Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7624: The secret of heaven? The worlds are shocked!

Another usage of Tongtianlu!

Lin Xuan was very surprised after listening: What is it?

This celestial loaf is also a key to speaking, and can open a place.

We might as well, just open that place, and then there will be unexpected good things.

Even if there is some power, it is very good if it can be obtained.

Behind you, isn't there also a powerful school of power? They may all benefit.

After Lin Xuan heard it, his eyes lit up, and he asked: Where is it?

I do n’t know, but you can rest assured that Tongtianlu can find him.

Speaking of which, the fairy vine waved the leaves and let the sky-loft float in the void.

He broke into a trace of power, and the blue sky glowed through the sky, absorbing the breath of heaven and earth.

Subsequently, his blue light flew to heaven and earth like a starlight, penetrating the cosmic wasteland.

what is that?

On the emperor's burial star, the ancient family, the Ye family, the Phoenix family and other powerful people instantly felt it.

They rose into the sky and looked into the distance,

They saw a ray of blue light and flew all around.

There is an extremely mysterious power on it.

Peerless baby!

They were very excited: go and see.

Together, the shadow cut through the void and flew towards the blue light.

Even, not only the Ye family, the ancient family and others, but also some strong ones, also came one after another.

When they approached, they realized that there was a figure standing there, and one of them was Lin Xuan.

When I saw Lin Xuan, some people stopped immediately,

They saluted them and turned away.

Lin Xuan's strength, but they are clear, these people together, they can not block each other's sword.

The Ye family, the Phoenix family and others landed, and they asked curiously: Master Lin, what is this?

Son, what about the three links?

Don't worry, the ancient three links are not dangerous. He is practicing in a mysterious place.

As for this thing, this is a treasure, specifically, I will tell you later.

The light of the heavens not only makes people in this world feel it, it flew to the heavens and the world.

At this moment, countless stars and countless worlds have been sensed.

They saw a blue light, like a meteor, pierced the void.

They looked up: What is that?

It flies far away.

Go quickly, it's a baby.

Some people follow these stars,

Some people even want to rob.

All of a sudden, the heavens and the earth were shocked,

Even in the land of the heavens and the land of the Nine Nethers, some people began to pay attention to this force.

It's so mysterious.

Lin Xuan cast his reincarnation eyes, looking at the heavens and the world, he also frowned slightly.

He smiled bitterly: I thought that the two of us could go secretly.

It's better now, the worlds know it.

Xian Teng next to him said: You can't hide, boy, don't think that Tongtianlu can hide.

Even if I give it to you, it will definitely be discovered when you show it later.

At that time, those **** kings will shoot you, this thing might as well be the key to open the treasure.

When the time comes, you greet your companions, find, and create.

Lin Xuan nodded.

He has already started to send a message to God Realm, so that the strong people of God Realm are ready.

found it.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xianteng's mouth,

The sky's starlight disappeared, and the sky-loft rose into the air, flying to the distance.

A leaf of Xianteng shrouded Lin Xuan and said: Keep up,

Its speed is very fast and disappears instantly


Those people in the heavens and the world are also stunned: how did the mysterious starlight disappear in an instant?

Is it possible that this mysterious power has been given?

All of a sudden, they had a lot of talk.

On the other side, Xianteng flew with all his strength, turning into a golden lightning, shuttled in the void.

Finally, he stopped,

One of the leaves opened and Lin Xuan came out from inside.

Lin Xuan looked at the Quartet, slightly surprised: it was here!

Do you know this place?

Xian Teng asked.

Lin Xuan nodded: Of course I know, it is very famous here, this is the remains of the Emperor of Heaven.

The treasure is not here?

Xianteng is also very surprised: is the emperor? It's really surprising!

He rose into the air, and after nine days, he began to observe this place seriously.

He found that this place seemed nothing special at first, but after looking closely, it was completely different.

The strength of heaven and earth turned into a supreme avenue, and gathered here.

People who are weak ca n’t understand at all,

Even the fairy can only understand one or two.

Xianteng Jingtian is a man of heaven: It is incredible, it is indeed the Emperor of Heaven.

The means really shook the sky!

Lin Xuan also rose into the sky, and above nine days, he looked down.

He said: Can you understand?

He could only feel the horror of the power here, but he could not understand the specific mystery.

I can only understand a little. There is a terrible world and the power of the heavens and the world are gathered here.

This is the means of God!

The power of the worlds! Lin Xuan was stunned after listening, he cast his eyes in reincarnation, but still couldn't understand.

I am afraid that the realm of the true **** cannot be understood.

You don't have to be too discouraged. This is the means of the Heavenly Emperor. It is terrible, beyond your imagination.

However, I always feel that what this emperor seems to be decorating?

This power, unlike the power of the ancient tomb of the Emperor, is inevitable. This Emperor is still alive?

Xianteng couldn't figure it out either, he shook his head and said: Forget it, in my realm, I can't explore the other party's secret.

Everything is in vain, we still find the treasures of the heavens.

Speaking of which, he once again played the power of Immortal Dao and poured into the Tongtianluo.

Tongtianlu shines light, and in the next moment, it blends into the void.

It turned out that Lin Xuan thought that Tongtianlu would fly into the remains of Heavenly Emperor, but he didn't expect it and did not.

It's just outside.

Boy, watch it patiently.

Xianteng said: Next, there is no need for us to do anything.

The two began to wait patiently.

Without letting them wait long, the void shook violently, and one after another, a terrible big crack.

The click, the click sound, sounded between heaven and earth, as if to open the earth.

what's up? Will the remains of the Emperor be broken?

Lin Xuan was taken aback ~ ~ He and Xianteng retreated towards the rear, looking nervously at the front.

He found that a roaring sound appeared in that space crack, as if there was something to come out.

An extremely terrifying force flew out, sweeping away like a sea of ​​oceans, sweeping towards the Quartet.

not good.

Lin Xuan's face changed a lot, and Xianteng also shook his figure quickly and backed away quickly.

One of his golden leaves enveloped Lin Xuan again, and they retreated far away before stopping.

The force in front of it is more and more terrible, spreading all over the world.

At this moment, countless people were shocked,

Even those demons are equally shocked.

what happened?

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