Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7580: Chaos Protoss, shot!

Long Yaotian returned home, and surprised the other strongmen of Sanlongmen.

It seems that this new mad god, which is not ordinary, can actually make Long Yaotian crazy and suffer.

It's really rare.

It was also said: Long Yaotian has always been arrogant, and now he will lose money, and he will certainly not be willing to give up.

That crazy god, unless he does not come out in his whole life, as long as he comes out, Long Yaotian will not let him go.

Want to come, the next three dragon gates, will not be too calm.

After a few words, these people took their eyes away and began to practice.

On the other side, Lin Xuan played a lineup and completely closed the Mad Palace.

He wants to practice with all his strength and just got Kun's breathing method. He wants to develop with all his strength, the dragon veins in his body.

As for things outside, he simply ignored them.

In this way, Sanlongmen became quiet again.

Those in the Dragon Palace are still talking about various legends about mad gods.

In the vast universe, it was the wind and the clouds, and the Chaos Protoss finally shot.

Chaos Protoss is very strong and ranks very high. It also joined the other side, and its strength and heritage are stronger.

No shots have been made before, and people will soon forget their existence.

Now, there are some people of Chaos Protoss, who quietly left the other shore and set off towards Burial Emperor Star.

Their goal this time was to bury Emperor Star.

To be exact, it is Ye Family and Ancient Family,

The strength of these two families today is not very strong.

Their origin is extremely extraordinary, even in this era, it is also very mysterious.

They are the Tiandi family. These two families have two Tiandi.

Although the two heavenly emperors have left today and are missing, they still have some cards left.

For example, Heavenly Emperor Ding, such as the Ancient Void.

This is the emperor of the heavenly emperor, and even the ancient ancient protoss still wants it.

Now this time, they are temptations. After all, the family of Heavenly Emperor must have some unknown power.

If you forcibly attack, maybe it will attract the phantom of the emperor,

In that case, it is troublesome.

This time, send someone to try, if the details of these two families, that is the case.

They will unceremoniously shoot and swallow the two Tiandi families.

This time it was shot by a strong man of Chaos Protoss, who was named Dragon Slayer True God.

He led people to a bright light, which seemed to break through the universe.

Finally came to bury Emperor Star,

Looking at the star below, the True God of Slashing Dragon also narrowed his eyes.

How can the stars of these heavens and the world be comparable to 9 days and 10 earths?

They were disdainful, but when they watched it carefully.

They found that the star below seemed to have extremely mysterious power, so that they could not see through it.

Worthy of being the legendary burial emperor star, several emperors are here, leaving their own family and ancestry.

Want to come, there should be extraordinary secrets.

Let me take a look, what is the secret of this star?

He did not personally shoot,

With a wave of his hand, someone came out behind.

He brought his men,

There are 7 of them, named Seven Kills.

Now the shot is the seventh.

Lao Qi was wearing a purple dress. His appearance was very young. His figure flickered and he disappeared.

When it reappeared, he had come to bury Emperor Xing.

In this burial emperor star, there is a mountain, very magical.

This is a black mountain, extremely terrible, with an immortal breath on it.

This mountain is called the immortal mountain.

In that year's Unending Mountain, but the life of this world is forbidden, no matter who it is, they dare not go.

On the indestructible mountain, an extremely terrible existence fell asleep, known as the indestructible supreme.

Later, Immortal Supreme, left, the power of Immortal Mountain is not as good as before.

But even so, it is also very terrible. In burial of Emperor Star, the weak ones are not qualified to come to the mountain.

Only those top people dare to come here to experience.

Now on the Undying Mountain, there is a team of five, all young people, led by a young woman.

Don't look at the other party looks like a fairy, however, the strength is extremely terrible.

Between hands and feet, it seems to be able to open up the earth and destroy everything.

This young woman, named Ye Ling'er, is the top genius of the Ye family's new generation.

At a young age, the bloodline is extremely terrible.

More importantly, when the other party began to practice, they had already practiced the ancient emperor of heaven.

Can be described as promising.

Today's Ye family is more powerful than before, they joined and got a lot of resources.

Coupled with their blood, and the magical powers of the ancient scriptures of the emperor.

The younger generation is also dazzling.

On this indestructible mountain, there are some indestructible monsters, they killed this team of Ye family.

Young disciples of the Ye family quickly attacked. They came here to experience.

This place, although dangerous for them, is not fatal.

Can give them a lot of pressure, let them break through in battle.

There was a black bear up to 100 meters high in front of him, with an indelible breath on his body, which was extremely scary.

He quickly rushed over and shot several of the Ye family's martial artists.

The young geniuses of the Ye family were stunned: this monster is terrible.

Ye Ling'er laughed: Let me come.

She saw the white jade-like palms and tapped gently towards the front.

This is like the hand of the god, breaking the void instantly.

Between heaven and earth, a terrible big crack appeared, and the huge giant monster was instantly shrouded.

His body split open into countless indestructible breaths, scattered all over the place.

One move spike.

The disciples around them exclaimed when they saw this scene.

It's worthy of Ling'er, and it's really strong enough. This bloodline is also terrible.

They were envious of their faces, and further away, there were some strong ones in it.

These people are not young people anymore. They are all old monsters who have lived for a long time.

Although some look young, there are years old in his eyes.

They were also shocked when they stood in the void in the distance, looking at this scene.

Some people also shook their heads and smiled: Alas, the blood gap is really too big.

This Ye Ling'er, said to be under 100 years old, is his strength so horrible?

I heard that in Ye Ling'er's bloodline ~ ~ there is a trace of the blood line of the ancestor, which is very terrible.

These strong men of the older generation have a lot of discussion and envy.

Ye Ling'er in front seemed to have done a trivial thing.

She waved and said: Continue to go.

At this time, in the void ahead, a laugh came.

Is the Ye family only capable of this? What a surprise.

When I heard this, the disciples of the Ye family stopped.

Who frowned tightly? Dare to challenge their Ye family.

In this world, I am afraid no one dares to challenge them.

The old strongmen in the distance were also stunned: who is so ignorant of life and death?

They widened their eyes, very curious, and looked towards the front.


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