Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7645: Holy area! Qin Changsheng!

   Ancestor, why not send God King?

   Chaos Divine Son is very incomprehensible.

   If the **** king shot, it should be easier.

  The existence of this level of God King, how can you go easily, and move the whole body with a start.

   Less than a last resort, still don't easily send a charm to go.

  Look at the situation first.

   If it is just the blood of the **** king, the two peak true gods, plus the chaotic top, should be able to charge it.

   said the ancestor.

   Two peak true gods, one called Qianmian, and the other, Zhenxuan.

   The two are also extremely excited, the blood of the **** king, for them, it is an invaluable treasure.

  If they can realize the meaning inside, they can cross, that is a crucial step.

   Become the new **** king.

   When they thought of here, they speeded up.

   It was in Chaos Protoss. When these people acted, Lin Xuan was not idle. Lin Xuan also passed the news back to Shangqing City.

  Lin Zhan and others were very surprised after getting the voice.

Did    find the blood of the **** king?

   They took a breath, which is also invaluable to them,

   Only, can they swallow it?

  The Golden Lion King smiled bitterly: I am afraid we cannot swallow it with our strength.

   had to fight the **** of war to shoot.

   Fighting God of War, is also retreating at the moment,

   Outside, the voice of the Golden Lion King sounded again.

   Fighting God of War slightly surprised: what's the matter? Can't you fix the Hundred Mirror with 36 Dingzhu?

  Is this impossible?

  What's the matter? He asked.

  The Golden Lion King said: Senior, I really don’t want to disturb your cultivation, but this thing is too shocking.

   Lin Xuan found the blood of the ancient **** king at the bottom of Tongtian River. Now, the people of Chaos Protoss should have acted.

   We have no power and can contend with the King of God, we can only ask seniors to decide.

  The blood of God King!

   Fighting God of War is surprised.

   Indeed, Lin Zhan they are very strong, but they are just great gods,

  Meet the pinnacle of the true god, maybe be able to contend with one or two.

   But if you encounter the blood of God, it will not work.

   If he goes, it’s okay,

   How many eyes are there now, staring at him?

   As soon as he shot, it was estimated that all parties would definitely move,

   Less than a last resort, he can not easily shot.

  He said: I know, I will go to Master Xuanyuan to discuss with us and discuss our details.

   How can they have no heritage after the inheritance of their **** realm?

   is just their heritage and cannot be easily used. After all, they lost a lot.

   Now that the blood of the **** king appears, it is possible to use the background.

   Fighting God of War, contacted Lord Xuanyuan,

   Soon, there was news from Xuanyuan.

   can open the foundation, you must take action whenever necessary.

   Fighting God of War smiled, with golden light flying in his eyes, fire eyes and golden eyes pierced the world and opened the void directly.

   The next moment, his figure disappeared, I don't know where he went?

   By the time he appeared again, he had brought back two figures.

   These two people, with their eyes closed, seem to be sleeping, beside them, there is a huge source of God, surrounded.

   They were sealed by Shenyuan.

wake up.

   The light in the eyes of the fighting gods, like a sword, was opened to the **** source.

   Shenyuan was not damaged, only a crack appeared.

  The two figures in Shenyuan slowly opened their eyes.

   A handsome man, wearing a bronze armor, after his eyes opened, it was as clear as crystal.

  The next moment, he came out from the source of God, looking at the God of Fighting, he said: What time is it now?

   On the other side is a man with a common face and carrying an ancient sword. He is a swordsman.

  He also flashed out, Shen Sheng said: Do we need to do it?

   Fighting God said the thing again, saying: You two go, bring back the blood of God King, it is also good for you.

  If you can go further, you don’t have to sleep anymore.

   After listening to these two people, they were shocked.

   Wearing a armor, a handsome man named Qin Changsheng.

   beside him, there was a terrible morning light flying.

  Various world and visions surround him, making him extremely extraordinary.

The swordsman next to   , named Promise Sword God, his sword technique is even more terrible.

   on him, with a dreadful sword light flying, shining for nine days, let people glance, and the soul couldn't help but split in half.

   These two people are also the pinnacle true gods, only one step away from the **** king.

   They are all gods,

   It was just that after the war, he was injured and was sealed in the **** source.

   said after listening to them: rest assured, leave it to us.

   turned around and left.

  After they left the main hall, Lin Zhan and the Golden Lion King outside also changed their looks.

  The two of them are like a great enemy.

  Lin Zhan's eyes, with a trace of terrifying fighting intentions, and the body of the Golden Lion King shivered a little.

   In front of these two people, he felt a trace of fatal crisis.

   So strong! These are the true gods of the two peaks.

   Qin Changsheng looked at Lin Zhan, and they nodded slightly. They could see that Lin Zhan was not too old.

   For their kind of old monsters who have lived forever, the other party can be said to be very young.

  However, the opponent's combat power is extremely terrible, which makes them very happy. UU reading

   It seems that God Realm is developing well now.

   We are the background of sleep, rest assured, things are handed over to us, we will not let the Chaos Protoss succeed.

   Lin Zhan sent a message, flew forward, and said, this is Lin Xuan, the top Tianjiao of God Realm.

  He is now near the blood of the **** king.

   After receiving the information, Qin Changsheng vacated and disappeared.

   The two quickly set off towards the Tongtian River. While on the road, they learned about the world and the news about Lin Xuan.

   Qin Changsheng smiled and said: The dragon descendant, the reincarnation descendant, and the power of the gods are really unexpected.

   In our time, I am afraid that there are no such people who are against the sky!

   next to the Promise Sword God, his expression was cold, he didn't like talking very much.

   However, after hearing Lin Xuan's message, he was also shocked.

  An unrivalled peerless genius, but now the realm is still a bit weak.

  If he is high, I really hope to fight him to see how strong she is.

   Rest assured, there will be opportunities in the future.

   Qin Changsheng laughed: I really don't want to sleep again.

   I decided that this time, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, I will not sleep, I think this era is very interesting.

   The voice fell, and the two figures disappeared, and they speeded up. .

  At the same time, the bottom of Tongtianhe, with several rays of light, broke through the world and came strong.

   They have a monstrous breath, which is the power of earth and earth.

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