Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7590: Zhenxian!

Lin Xuanshi exhibited the Wanlong figure, which made his strength improve again.

With a cold drink, the whole world opened up,

The ancient Tianbei, violent shaking, the light above, became indefinite.

That pair of patterns from the ancient times began to blur.

With a click, it seemed to be torn apart for nine days and ten days,

A crack appeared on the Huanggu Tianbei.

This rift, like an abyssal sword, was completely cleaved, those old patterns.


The Tianbei rocked violently, just like a giant mountain collapsed, and endless boulders rolled down.

Falling into the starry sky, turned into a rolling chaotic atmosphere, scattered around.

The starry sky was penetrated, and the endless universe starlight became dim.

How can it be?

People of Chaos Protoss were shocked when they saw this scene.

Peerless magical powers, ancient monuments were shattered.

This invincible force is too strong, right?

This guy is going to go against the sky, he can actually, and contend with Dacheng true god.

Are we dreaming?

People of Chaos Protoss are dumbfounded.

Even the true God of Slashing Dragon has changed its face,

He also felt that a huge force came.

The stele shattered, causing him to be struck by lightning, his body shaking and his breath rolling.

With a roar, he exerted a powerful divine power and suppressed the monstrous blood.

His eyes became cold, like a peerless heavenly sword, breaking through the world.

Little ant, you have angered me completely, this seat wants you to die better than life.

It ’s really angry to slash the dragon,

He was bitten by a small ant.


The big hand was in the air, covering a side of the starry sky, towards the bottom, and patted fiercely.

The Fangtian monument in the palm of your hand fell down at a rapid rate.

Lin Xuan's hands were like dragons, tearing the world apart,

With such a touch, the Fangtian Stele was completely cracked and turned into endless divine power, sweeping the Quartet.

Those around me were shocked and retreated.

There are even strong men who vomit blood.

Although the ancient monument is broken,

However, this peerless supernatural power does not end.

Slashing the palm of the true God of the dragon has become more terrifying than the ancient monument.

On the palm, again, an ancient pattern emerged.

This is the pattern on the former Tianbei, and now it is displayed in the palm.


The true **** of dragon slashing is a supernatural power, the ancestor of the Chaos Protoss.

This magical power has been passed down for a long time, and it was famous in the ancient times.

In the old age, a sword immortal was born. This is an ancient existence that survived from the last era.

This sword immortal, very powerful, cultivated to reach the level of God King.

In the ancient times, with a fairy sword and tyrannical cultivation behavior, sweeping the world.

Many strong people of the Huanggu tribe have been beheaded by the sword immortal.

Really strong to the extreme,

Later, this Sword Immortal even caused Chaos Protoss.

A **** ancestor of Chaos Protoss, shot.

Patriarch and Sword Immortal had a big showdown.

In the end, this sword fairy was suppressed by the king of Chaos.

Since then, that palm has evolved into a peerless magical power, and passed down.

Known as Zhenxian!

Now, being exhibited by the true **** of dragon-cutting is equally terrible.

The big palm fell into the air and enveloped Lin Xuan again. The void around him instantly became rigid.

It seemed as if it had been frozen by the ice and could no longer be melted away.

This powerful force makes anyone desperate.

My move can suppress Dacheng True God of the same level. What do you want to fight against me?

The ants are the ants, please realize it. Cut the dragon coldly.

Hahahaha, this kid will die.

No matter how strong it is? He is too late to use the Dragon Sword now.

He was already shrouded in Zhenxian's palm and could not escape.

Who made him so arrogant? Dare to compete with our ancestors of Chaos Protoss.

The disciples of the Protoss sneered.

Lin Xuan did feel the great crisis.

Under this palm, his Wanlong figure seemed to become dim and stopped spinning.

His breathing became difficult.

It's really strong, worthy of Chaos Protoss, not to be underestimated, it is worth his full efforts.

In the next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes erupted with a chilling light.

With a big wave, Qixing Longyuan appeared in front of him.

Above the **** of swords, seven stars radiate a deep light, like a starry sky dragon, sleeping.

Lin Xuan grabbed the Seven Star Dragon Abyss, exerted the power of the fairy, and poured into the Excalibur.

The seven stars illuminate one after another, turning into the brightest stars, illuminating the world.

A sword singed, like a dragon roar, Qixing Longyuan, like the ancient sleeping dragon, was resurrected.

In the hands of Lin Xuan, a dazzling light bloomed.

Lin Xuan single-handedly held the sword and rose into the sky, the power of the Dragon Sword Soul exploded, and the power of the fairy exploded.

The breathing method he used, between a breath and a breath, the Dragon Sword Spirit also seemed to come alive.

Power, more terrible than before.

kendo! Longteng Jiuxiao!

Lin Xuan was like a dragon, swaying straight up, the swords of man were united, and killed Zhenxian!

The big hands in the sky cover the world and the mysterious pattern in the palm is still shining.

The real **** of dragon-cutting snorted coldly: the peerless sword immortals were all suppressed.

Not to mention your swordsman.


The two collided and overturned the world.

The bright light covered all directions.

Those of Chaos God Clan retreated to the rear, and they could not see anything.

In front is the breath of chaos, the chilling sword light, and the monstrous dragon roar.

The earth-shattering power engulfed everything.

Burial Emperor Star also shook violently, and those in the star world were also stunned.

Ye Wudao and they were equally worried when they felt this power.

This is the power of the Dragon Sword Soul, Lin Xuan is coming, before Lin Xuan shot.

Ye Wudao and others were shocked: Lin Xuan's strength became stronger than before.

At the same time, they were worried,

No matter how strong Lin Xuan is, it is only the true God of the beginning. Can he contend with the true God of Dacheng?

Thunderbreaking God and others are also shocked.

The three true gods who had fallen from the sky before were seriously injured, but they did not die.

They were all in the sea of ​​blood, exhausted all their strength, and looked to the sky.

The true God of breaking sword sneered: Lin invincible, unable to resist.

The God of Broken Knife also smiled: he will be suppressed, and he can be defeated under this palm. He is proud of himself.

Extraterrestrial sky,

That vast force ~ ~ is still erupting, not only has it not weakened, but it has become more terrible.

The big hand in the sky was shaken violently, and the figure of Zhenxian above turned out to be indefinite.

How can it be? This guy's power is so powerful.

His swordsmanship is so strong, is this the power of the Dragon Sword Soul?

When he slashed the dragon and felt this power, his face also changed.

Although he is not a **** king, it is no problem to use his power to suppress the strong men of the same state.

He now seems to be a bit overwhelmed Lin Xuan.

At this moment, his face changed again,

He felt that the power in Lin Xuan had changed again.

I have a sword! Like a sword fairy! Cut for nine days!

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