Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7629: Mixed element mirror!

  Cut the Dragon God and Chaos Scholar, the two left, and they acted separately to find Lin Xuan's whereabouts.

   As for the remaining people, it was under the leadership of the Chaos Old Man that he started to activate the Hundred Mirror.

  An ancient mysterious mirror emerged with endless mysterious runes.

   As if the world hadn't opened, this mirror already exists.

  The remaining people, scattered in different directions, the power of chaos on their bodies, kept spreading.

   They condensed to form a large array, used to start the mixed element mirror.

   On the other side, Lin Xuan left the place where he was fighting and flew towards the distance.

  Tongtian River is said to be a river, but it is extremely vast, even wider than the galaxy in the universe.

   Lin Xuan flew in mid-air, he did not enter the Tongtian River.

  He can feel that there are many scary and mysterious monsters in Tongtianhe.

   Less than last resort, it is better not to go in.

  Let's find a place first, and wait for Xianteng while practicing.

   Lin Xuan began to find a place to live.

   After the Chaos scholar acted alone, he appeared again, several mysterious and ancient desolate ancient scriptures.

   These few ancient and ancient scriptures, like eyes, shine in all directions.

  Under the search of the ancient gods and scriptures, he really found him a clue.

   flicked, and he rushed towards the distance.

   is only a clue after all, he is not very clear, is the other party really there?

  In the event of a wrong message, the mixed element mirror is empty, but it will be troublesome.

  After all, with their strength, even if they can activate the Hundred Element Mirror, I am afraid they can only launch once or twice.

   No matter how many, they have no power,

   They must kill in one blow, there must be no failure.

  Thinking of this, the Chaos scholar accelerated his speed, and at the same time, a desolate ancient scripture appeared on him.

   blurred his figure, and then disappeared, completely hidden in the void.

  Just like this, he set off towards the land of clues.

  On the other side, Lin Xuan finally found a place to live, he was preparing to practice.

   It didn't take long for the reincarnation eyes to suddenly turn, Lin Xuan's face changed, and he cast his eyes of heaven and looked into the distance.

   He didn't see anyone, only felt a trace of crisis.

   Obviously, someone should have come here, and the means was extremely mysterious, hiding it.

   is worthy of being a person of Chaos Protoss.

   Lin Xuan sneered.

  He created a chaotic avatar, and then, his real body entered the ancient land and hid.

   He wants to see, where is the sacred come?

   It didn't take long for the Chaos scholar to come out in the void, and he was completely hidden.

   He looked down, his brow furrowed tightly, and indeed there was a trace of chaotic power. It seemed that he should be the kid.

   But at this time, a black breath suddenly appeared in 4 weeks, and the **** world emerged.

   Not good, was it found?

   The face of Chaos scholars changed: Lin is invincible, too terrible.

   His desolate ancient scriptures have different strengths, some can attack, some can defend.

   Some are able to hide.

After    is hidden, even if you become a true god, you might not find it.

   did not expect that he had just been discovered by the other party,

  Since this is the case, then he is no longer hidden.

   In the palm of his hand, there appeared a desolate ancient scripture, with great power, fell down.

   is like a **** mountain.

   The power of the **** circles around it, which kept breaking, seemed to be unbearable.

  He found that there was a figure in the front, it was Lin Xuan's figure.

   This wild ancient scripture fell on the other party and enveloped the other party.


   Chaos scholar sneered: boy, how are you? Unexpectedly, can I find you?

  I was hit by my desolate ancient scriptures, and you feel good.

   The figure in front, under the power of the gods, shook quickly, then shattered and shattered into pieces, scattered around.

   Chaos scholar was a little surprised: The other side was so injured! No, this is just a doppelganger.

not good!

  His face changed: he was lucky.

  In the heart of his eyebrows, a wild ancient scripture suddenly appeared, endless lines, covering the whole body.

   seems to be wearing a **** armor.

   This **** armor had just condensed, and with a sword qi, he landed in the sky and landed on him.

   flew him out.

   The chaotic scholar was struck by lightning and flew out. He smashed the void and landed in the distance, vomiting blood.

   Soon, he stood up, knelt half on the ground, gritted his teeth and said: Damn kid, you dare to attack me.

   You did not die, and the body was not broken, Lin Xuan was very surprised,

   The blow just now was extremely sharp and invincible.

   did not expect that the other party could stop it,

   He looked at the other person, the rune of his eyebrows.

   He smiled and said: I know, this innate rune is not written by you temporarily.

   should have been formed by your cohesion, and then, with your chaotic blood, it has been created for an unknown number of years.

   So it is so powerful.

   Your method is really amazing.

   Lin Xuan praised again and again.

   The chaotic scholar opposite, but his face was ugly to the extreme,

   The other party guessed right. This wild ancient scripture that he was eyebrowed by him had been practiced for 100,000 years.

   But even so, he failed to completely block the opponent's sword spirit.

   More importantly, the rune of his eyebrows had become dim and dull, and even a trace of cracks appeared.

  This makes his heart is bleeding.

Is    actually broken?

   Almost a hundred thousand years of hard work failed.

   Lin invincible, I will not spare you.

   Chaos scholar gritted his teeth,

  He didn't do anything anymore, but instead passed the message, let Hunyuan Mirror kill him.

   But at this moment, a terrible sword gas appeared in 4 weeks. Formed a kendo world.

   This is the dragon's sword spirit, which is extremely sharp. It wiped out the void, and nothing can be passed.

  Lin Xuan said with a smile: Do you think I will let you call your companions? you are too naive.

   From the moment you land, you have entered into my kendo world.

   Any last words? Stay here.

   Not good, careless.

   Chaos scholar's complexion changed greatly.

   originally thought that he came quietly and was able to kill the other party by surprise. If he couldn't, he would send out a signal and call the Hundred Mirror.

  However, wherever he wants, all his actions are in the other party's control.

   And the other party counted, let him into a trap.

   Now, he has a dilemma.

   He can neither summon his companions nor let him pass the message. Will he face Lin invincible alone?

   Has he ever beaten each other?

   Chaos scholar's forehead, cold sweat shed,

   He has never encountered such a crisis. .

   Opposite Lin Xuan said with a smile: I will give you a chance to get your hands on the most powerful state.

  Let me see, how amazing is it?

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