Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7581: Ancient sky monument

The young disciples of the Ye family looked ugly.

One of them snorted: Who? come out.

The void in front of him shook a crack in space, and from that crack came a young figure.

It was a man in a purple dress, with a purple glow on his body.

The disciples of the Ye family snorted: Who are you? Sign up.

Ye Ling'er narrowed his eyes, he waved his hand and said: Don't care about him, we continue to experience.

When they came, the ancestors within the clan had already told them.

Outside, don't cause trouble, just experience.

Ye Ling'er keeps in mind.

Ye Ling'er's status is very high. After listening, all the disciples walked back.

Following Ye Ling'er, they are ready to continue their experience.

But at this moment, a figure came and stopped.

He said: Why? Do you want a lot of waste?

That's awful.

Those around me are crazy, some people said: Linger, let me do it.

Looking at him, would it be the Holy Land of the Purple House?

Ye Ling'er said: No, he is not from the Purple House. He should come from other star worlds.

You go to test his strength.

After listening, the disciples of the Ye family nodded and rushed out.

The man in Ziyi opposite is the seventh of seven kills. He was ordered to test the strength of the Ye family.

Today, when he saw the disciples of the Ye family rushing, he sneered.

With the big sleeves waving, the purple cloud rushed out instantly and turned into a purple unicorn, directly flapping the other party.

The disciples of the Ye family, who vomited blood and shattered their bodies, changed the face of other people: what a terrible power.

This man looks very young. Unexpectedly, his strength is so terrible.

Where is he sacred? It should not be a person in our world.

The old men in the distance, when they saw this scene, had a lot of talk.

Ye Ling'er frowned slightly, and she shot a few pills to swallow the injured disciple.

Afterwards, she looked forward, and Shen Sheng said: If you want to learn, don't use such a ruthless hand.

Sorry, that was just my most ordinary blow. Who made you so **** and could not resist it?

The Ye family is really disappointing.

The purple man sneered again and again.

I want to see, what qualifications do you have, so arrogant?

Ye Ling'er is also angry, the other party has bullied them, how could she not shoot?

She came out, raised her palm, and patted towards the front.

With a light palm, but with the power to suppress all, the void around the man in purple clothes instantly shattered.

The man in purple clothes also sneered, his big sleeves waved, and the boundless purple clouds turned into a purple unicorn again, and rushed over.

The two collided and shook the earth.

Only one move, the unicorn, was smashed, and the white jade-like palms killed the man in purple clothes.

The man in Ziyi's complexion changed. With such a strong force, he quickly backed away.

This palm shattered the place where he originally stood into nothingness.

When the man in purple dress retreated to the rear, his face was ugly.

The Ye family laughed: You are not too good,

Ling'er, continue to shoot and suppress him.

They all laughed,

Ye Ling'er shot again.

This time she shot, her palms were sealed, turned into an ancient stone monument, and fell from the sky.

The man in purple clothes dodges quickly, but no matter how he hides, this stone monument falls from the sky and falls on him.

Eventually, he was suppressed on the ground and vomited blood.

How shocked is his face? He couldn't escape.

Of course you can't hide it. This is the power of the heaven and earth ancient scriptures. How can you escape it?

The Ye family laughed.

Above nine days, the real **** of the dragon was cut, and when looking at this scene, his face was expressionless.

However, those around him shivered.


These seven kills are not the people of Chaos Protoss, they are the warriors of the Eternal Land.

The eternal land is incomparably vast, and there are endless warriors, families, not all warriors, who can join the other side.

The other side is in the eternal land, which is equivalent to dominating the general existence, which is what all the martial artists want to join.

The luck of these seven kills is very good, they are young and very talented.

Occasionally, he was fancy by this dragon-cutting god, became a servant, and took him with him.

The seven kills were extremely excited.

With such a master of the world, even if they become servants, they are enough to laugh and pride.

If you want to come to them, you can definitely become a master,

Facing a young disciple now, they can't beat it.

Doesn't it mean they are waste?

Let me go!

The third of the seven kills came out, and he had an extremely terrible killing intention.

His strength is stronger than the seventh.

You shot together.

It was at this time that Shen Zhen, the true **** of dragon-cutting, said.

The six people were stunned, but they did not dare to have any hesitation.

They said: Obey.

Six people turned into lightning and rushed towards the bottom.

The real **** of dragon-cutting is standing in the void, and his eyes are extremely deep.

To be honest, a Ye Ling'er, he really didn't take it seriously,

In one breath, he was able to let the other party die.

However, Ye Ling'er's methods did surprise him,

That ancient seal is extremely mysterious.

If it is cast by a true god, I am afraid it will be even more terrible!

Worthy of being Emperor Tian's family!

This should be the means that Emperor Tian stayed.

The True God of Dragon Slaying is more and more interested in the Ye Family. He has to look at how much the other party has.

Below, the purple man growled wildly.

No matter what method he used, he could not separate, this ancient stone tablet.

Just when he was desperate, six lightnings came to him and joined forces to fly the stone tablet.

Then he said: Seventh, the master ordered and shot together.

The man in purple stood up, and the next moment he spit out a purple long sword.

The other six figures have different clothes and colors,

However, their movements are uniform.

They all spit out a flying sword,

The color of each flying sword is different.

The seven-handed flying swords joined together to form a terrible seven-killing formation.

Killed Ye Ling'er.

Ye Ling'er's figure became very misty, she dared not fall into the formation.

She also felt that this formation was terrible.

Those other disciples around me ~ ~ saw this scene, but their face changed a lot.

Is it too mean? Seven out of one, we will help.

They rushed past quickly,

They had just approached and were shocked by the seven-handed flying sword.

Someone even got injured and saw marks on his body.

You retreat, don't fight against him, this flying sword has an extraordinary origin.

Ye Ling'er discovered that the metal materials of these seven flying swords were not what the world possessed at all.

There are some mysterious runes on it, which are extremely scary.

Where are these people sacred?

Thinking about it, Feijian suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had come to Ye Ling'er's side.

Cover Ye Linger completely.


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