Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7623: Too empty descendants! Space master!

Heavenly Demon felt that the power of this void changed greatly, and this was his most feared power.

He quickly backed away and left these space storms.

A pair of eyes are very dark, with a monstrous magic fire, beating,

He gritted his teeth and said: I don't believe it, you can resist it.

In the space storm, Xianteng's face also changed greatly, and they did indeed suffer a crisis.

Even Lin Xuan is the same,

Around Lin Xuan, six worlds emerged to resist these forces of the void.

The roaring sound came, and the six worlds shook violently as if they were going to die out.

Xianteng quickly played the power of the fairy road to make the six worlds stronger, used to resist these forces of the void.

But I am afraid it will not be able to resist, too long.

He asked anxiously: Has your friend not yet come?


When the devil saw this scene, he grinned: I thought how powerful you were, and you could not resist this force of the void.

Watch it, you will come out soon, and then it will be your death.

He was ready to stand by and he stared at each other.

The six worlds are almost unstoppable. At this time, a figure emerged.

Beside him, there is an extremely terrible space force, and as soon as he appeared, he enveloped Lin Xuan and Xian Teng.

Suddenly, the fatal crisis disappeared,

Xianteng was relieved: finally came.

What is the situation on your side?

The person who came was the ancient three links.

Before, he went to the Void Beast for help,

When I returned, I found Lin Xuan and they were in a space storm.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: success, the guy is no longer afraid, we leave this world.

He will never get out of the broken space of the seal.

Without further ado, let's go quickly.

The ancient Santong and the Void Beast, the two of them started, flying Lin Xuan and Xianteng towards the distance.


When Tianmo saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

what happened? The other party persisted,

Damn, that guy has space power.

He stared at the ancient tee, his eyes were red.

This guy's space power is the same as here, he is a descendant of Gu Taixu.

Careless, I was careless.

The devil is mad.

If he knew that the other party was a descendant of Gu Taixu, he would definitely take the first shot and suppress the other party.

He would not fight Xianteng at all.

If you really let the other person leave, I'm afraid he can't get out anymore.

Heavenly Demon roared again, and he rushed into the space storm.

The whole world shook violently,

The space storm made a whistling sound.


Gu Shantong and others looked back,

Gu Shantong snorted: looking for death.

He urged the power here.

If it is in other places, the ancient three links are definitely not the opponents of Demon, and they can't stop even one move.

However, here, he is fully confident to contend with each other.

Even suppress each other.

Because here is the space power left by Gu Taixu.

Heavenly Demon's body was cut open by the force of space, and the boundless magic energy seemed to be sent to different places.

To be suppressed again.

The demon was finally afraid, and he turned and fled.

This time, he was more seriously injured.

The power of Immortal Demon Realm was almost destroyed by him.

The demons of the Nine Demon Mountains were all destroyed by him. More importantly, Tongtianlu was taken away.

He wanted to recover, it was as difficult as going to the sky,

He roared up in the sky and gave out unwillingness


On the other side,

The ancient three links, Lin Xuan and others ignored it.

This guy is not afraid.

They finally left this fairy demon world.

When he went out, Xianteng felt the aura outside and was very excited.

He laughed in the sky: Ha ha ha ha, finally came out.

His voice was terrible, sweeping the world.

Several old people who were waiting outside felt their power changed greatly when they felt the power.

No, what is this power?

Too strong, this voice seems to make them die out.

Is there such a terrible strongman in this crack?

That ancient tee and son Gong are dangerous.

Thinking of this, their despair in their faces,

Just then, they found that Lin Xuan and Gu Santong also came out.

Lin Xuan said: Converge your breath, don't hurt this world.

Rest assured, I know.

Xianteng laughed, his terrible breath slowly disappeared.

The elders of the ancient family rushed over and asked: Master Lin, the three links, you are back.

What is this senior?

A terrible fairy, specific things, hard to say in a word, I will tell you later.

Now you have to work together to seal this broken crack.

Gu Santong said: Elders, please help me.

There are Void Beasts inside, and we work together to seal these cracks together.

Next, these space masters started.

Lin Xuan and Xian Teng stepped aside, and they began to wait patiently. During this process, they could not help.

At this time, Gu Santong said: Lin Xuan, this is a rare opportunity. I want to practice here for a while.

You can rest assured that I will look at this place and will never let the devil rush out that day.

Lin Xuan thought for a while and then said: Fortunately, this place is indeed a holy place for cultivation for the ancient family.

Here, the ancient three links and the strong men of the ancient family, the strength will be substantial, enhance the space power, will become more terrible.

This is also a good thing for God Realm,

Therefore, Lin Xuan laughed: Well, then you be careful.

He looked at Xianteng again and smiled: Let's go out.

The two rose into the air and left the ground,

When he came to the ground, Xianteng was excited again.

He did not release his power, but he was very happy.

Finally came out!

What time is it now? How many strong people are there in these worlds?

Xian Teng was very curious.

Lin Xuan briefly introduced it, and at the same time said: We must be careful. Don't spread the things here.

The Demon God Clan has now awakened, and there is the level of God King,

If God King comes, it will be troublesome.

Don't worry, I'm too lazy to pay attention to what Demon God Clan, kid, we still have one thing.

whats the matter?

Lin Xuan asked.

Of course it was Tongtianlu ~ ~ Lin Xuan slapped his head, and then I remembered: Yes, Tongtianlu, such a magical thing.

He asked: What is the use of this thing?

Also, how do we divide? Study together?

The previous battle was Lin Xuan's reincarnation sword, and with the help of Xianteng, he defeated the opponent.

This Xianteng is very strong, Lin Xuan does not want to be an enemy with each other, it is best to be friends.

Can help each other in the future.

Xian Teng smiled and said: It would be very difficult to understand Tongtianlu, and it would be difficult to achieve anything in millions of years.

It's an extremely powerful weapon when it's carried around.

Like Heavenly Demon, he didn't realize it, he just used Tongtianlu.

However, I also know that there is another usage of Tongtianlu.

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