Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7599: Not the same way of heaven

Soon, Lin Xuan withdrew his finger.

These people have very low cultivation levels and want to read their memories, that is an instant matter.

Throughout the process, Lin Xuan was expressionless.

However, these young warriors were extremely excited.

They found that their strength was really greatly improved, and they will soon break through.

This made them extremely excited.

Thank you fairy.

They bowed down again.

The ancient three-way audio asked: What did you find?

Lin Xuan Chuanyin replied: There are strange, from their memory, I learned something.

According to their current practice, under normal circumstances, living a 1,000 years old, there should be no problem.

However, they can only live for 100 years,

More importantly, this is their normal state.

It's not just them, it seems that the rules of the world are like this.

It seems that their powerful family can only live for 500 years, or 1000 years.

This is so unusual,

The rules of heaven here are different from those outside.

After listening to the ancient three links, he was also very surprised,

He asked: Will it have anything to do with being sealed here?

It is possible that we have just been here and we are not very familiar with it. Let ’s explore these people as clues.

The two people were in communication, and the women in Ziyi and others could not hear them at all.

They were very excited, they found that the two immortals did not leave immediately.

This gave them a chance.

The woman in Ziyi said with courage: Immortal, I have a heartless request. I wonder if the two immortals come to our family?

If you want to come to our ancestors, you will be very happy. Our family will never let the two ancestors down.

When I heard this, the other people were all nervous: would the fairy agree?

The void is quiet and terrible. The woman in purple is pale and scared. Is she doing something wrong?

Just when she was desperate, Lin Xuan said: okay.

Fairy, please.

The woman in purple clothes was very excited, she was ecstatic, and the others were sighing.

I have known for a long time that they should say the same thing. Whose family the fairy comes to will be developed.

Will fly into the sky.

Maybe, they also have a chance to enter the realm of immortals.

Although the fairy does not go to their family, they will not miss it.

They hurriedly sent messages to the strong men of their respective families, ancestors, and let them set off towards the family of Ziying girl.

Lin Xuan hit a cloud, took these people, took off, and flew to the distance.

The woman in purple pointed at a place and felt as if it had turned into lightning.

The next moment, she discovered that she actually returned to her family.

This speed is too fast, worthy of being a fairy.

The girl in purple quickly flew down and returned to the family.

In the family, several elders frowned and said: Did your girl run to the ancient battlefield?

You want to scare us, you dare to go to such a terrible place.

Grandpa, I met the fairy, and I invited the fairy to come home.

Quickly invite the ancestors to go out.

The woman in purple said excitedly.


Is this girl stupid?

Several old men shook their heads,

The next moment, they looked up and found that there were two figures landing in the sky.

The breath of these two people was so extraordinary, so mysterious, that they looked up and could not help but want to bow down.

Really a fairy!

These people were shocked and bowed down.

Soon, the news spread throughout the family, and countless figures rushed out, and these people fell to their knees.

There are two old men, very old, they are all like skeletons, their bodies are about to fall apart.

However, they are extremely excited,

In his lifetime, he can see the fairy, and maybe they can continue to live.

Gu Santong glanced at the two old men and was slightly surprised: these two men turned out to be the realm of the sage king.

It seems that the strength of this family is not bad.

The two old men knelt down to the ground and said excitedly: We have lived for 1,000 years, but we didn't expect that we could see the fairy before the lamp was dry.

What a lucky three life.

The ancient three links were shocked: at the age of 1,000, would they always look like this?


The sage king's strength has lived for seven thousand years, no problem.

He remembered the young people Lin Xuan said before.

Obviously it can live 1000 years, but it seems to have a life span of only 100 years.

This world has problems,

It seems that it is really a good exploration.

Not to mention, I will give you a piece of immortality.

Lin Xuan waved his sleeves, and countless crystal clear lights flew down, covering the whole family.

Flying into the bodies of these families.

The warriors of these families were extremely excited, and they thanked them again and again.

At the same time, Lin Xuan read everyone's memory,

Including the memories of the two saint kings.

This time, he knew more,

This world is called Immortal Demon Realm, and some people exist.

There is also the great devil,

It's just that these people are high above the ordinary warriors, and they are out of reach.

These two saints have lived for thousands of years till now.

In their memory, this world was originally like this.

Even if he breaks through to become an emperor, he will live for at most 2000 years.

No matter how long, it is impossible.

If you can become a fairy, you should be able to live longer.

After listening to Lin Xuan, he was even more shocked,

All life spans seem to have decreased.

Is this the rule of the world?

He soon discovered that this was not the case. In the memories of these two saints, there is a longevity in this world.

According to some extremely old books, some people in this world seem to live tens of thousands of years.

It's just that those are the existence of immortals and demons, standing high above them, in the immortal pagoda and the nine demon mountains.

The fairy tower and the nine demon mountains are the two strongest forces in the world, and they are the two masters.

The relationship between the two sides has always been a struggle.

When the ancient three links heard this, their face changed,

The sage king lived for a thousand years and the emperor lived for two thousand years.

If such a calculation is made, and live for tens of thousands of years, what state would it be?

God King? Still immortal?

Isn't there such a terrible existence in this world?

If anything, they simply can't resist it.

Lin Xuan shook his head: no.

My reincarnation eyes just checked it, but no fatal threat was found.

There seems to be a true **** in this world, but there should be no one above the true god.

Soon, several other family members also came, and they fell on their knees.

They were very excited to see the fairy.

At the same time, the ancient battlefield that came before UU reading was ushered in several figures.

After they arrived, they explored it and said: a strange smell. Not the power we know.

he left,

It must be investigated, who is he?

A few figures left quickly,

On the other side, the family of Ziyi women and others were shrouded in a cloud of magic.

There is boundless magic, flying,

Appeared from inside, a devil-like figure.

When I saw this scene, the martial artists below were stunned.

The two saint kings were almost scared to death,

They knelt down to the ground again, despair in their faces.

This is the powerhouse of Nine Demon Mountains.


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