Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7598: 1 fairy edge

The ancient three links are equally curious,

He felt that there must be something to do with the ancestors here.

He speeded up.

Finally, they left the space storm, and the surroundings were no longer dark, but light appeared instead.

They found that they came to the sky, and there were endless mountains and rivers underneath.

This is a real world.

The ancient three links were shocked,

Lin Xuan sensed it, and nodded slightly.

A sealed world?

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes, forming a heavenly eye, looking down.

The whole world seemed to be seen through by him. The next moment, Lin Xuan was surprised.

He found that there are some strong people in this world, and their strength is not weak, and they all have the real **** realm.

More importantly, there are some strong men with extremely terrible magic energy,

Moreover, it is a very old magic energy.


At the same time, in this mysterious world, ancient powerhouses have awakened.

There is a mountain range, there are nine mountains here, each mountain is very dark, with a monstrous magic energy.

Above each mountain, there is an old figure.

Who is probing me?

In the black hall, an old voice rang,

Come out a figure like a demon god.

On another mountain, there is an old man like a skeleton, who also opened his eyes.

On him, there are black magic patterns permeating, so mysterious power.

who is it? Actually cultivated, this peerless supernatural power?

Go and investigate.

Commands passed down,

Countless figures flew out, tracing towards the source of power.

Lin Xuan retracted his eyes of reincarnation, and he and Gu Santong landed downward.

Where they are, there is a primitive mountain range.

This mountain range is broken and dilapidated, as if it has experienced a peerless battle.

There is a terrible power here, and there are these figures in the vicinity of this mountain range.

These are young figures.

One of them, a handsome man in white, frowned and said: Let's leave.

I heard from our ancestors that this is an ancient battlefield with terrible power. If you are weak, you will definitely die.

Hearing this, several of his companions were also pale and had retreated.

In front, there is a woman wearing purple armor, but she sneered.

A group of timid guys, of course I know this is an ancient battlefield, otherwise, what are we doing here?

This time, we are here to find baby and opportunity, don't you really want to break through?

If we don't break through, we can only live 100 years old. If we can break through, we can live 500 years old.

How to choose? It ’s all yours,

I want to go anyway.

The woman in purple dress walked forward,

Several shields appeared on her, which turned into a light curtain and enveloped her figure.

She was cautiously embarked on this ancient battlefield, and the other people also gritted their teeth and said: Fight, fight for wealth and danger.

Only the white man was left,

The white man looked pale: Damn, do you all look down upon me?

Who said I'm timid? I am the strongest one.

After talking, he also gritted his teeth and followed him,

But without taking a few steps, he fell to the ground in fright and said in horror: Come back soon.

Sure enough, he was a timid guy, and he was the strongest, looking down on you.

The women in front of Ziyi and others all sneered,

The man in white, pointing to the sky, said: Someone in the sky!

Hearing this, the few young people in front stopped,

The shock on their faces is impossible.

They have long heard that the ancestors of their respective families have said,

This ancient battlefield is extremely scary.

In addition to having mysterious powers and not being able to come in easily, there is another rule that you ca n’t fly here.

The sky here has extremely terrible space power.

Anyone who dares to fly up will be torn to pieces instantly,

No matter how strong you are, it won't work.

Unless it is a fairy fairy, you can break this rule.

The woman in purple clothes and others looked up at the sky,

They really found that there were two figures in the sky and landed in the sky.

God, it's really a fairy.

This kind of scene only exists in the legend. Unexpectedly, they can actually see it with their own eyes today.

It's incredible.

These people immediately fell to their knees and shouted loudly: See the fairy.

Legend has it that fairy people all have elixir, have we met the fairy edge?

If an immortal can give us one or two immortals, our lifespan can be greatly increased.

At that time, let alone 500 years old, 1000 years old is possible.

These people are very excited.

The two figures in the sky are Lin Xuan and Gu Santong.

They walked out of the space storm and landed in the sky.

Unexpectedly, when approaching the ground, several people fell on their knees,

Kneel there and call them immortals.

Lin Xuan glanced at these people and found that these people were of average strength,

In his eyes, there is no difference from a little ant.

Originally, he didn't care much and wanted to fly away directly.

But the next moment, he was stunned,

He seemed to find a different situation.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a ray of reincarnation blooming, staring at these people.

He did not release too strong a force, these few people could not resist.

However, the mystery of the reincarnation eye is not something these people can imagine.

Soon, Lin Xuan withdrew his gaze, he was puzzled,

The ancient three links also asked: What's wrong?

Look down, this world is a bit different.

After listening to the ancient tee, he nodded, and he landed downward.

Soon, the two came to the forest below, they floated in the air, three meters above the ground.

Lin Xuan and Gu Santong are both true gods. Although they took their breath away, they still carried a mysterious power.

Moreover, being able to fly here is absolutely fairy-like behavior.

The women in Ziyi and others were very excited: the fairy really came, and they were so close to them.

They kept kowtowing and said: See the fairy.

Get up.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, a force ~ ~ made these people stand up.

What a magical power.

The women in Ziyi and others were even more shocked,

This force, they have never seen before, is more terrible than their ancestors.

Several people, very nervous, didn't know what to do before they could reach the elixir.

Lin Xuan saw at a glance that these people's thoughts, he said lightly: to meet us is your fate.

I give you a fairy tale.

After finishing the speech, Lin Xuan waved his hand and pointed in the eyebrows of these people.

A force poured into these people's bodies, and suddenly their bodies shivered.

They were very excited, they found that their strength is rapidly improving.

At the same time, Lin Xuan read the memory of these people.


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