Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7591: Slash the Dragon Sword!

A peerless sword light illuminates the world and everyone is stunned.

In their ears, only one voice sounded.

Like a sword fairy! Cut for nine days.

That peerless sword light was chopped on the big hands of the sky and made a tremendous sound.

The vast power is flying continuously.

not good.

Those warriors of Chaos God Race changed their complexion, and they felt a trace of fatal crisis.

They stepped back like crazy.

They are all ignorant.

How could Lin Wudi have such a powerful sword?

They all worry about their ancestors.

If some people were worried about their ancestors before, they would definitely dismiss them.

The ancestors are great gods. How terrible is their strength. Who can threaten each other?

Now, however, they are really worried.

They found that the ancestors were not necessarily, they could suppress each other.

Even the true God of Dragon Slashing has changed his face: What kind of swordsmanship is this? How could it be so scary?

With a bang, his palm was cut off.

The image of Zhenxian in the palm of my hand broke into two halves.

The huge palm is like a long-standing mountain, which descends towards the bottom, and then falls to the emperor star.

The ancestor was injured.

The people of Chaos Protoss were frightened when they saw this scene.

Are they dreaming?

According to legend, the Peerless Divine Palm, which can suppress Jianxian, was cut off by Lin Wudi!

The face of the true God of Dragon Slashing is also ugly to the extreme.

His peerless magical powers were all broken,

The other party already possesses the level of a true god, is it combat-powerful?


This is the power beyond all else, the power of the Dragon Sword.

He should have tried his best to hit this peerless sword.

This kid should have no energy.

Next, I want to kill him, it should be easy.

Thinking of this, the real **** of dragon snorting snorted, exerted his strength, and restored his broken palm.

Numerous chaotic breaths filled, the fire jumped, the laws flew.

However, he found that his palm did not recover in a flash.

On the broken palm, there is a trace of indestructible power, which is constantly destroying his palm.

Worthy of being the legendary dragon sword, no wonder this kid is so powerful.

If this kind of power can be obtained by me?

Slashing the true God of God, his eyes gleamed with a terrible light.

He fully recovered the broken palm.

On the other side, the severed half of the palm fell from the sky.

Burial Emperor Star,

Breaking the sky, breaking the thunder, breaking the sword, breaking the sword, these powerful chaos gods, looked up at the sky.

They look forward.

They were triumphant: the ancestors shot, and it would n’t take long before Nalin Invincible would be suppressed.

Suddenly, a huge figure landed in the sky.

The boy who broke the thunder immediately laughed: look, that is Lin invincible, he was defeated by his ancestors.

I said, he is not an opponent at all.

The God of Breaking Heaven is also murderous. He stood up hard from the sea of ​​blood.

He gritted his teeth and said: I want to kick him with one foot.

Broken sword and broken sword, the two true gods are also cohesive forces, ready to shoot invincible against Lin.

Even if you can't kill each other, you have to torture each other.

Ye Wudao and others were shocked: Has Lin Xuan really lost?

There is no way, the gap is really too big, and the true God transcends everything.


I am afraid that it is difficult to achieve leapfrogging, even if Lin Xuan has a big dragon sword soul, will it not work?

Ready to save people, Lin Xuan must be rescued.

Ye Wudao, the ancient three links and others, with a shining light in their eyes, they will shoot at all costs.

The dark shadow in the sky is falling very fast.

It didn't take long for them to come to the crowd, and then suddenly fell.

A monstrous sea of ​​blood swept in all directions, the earth cracked and penetrated everything.

The power of destruction this time is much stronger than before.

The three true gods that fell before were not as shocking as this one.

Not Lin Xuan!

Ye Wudao and others were stunned when they saw this scene.

They found that it was a palm that broke, and the power on it was different from Lin Xuan's dragon-to-power.

This is the power of chaos.

Chaos Divine Blood, coupled with the divine power beyond all, this should not be, the palm of the true God?

The ancient three links said doubtfully.

Impossible, what a joke?

How could an ancestor be injured?

Opposite the innocent God and others are crazy.

That Lin is invincible, even if he tries his best, he can't break the defense of the ancestors.

They do n’t believe it, looking towards the front,

When they saw the broken palm, they were completely dumbfounded.

They found that it seemed to be the palm of the true God of the dragon, and the four strong men were desperate.

They fell to their knees and shouted in the sky: impossible, what happened?

Ancestor, how could it be hurt?

Is Lin Wudi succeeded?

No, he has no such skill,

It must be that the other masters of God Realm have arrived.

Damn it!

They looked desperate.

The palm that fell down exudes a monstrous atmosphere of chaos, and the blood of the chaotic **** above is enough to destroy everything.

This is the blood of the Great God, and the power above is terrible.

Originally they should penetrate the world and destroy this world.

However, Burial Emperor Star is extremely mysterious. Although the earth was broken, it was not destroyed.

More shocking things happened.

The blood of these great real gods, even under the earth, seems to be absorbed by something.

It's just that all people's attention is placed in the extraterrestrial sky.

No one noticed this broken palm,

I don't know. Someone secretly absorbed it and became the blood of the true God.

Extraterrestrial sky,

Slashing the Dragon God, finally recovered his palm.

He spit out a sword of chaos and held it in his hand. This sword was named Dragon Sword.

In the barren period, it can be described as a famous peerless sword.

Because of this sword, many dragons have been killed.

At the peak of that year, Chaos Protoss ranked ninth in Huanggu, while Taixu Dragons ranked tenth.

There must have been countless battles.

It was at that time that the Dragon Sword was born and swept across the desert.

Today, the endless years have passed, although it is no longer a quaint period.

The ancient **** clan has reappeared in heaven and earth, and the Dragon Sword has emerged again.

The real **** of dragon-cutting said coldly: This is the first shot of dragon-cutting sword after endless years.

You can fall under the dragon sword, enough to be famous forever.

Lin invincible, you have no strength, right?

With that unique sword ~ ​​ ~ you should not be able to resist anymore, what last words? Stay here!

Finally, did you show off the Dragon Sword?

Those of Chaos Protoss are also excited.

Zhenxianzhang, although it is a supernatural power,

But it's not that the true God of Dragon Slashing is the best.

The most terrific masterpiece of the true **** of dragon slashing is dragon slashing.

What if Lin Xuan is a heir to the dragon? Under the dragon sword, there will be no doubt.

No power?

After Lin Xuan heard it, he snorted: extremely stupid.

Let me show you how powerful your sword is.

The power of the Dragon Dao on Lin Xuan completely exploded.

Dragon scales appeared on his body, as if transformed into a humanoid dragon god.


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