Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7575: In the name of Mad God! Sweep across the world!

Before the crazy god, although it was the first of the two dragons, the strongest genius in the black dragon list.

However, Xingtianhe and others are not afraid.

You are strong, but everyone's status is the same.

Even if you have Sister Dragon Dance behind you, there is Brother Long Yaotian behind them.

Everyone is fighting at the same level.

But now, they are really scared.

The mad **** was promoted directly to Sanlongmen.

This is not the same level, fighting.

This is equivalent to directly challenging the disciples of Sanlongmen,

This gave them 100 lives, not enough for them to die.

What a terrible disciple of Sanlongmen,

Let's not talk about strength first, but just talk about that status, it is completely above them.

Even the elders of Erlongmen should treat each other with courtesy.

Xing Yaotian and others can suppress Yilongmen's disciples at will.

The people of the Three Dragon Gates, beheading the disciples of the One Dragon Gate, do not need any reason at all.

Even as long as the reason is sufficient, the disciples of Erlongmen can be killed.

Now, they challenge the mad god, and the mad **** has every reason to kill them.

Finished, finished, they did everything, but did not count, the mad **** could be promoted so quickly.

They began to kowtow on their knees.

Those who shot, said in horror: Brother Mad God, forgiveness, we are wrong.

Brother Mad God, forgive us, we no longer dare.

I'm damn, I'm guilty.

Some people knelt directly on the ground and slapped themselves.

They hope to use this to reduce Lin Xuan's anger.

Xing Tianhe is also terrified, his body trembling, his dead heart is gone.

He now wished that he turned into a dust so that the other party would not notice him.

Lin Xuan said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally, he became a disciple of Sanlongmen. Next, he can practice breathing.

It's really not easy!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but want to growl in the sky,

However, there are still things to be solved.

That is, these things in front of you.

He is ready to stand up.

These people dare to be so arrogant and dare to break through his mansion, even the elders default.

This made Lin Xuan very angry.

However, he also knew that the reason these people dared to do it was because the dragon set foot in the sky.

Long Tatian's prestige is too strong, sweeping the entire Dragon Palace.

Lin Xuan challenged Long Tatian to make everyone feel angry and unbearable.

Lin Xuan, now is to break this rule.

He wants to establish his reputation.

You don't need to kill too much, just kill one, it's enough to stand up.

Lin Xuan stared at Xingtianhe and said coldly: Xingtianhe, can you be guilty?

Xing Tianhe was so scared that he passed out: Rao Ming, Brother Madness, Rao Ming.

Although he did not want 100 in his heart, he did not want to kneel down, but now he can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

What you do is obvious to everyone. Do you think I will spare you?

Needless to say, Lin Xuan stepped out, and in his hands, a terrible flame sword gas appeared.

These are the fires of Jinwu, extremely terrible, sweeping in all directions.

Xingtianhe, when he felt this power, was scared crazy.

He shouted: Elder, save me.

Brother Long Yaotian, save me!

Today, no one can save you.

Lin Xuan sang coldly, and the flame sword in his hand fell.

Xingtianhe was split into two halves, and he turned into a blood mist, extinguished with smoke.

The remaining people were frightened.

Some people directly fainted.

Some people cry for mercy.

Those in the distance knelt even more: too strong, too decisive.

Don't give the opponent any chance at all, a trick to kill.

The people in the starry sky who are indestructible in the veins of the dragon have gone mad after learning.

They did not dare to do it, Lin Xuan's momentum is too strong today, and, obviously, to take advantage of Xingtianhe.

Now, in the past, maybe this guy will go crazy against them.

If at this time, being cut by the opponent, no one can save them.

Who else is not convinced? Can stand up now, I give him a chance to challenge.

Lin Xuan looked in all directions,

Those around me bowed their heads.

The disciples knelt down and the elders dared not stare at them.

The world is quiet and terrible.

Dare to challenge me again, Xingtianhe is your end.

Lin Xuan snorted and withdrew the Flame Sword.

He knew that the effect of Liwei had already been achieved, and no further action was needed.

These people dare not touch him again.

In the sky, the Blue Dragon Sovereign again rose into the air, it did not disappear, but came to the nine days above.

Qinglong's voice once again spread all over the world.

The sacred dragon's decree is to tell the world that the blue dragon's mark on it is the power of the **** king.

Under the blessing of this kind of power, Qinglong's voice spread all over the world.

"Crazy God is promoted to the Three Dragon Gates!"

At this moment, not only the Taixu Dragon Palace was shocked, but the other Protoss were also shocked.

Those ancient gods know what the Three Dragon Gates represent.

That's the highest level of arrogance. There is hope in the future, and it will become the existence of the God King.

How difficult it is to enter the Three Dragon Gates,

Now that the Taixu Dragon Palace has another top-level pride?

Their pressure is on again.

These wild ancient protoss have fought each other for countless years,

Now, are they going to be crushed again?

No, they also want to bring their disciples to a higher level.

Those of the ancient gods are nervous, and the people of the heavens and the world are also shocked.

Although they were not clear about what the Three Dragon Gates represented, a dragon roared through the heavens and the world.

What a **** it is,

Think about it and know what it means to enter the Three Dragon Gates.

This crazy **** is really enviable! This person must not offend in the future.

There are many discussions in the world.

The land of God, Shangqing City, even heard the sound of the Dragon Roar.

They were extremely excited.

Murong Qingcheng they are very happy, but they know that the mad **** is Lin Xuan.

Xuan brother, finally entered the Sanlongmen.

Haha, that kid can finally practice breathing.

How strong will his strength be? It's really exciting.

Dark Red Dragon they are also excited.

On this day, Lin Xuan swept the heavens and the world again in the name of the mad god.

Three Longmen, Long Yaotian's complexion, it's hard to see the extreme.

Originally, she thought that this time it was easy to suppress the crazy god, even if the dragon dance shot, he was not afraid.

But where do you want to go to ~ ~ things have happened and the world has changed dramatically.

This mad **** turned into a disciple of Sanlongmen,

The other party turned out to be the same as his status.

Long Yao weather is crazy.

What is the qualification of a little ant to sit on equal foot with him?

He roared up in anger.

The light curtain in front was instantly shattered.

Not only that, the whole mansion was shaken violently.

The void outside the mansion turned into a black hole, as if to devour everything.

The warriors and servants under his hands were so scared to kneel to the ground.

Their scalp is numb: Who is it, dare to anger Long Yaotian?

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