Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7630: Crush! Step by step!

   It seems that he can only carry a battle.

  The student of Chaos took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He wanted to show his strongest strength.

   Hearing Lin Xuan's words again, he even sneered: you will see it, but you will regret it.

   When he said this, the Chaos scholar was very calm, and his movements were not slow.

   Soon, he condensed and formed four runes, set in the world.

  The four runes are very mysterious. I don’t know what they do.

   They joined together as if to form an ancient formation, and enveloped Lin Xuan in the formation.

   Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, he frowned,

  These four divine articles seem extremely extraordinary.

   But he did not feel any fatal crisis,

  What is this guy doing?

   Is this your strongest power?

  Lin Xuan snorted: It looks like that, but that's it. I overestimate you. Fighting with you is a waste of time.

   first solved you, and then I solved it again, then cut the dragon to the true god.

   When the time comes, I want you to be completely wiped out.

   Lin Xuan's figure swayed, rushing towards the front and punching.

   The power of Wushen Jue, combined with the Chaos Divine Body, made his fist extremely powerful.

   is like a fist, killing Chaos scholar.

   Chaos scholar, two desolate runes appeared at his feet, taking him as fast as the wind to dodge.

   his speed is much higher than before, and he avoids these fists.

   had a rune on him, and flew out.

  Fade ancient runes, floating in mid-air, kept growing bigger, as if turned into a dark cloud.

   From there was a terrible thunder, and fell down.

   This is the thunder of extinction.

   This desolate rune, like the rune before it, was also formed early on.

   now shows that the power is terrible,

   A few thunders, quickly rushed towards Lin Xuan.

   Get out of here.

  Lin Xuan did not dodge, and raised his hand and hit the Tai Chi picture.

  Tai Chi rotates to overcome the rigidity. These thunders are completely contained.

  Linxuan waved his hand like a claw of a dragon, pierced through the sky, and grabbed the other side.

   Chaos scholars kept dodge, and occasionally hit some wild ancient scriptures to resist.

   It seems that he was completely suppressed.

   is really vulnerable.

  Lin Xuan sneered, more powerful shot, he was like a god, completely crushed the other side.

   Chaos scholars have become embarrassed. There are fewer and fewer places to escape, and they will be suppressed in less time.

   He was not too worried, his expression was still very calm.

   And in his heart, he was ecstatic: Haha, Lin invincible you got the trick.

  Do you really think that I only have this power?

  Stupid things, wait for a while, after you are completely under my control, I will let you know.

   What an idiot you are!

   Lin Xuan didn't know the other party's thoughts, but his heart also changed.

  He thinks this ridiculous ancient scripture is very strong,

  Do not kill the opponent, suppress the opponent.

   Then, read the other party's memory to see if they can get these desolate ancient scriptures?

  If you can get it, not only does he benefit, the entire Divine Realm can be arranged with this kind of scripture.

  Thinking of this, the power of Lin Xuan changed, mainly repression.


   At this time, Chaos Scholar finally grinned, he was not afraid, but rather very happy.

   He said: Lin invincible, you got the trick, and then, your death.

  Lin Xuan snorted: He was so arrogant when he died.

   The big hand was in the air, and the power of chaos turned into a stone monument, which fell from the sky as if to suppress the other party.

  However, at this time, Lin Xuan changed his face.

   He felt that the chaotic power in his body had all flew towards his hand.


   This force is beyond his imagination.

what happened?

   Lin Xuan stopped, his brow furrowed tightly, this force seemed not to be under his control.

  How? Lin Wudi, don't you want to suppress me? Why did you stop? keep going.

   I am here, waiting for your suppression, don't you dare to come?

   Chaos scholar sneered.

   Hearing the other party’s words, Lin Xuan’s palm raised up again, seeming to want to shoot.

   But Lin Xuan's face changed, he sighed coldly, his body exploded, and his palm fell again.

   He was really shocked.

  In the moment just now, he even wanted to move involuntarily,

   His palm seemed to be out of control.

   How could this look?

   Lin Xuan's face became extremely ugly,

   It seems that he did make a move.

   But when did he make the move? What power is this?

how did you do it?

   Lin Xuan asked coldly.

  Invincible Lin, curious?

  Do you think you are powerful, with a big dragon sword, you can contend with the great God, can you ignore everything?

   You are too stupid, the background of the ancient gods is not what you can imagine.

   We have endless years, the power in our hands. Very mysterious.

   Don't think that you can defeat one or two strong ancient gods strong enough to understand us.

   You are too far away.

  To tell the truth, in front of our wild gods, you are a little ant, we can kill you at any time.

   The reason why we don’t do it is because we have just awakened and are still accumulating strength.

   Now that I have done a little tricks, you have taken the trick. Do you still feel that you are strong?

   Lin Xuan snorted coldly, a cold light appeared in his eyes, he stepped out, his body murderous.

   What happened? My big dragon sword, when it is I want to destroy you, it's easy.


   roared, Lin Xuan's sword flew into the sky.

   Peerless sword energy, illuminating the world, just like the supreme divine light, toward the front, rushed fiercely.

   Chaos scholar, once again dodge in embarrassment, he dared not contend.

   However, he smiled.

Before   , Lin Wudi had just made a move, but now it seems that the opponent has been completely controlled by him.

   It won't take long before the other party becomes a lunatic.

  Hehehehe, he was able to defeat Lin invincible with his own hands, and this spread out, he is well-known to the world.

   After returning to the Divine Array, the ancestors will definitely reward him, even the other side will reward him.

   When the time comes, he will be valued, and he may become the King of Gods.

   It looks like we need to add another fire.

   Chaos Book drank coldly: Useless, Lin invincible, you can't help me at all.

  Look, your sword energy can't hurt me anymore, it's just a mere illusion.

   In front of my desolate ancient scriptures, you are vulnerable.

  Lin Xuan's eyes, the flames of anger appeared, his expression became a bit daunting.

   The other party dared to underestimate him, unforgivable.

   He roared upward, Wan Jian Zhaozong,

   countless sword qi, surrounded by him.

   He seemed to have become the supreme master of kendo, raising his hands too far, enough to sweep everything.

   And in this world, there are 4 mysterious runes, turning slightly.

   These are the four deities written by Chaos Scholar at the beginning.

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