Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7579: Blue Dragon Battle Day!

Was even despised! The young disciple was completely angry, and he reached out his palm.

He patted his palm towards the front,

In the middle of the sky, it became bigger and turned into a dark cloud.

Horrible scales appeared on it, and there were even terrible flames blooming.

Don't look at his low status in front of Long Yaotian, similar to his servants, but his strength is extremely terrible.

Those top geniuses who are not weaker than Erlongmen are much scarier than Xingtianhe.

This palm, overwhelming, landed on the formation in front of it, making a thunderous sound.

The formation swayed violently, although it was not broken, but that voice had spread all over the distance.

Some people have watched it in secret. They didn't show up, but there was a lot of discussion.

I don't know how to deal with this mad god?

Just entering the Three Dragon Gates, I offended Long Yaotian, I am afraid that I will have to suffer in the future.

Inside the Mad God Palace, Lin Xuan opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

He looked out, and soon he snorted!

It turned out to be Long Yaotian's men.

Today, he has entered the Three Dragon Gates, sitting on an equal footing with Long Yaotian, and does not fear each other at all.

He didn't even look in one of his hands, and at the next moment, he extended a finger and pointed a little forward.

A sword qi flew out, and this sword qi also carried a hot breath.

Just like the Fire Sword, it flew out of the palace instantly and flew outside.

The young disciple was still clamoring outside. Suddenly, a sword flew over and fell on his big hand.

The palm full of dragon scales was immediately penetrated.

The whole palm split open and turned into a blood mist, he was also shocked by this force, and made a miserable voice.

The young disciples were crazy, and the other party even dared to hurt him!

This is not hitting his face, it is hitting Long Yaotian's face.

The young disciple gritted his teeth and said: You wait, you are dead.

He turned and left, and returned to Yaotian Dragon Palace. The young disciple immediately cried and said: Brother, that crazy **** is too arrogant.

He ignored me at all, and even shot me to hurt me. He didn't take your brother in your eyes.

Long Yaotian's face was terribly black: **** guy.

He was furious.

Today, he personally took a lesson, this thing that doesn't know the sky and the earth.

He stood up and walked towards the outside in stride.

The young disciple followed behind, a sneer raised in the corner of his mouth: I think how do you die?

Long Yaotian, with a strong murderous spirit, and a monstrous fighting intention, left the palace.

Fly towards the mad shrine.

Along the way, murderous.

Some geniuses at Sanlongmen also laughed when they saw this scene in secret.

It seems that Long Yaotian is furious. I don't know the mad god. Can he beat Long Yaotian?

More and more interesting!

Sanlongmen has been quiet for a long time.

These dragon clan geniuses who entered the three dragon gates either went out and hunted wild ancient monsters or contended with other **** clan people.

Either go back to your palace and retreat, some for decades, some for hundreds or thousands of years.

It can be said that everyone has been practicing individually, although Longwu and Long Yaotian have recently fought openly.

However, they are only fighting each other, and there is no head-on conflict.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Mad God came, he immediately angered Long Yaotian.

Even Long Yaotian, at any cost, has to take action in person. This is a lot of things that have not happened for thousands of years.

How could these top geniuses not be shocked?

Long Yaotian came to the outside of the Mad God Palace, where he stood.

He was very young, his black hair was flying, and he had a terrible combat power, as if torn apart.

He is like a young **** of war, what he cultivates is, the blue dragon fights the heaven tactics.

Although he has not become a true god, he is very close.

His power far exceeds those of the Second Dragon Gate.

Even, Long Yaotian dared to contend and become a true god.

Like Dragon Dance, he is a top-notch genius, facing dacheng true **** alone, without fear.

The mad **** in front of him, he hasn't put it in his eyes yet.

Mad God, don't think you can be arrogant when you enter the Three Dragon Gates.

Return the Qinglong Ancient Lamp to me and immediately come out to see me.

His voice was indifferent.

Never come out again, don't blame me for breaking your mountain gate, and suppress you with your own hands.

At that time, you want to regret it is too late.

Inside the Mad God Palace, Lin Xuan opened his eyes again and looked out.

He saw a very powerful man in Shenlong's armor standing there.

It's like a young **** of war. The fighting power of the opponent is terrible.

However, Lin Xuan did not pay much attention to it.

After seeing his father again, the fighting power of Lin Zhan, the fighting power of those other people is not enough to shock him.

Long Yaotian!

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, not the first time he saw each other.

In his first time, when he first came to the Taixu Dragon Palace, he had seen each other.

However, at that time, the other party was above him, and he did not take him seriously.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years now, the two sides have equalized.

I'm afraid Long Yaotian can't even dream about it.

Lin Xuan sneered even more at the other party's words.

He Shen Sheng said: Qinglong Ancient Lamp is my spoils for defeating Xingtianhe, it belongs to me.

What does it have to do with you?

Lin Xuan's voice came out,

After listening to Long Yaotian, he was mad.

He growled and said: That I lent to Xingtianhe.

What is it about me? You lent it to Xingtianhe, then you can find Xingtianhe.

Dare to come to my mansion again, don't blame me for being rude.

Quickly roll.

Lin Xuan drank coldly, like a dragon, his voice spread all over the world.

Long Yaotian was mad, and Xingtianhe had long since fallen. This kid made it clear that he planned not to give him.

Angrily, he roared up in the sky, and the golden light on his body went straight to the sky.

Turned into a terrible dragon shadow, rushing towards the front, violently.

Lin Xuan's voice came out: the rules of Sanlongmen, you will not forget it.

If you want to forcibly attack my mansion, I will go to the Qinglong Palace to find the elder theory.

When the time comes, see who is unlucky?

Lin Xuan's words made Long Yaotian completely mad, and the golden dragon shadow stopped in mid-air.

Damn ~ ~ He didn't expect that the other party had just entered the Three Dragon Gates, and he understood the rules so clearly.

The disciples in the Three Dragon Gates are not ordinary people, they are the top geniuses, and their mansions cannot be attacked at will.

Even if Yao Yaotian is arrogant, he dares to scare the other party.

Or bullying the other party has just come in and does not understand the rules.

Now that the other party has spoken out the rules, he really dare not do it.

He was extremely reluctant and put away the Golden Dragon Phantom.

He said coldly: Boy, I don't believe you won't come out, wait for you to come out, see how I clean up you?

With a big sleeve, he turned and left, and said to the young disciple beside him: You stay here and stare at him.

As soon as he came out, immediately send me the news.

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