Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7646: 0 face god!

   The Dragon God, Chaos Old Man and others are all waiting anxiously: Why haven't they come yet?

   Suddenly, between the world and the earth, roaring sounds kept coming, and the whole Tongtian River boiled, as if to be destroyed.

  Countless monsters, creeping on the ground, a super power, swept across.

   When he felt this power, he slashed the dragon, and they stood up excitedly.

   Next moment, seven rays of light flew over, and two people were at the forefront.

   A man with a mask, only a pair of eyes appeared, he is a thousand faces.

   The next person is carrying his hands, wearing a robe, and there are countless avenues around him.

   He is like a god, he is called Zhenxuan.

   See two seniors.

   Slashing the Dragon God, Chaos Scholars and others, hurry to salute, they are extremely excited.

   These are the true gods of the two pinnacles, and their power is completely above them.

   In addition to these two peak true gods, they also brought some people, a small number, a total of five.

  However, all are true gods.

   This lineup is terrible.

   Lin Xuan was hiding in a dark place. When he saw this scene, his pupils shrank,

   He concealed all his breath.

   This lineup gave him a fatal crisis,

   He was a little worried, and he didn’t know who their **** domain would be.

   Even if his father, the Golden Lion King, and others came, I'm afraid it wouldn't work.

   Only the God of War, or Lord Xuanyuan, might be able to do it.

   The people of Chaos Protoss were extremely excited. They took two peak true gods and flew towards the distance.

   Soon after, they stopped,

   In front, there are some clouds and fog, these clouds are very terrible.

   Speaking of the true **** of dragons: Here is the place where the blood of the **** king is held.

   These two peak gods of war, also felt a trace of crisis, they stared at the front, their expression became dignified.

  Do it yourself.

   Qian Qian walked towards the front, his mask flew towards the front.

   grew larger between heaven and earth, as if it had turned into a sky, and quickly fell.

   The clouds in front of them tumbling violently, and those clouds split into a lot of clouds and rushed towards the mask.

  However, a terrible flame erupted from the mask.

   This is not an ordinary flame, it is a **** fire, and it is a peerless fire.

   Those clouds, under the peerless fire, began to extinguish, and there was some golden light from inside, flying out.

   These are the blood of the **** king, and they collide with the **** fire and make a tremendous sound.

   The mask flew back and landed on the face of Qianmian again.

   is really the blood of the King of God, and there are a lot of them. It seems that this time, we really have made great achievements.

   He smiled and rushed towards the front.

Zhen Xuan next to    even waved his sleeves, and a group of annihilating storms flew out and killed him.

   also ripped the clouds.

   The two true gods of the peak, killed them, and their figures disappeared.

   Everyone stayed behind and could only hear the roar of roar.

  Like the true **** of dragon-cutting, and the new five, they are all great gods.

   Their strength is so strong, but at this moment, they can only watch the battle.

   If they go in, they simply can't bear the power of the blood of God King.

  At the same time, there is also an eye of the earth in the rear, which is formed by the condensation of Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan also took a breath when he saw this scene: the true God at the peak was really strong enough.

   That power is hundreds of times more powerful than that of the real gods such as Dragon Slayer?

  You have to know that Lin Xuan was very difficult to wipe out a trace of the blood of the **** king before.

   But now, the other party is direct and dare to kill Yunhai.

   He was a little worried: Will these two guys really succeed, right?

   That way, it's troublesome.

   was thinking about it. Suddenly, a roaring sound came from the front.

  Countless golden lights pierced the sky and earth, turned into a golden lightning, and flew over.

   This lightning is really terrible, he splits everything, Chao Chao Shenhuo and Chao Chao storm, instantly torn apart.

   Zhenxuan also returned backwards, his sleeves were broken.

not good.

   Those around me, when they saw this scene, their face changed a lot,

   Even the true God at the top can't help each other?

   Zhenxuan snorted likewise, his figure kept growing bigger, as if transformed into a peerless king.

  'S life roared, the world shattered,

The seawater around    swept the sky,

  Tongtianhe seems to be broken.

   Those around me were terrified and retreated quickly.

   Even Lin Xuan was shocked. With this voice, his eye of the earth was shattered.

   He could only reunite and look forward.

  He found that the true God in front of the peak had been transformed into a giant, and he walked toward the front in a big step.

   The other party roared like a **** roaring.

   His claws protruded, and even caught the thunder, and in an instant, he caught the golden thunder.

   The other hand kept shooting, trying to break the golden thunder.

   is really too powerful, the other party dare to stand up against the blood of God King.

   It seems that I have to show a little bit.

   Thousand faces sneered, his finger, on the mask.

   The next moment, the mask shook violently, and turned into a phantom of countless masks, which overlapped and overlapped, and there were thousands of them.

   floating between heaven and earth,

  Every mask is struck with a force, and every force is extremely terrible.

   And it's different.

   Thousands of masks, with thousands of powers, burst out at the moment, really terrible.

   This is the horror of a thousand He has so much power.

   General true gods, even the great ones, the pinnacle true gods, will only practice one or two supernatural powers.

   Even, only practice one kind of magic formula.

   However, the thousand faces are different,

   Thousand Faces has extremely extraordinary power. His mask can take away other people's supernatural powers.

   Therefore, the power he can exert is far beyond imagination.

  The two quickly attacked, and the world was cracked. The clouds in front were torn apart.

   Even some golden lights were broken up.

   Those golden lights turned into golden blood beads and flew in all directions.

   These blood beads are not big,

   Small, like hair,

   is big, only the size of nails.

  However, it is extremely terrible,

   They fell, just like the heavens and the world, came down.

   The void can't bear it at all, and the rivers around it can't bear it directly, and it keeps breaking.

   The strong people of the gods behind, when they saw this scene, exclaimed: There was the blood of the **** king, he was beaten out,

   Their eyes are red, but they dare not act rashly.

  Destroy the true **** of the dragon, etc., the true **** of Dacheng is very excited.

   If it is a lot of blood of the **** king, they are not opponents.

   But if there is only one point, they may have a chance.

  Go, try it yourself.

   Several great true gods rushed towards the front.

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