him, his eyes widened, and even his face turned pale in an instant.

His body trembled slightly.

Damn, how is this possible?

He growled.

He discovered that it wasn't Dragon Dance.

He froze there.

Lin Xuan's mansion, Xingtianhe and others, the body is also trembling.

In the sky, there was a super power that made them unable to resist.

They look forward to it: Brother Long Yaotian, you quickly get rid of it.

However, after waiting and waiting, there was no sign of Long Yaotian.

what happened? Didn't Brother Yaotian shoot?

They can't beat Sister Dragon Dance!

Even Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment. At the next moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He waited finally.

The phantom of the blue dragon in the sky, suspended in the void, radiates a dazzling light.

Subsequently, a scroll was slowly synthesized, and his dragon head and dragon tail were the two ends of the scroll.

Qinglong's body slowly opened.

A more brilliant light swept through, and one after another appeared the runes of the dragon family.

Those runes merged with the Avenue of Heaven and Earth to form a supreme dragon and prestige.

Under this force, Xingtianhe and others could not resist it, and they immediately knelt down.

What kind of power is this?

They are all crazy.

This is not the power of Sister Dragon Dance.

Who is doing it?

Not only them, but also the disciples of the Second Dragon Gate in the distance, were also crushed to the ground by this force.

The elders of the Black Dragon Palace, who had been watching silently, changed their faces.

One of the elders exclaimed: This is the Blue Dragon Decree.

They are expensive elders, although they do not know how to kneel, but it is also a gift at this moment.

They were shocked in their hearts, the Blue Dragon Decree, but the supreme existence.

What was announced above is that they are all earth-shattering things.

What is it that can alarm the Qinglong Imperial Decree, and is also related to the mad god?

Suddenly, they thought of a possibility.

Their cold sweat suddenly fell.

The Qinglong Imperial Decree slowly opened, and the faucet made a loud sound, spreading all over the world.

"Crazy God, the first record of the Second Dragon Gate, and now it is making great contributions to the Dragon Palace."

"It is the top genius of the Taixu Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan's hope for the future. From now on, the mad **** will be promoted to the Three Dragon Gates."

"Hereby telling the world."

There is not much content of Qinglong Imperial Decree, however, every word resembles thunder, resounding through the world.

Everyone was stunned.

Has Mad God been promoted to Sanlongmen?

How can it be so fast?

The elders at Erlongmen were stunned.

Know how difficult it is to enter the Three Dragon Gates.

Before the first genius of the Second Dragon Gate, Feng Qianling, ranked first in the black dragon list, how many years.

However, there has never been a chance to enter Sanlongmen ~ ~ This crazy **** has just become the first in the Black Dragon List, it has not been a year,

I went directly to Sanlongmen.

What means is this?

What luck?

It's against the sky.

Feng Qianling was also stupid when he got the news.

How could this look?

How did the mad **** do it?

They just heard that Mad God offended the brother.

However, they didn't know about the fact that the crazy **** saved Dragon Dance.

Everyone was shocked at the news that the mad **** was promoted to Sanlongmen.

Xing Tianhe and others are even more frightened.


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