Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7664: you! The magical power that will be lost?

The dragon sky opposite was completely ignorant,

  Looking at Jun Wentian, he really wants to work hard with him.


  He succumbed incomparably.

   is not only him, but also the few peak elders who came to persuade, also doubts.

   They looked at Jun Wentian and asked: What is your relationship with this kid?

   He doesn't seem to be a person of yours?

   Hurry up and tell us the reason, otherwise, we invite the **** ancestor.

No matter how? The elders of the two peaks must not be allowed to fight.

   Well, I will give you reasons. Jun Wentian Shen Sheng said: This crazy god, the magical power just displayed, did you see it?

   When I heard this, several elders were slightly stunned.

  Long Cangqiang said: That magical power, is there any problem? Isn’t it the dragon supernatural power?

is it? Do you know?

  How do I know?

   Our Taixu Dragon clan, how long has it been passed on, and there are too many supernatural powers in the clan, so vast as a sea of ​​smoke.

   I only cultivate top-level supernatural powers. Like this kind of **** supernatural powers, I disdain to know.

   You must die.

   Jun Wentian was angry, the beads in his hand, and the five-star dragon behind him, all flew up.

   wants to fight desperately with the dragon sky.

  Dragon sky is also irresistible: Jun Wentian, don't go too far.

   Didn’t he just say that, garbage magic? The other party will not resign.

  Dare you say that our heritage of supernatural power is rubbish, shouldn't I desperately fight with you?


   When this word came out, everyone was stunned: inherit the magical power!

  The mad gods are showing their magical powers. Why don't they know?

   Jun Wentian said: Of course you don't know anymore, because this is a lost school.

   Taixu Shenglongquan!

  Everyone is dumbfounded,

   countless eyes, all fell on the mad god.

  Even the elders at the peak are extremely strange.

   The king asked God, but the Five Elements Emperor's blood dragon is a top-level strong man.

   Even the other party wouldn't be too fictitious to get a dragon fist, how could a younger junior do it?

Are you sure?

   Several elders are very confused,

   Just now, they did not pay much attention?

   After all, the fight of young people is not worth wasting their time.

   Jun asked Tianwang to Lin Xuan, and said: You are playing Taixu Shenglongquan, right?

  Lin Xuan did not conceal, he was ready to use this thing to deal with the other party.

  He just wanted to find a backer.

   He said: Yes, it is Taixu Shenglongquan.

   finished, he shot again, punched in front of everyone.

   A divine dragon, straight up, swept across the sky for nine days.

   Several elders at the peak, when they saw this scene, they were shocked.

   After such a close investigation, they found that this punch is amazing.

  If they show it, the power might be stronger.

   If it is asked by the monarch, it can threaten their lives.

   This is a superb school!

  Does this young man really know?

   They were stunned, looking at Lin Xuan, very curious.

   When Long Cang saw this scene, his face changed.

   Not good, this mad god, has such a fortune, he wants to destroy the other party, but it is as difficult as going to heaven.

   He turned his eyes and suddenly shouted coldly: Bold and crazy, saying, who are you?

  Why did you lose your magical power?

  You come to our Taixu Dragon Palace, what is the purpose?

   seized the kid, charged his memory, and tortured him severely.

   Never let this guy escape.

   The words changed, and many people's faces changed.

   It seems that Long Cangqiong doesn't plan to stop, is he going to use other methods to destroy the mad god?

   Several elders also frowned slightly,

   Indeed, how did the other party get too fictitious to get a dragon fist?

   This is really suspicious.

   Lin Xuan snorted, he looked to Jun Wentian.

   He said: Senior, can we talk alone?

  How? Are you scared, kid? Don't you dare to confront us?

   Dragon Cang sneered.

   finished, he looked to Jun Wentian again.

   He said: You have lived forever, but don't be fooled by this kid.

   Listen to me, take a shot at him, and directly charge his memory.

   Several elders around, although they did not shoot, but they also said: What is it? Just say it here.

  Is there anything shameful?

   Jun asked Tian to frown slightly, to be honest, he was also very puzzled.

   Lin Xuan sighed when he saw this scene.

   It seems that a too fictitious dragon fist is not enough.

  Now that's the case, let's have some shocking news

   said: Jun Mo Wang is still alive.

   When I heard this, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were almost staring out.

  Is the news too shocking?

   Jun Mo Wang, but they are too vain, a ancestor.

   long ago disappeared, endless years,

How can    be alive?

  Jun Wentian changed his face. With a big wave of his hand, he immediately took Lin Xuan away.

  At the same time, a voice stayed in place: I want to talk to this kid alone.

  Who dares to explore? Who dares to block? I'm desperate with him.

   This matter is related to their ancestors, and it is related to their rise and fall.

   Jun asked God, how could it not be crazy?

   The other elders also changed their face,

   They did not stay here, but left.

   They have to discuss it carefully. What is going on with this matter?

   Dragon Cang was also shocked,

  Unexpectedly, in the end, what would happen in the end?

   He still had no choice but to get crazy,

   Moreover, he had a bad hunch.

   This crazy god, maybe he will really find a patron, that is Jun Wentian.

  Even the entire five-element emperor dragon family acted as backers.

  Forget it, this matter is beyond his control.

  His big Long Yaotian, let's heal first!

   As for the other powerful dragons, they were even more shocked.

   The news here was spread frantically.

  In addition to being powerful, the Mad God has a little more mystery.

   The dragon clan who is going to be lost? It's incredible.

For a while, countless people were shocked.

  In the ancient palace, the void split and two figures came out.

  Jun Wentian's big hand waved, the ancient formations all around, blocked the whole hall.

   Then, he turned and looked at Lin Xuan.

   He said: Now, can you speak?

   Is our ancestor really alive? where is he?

   Jun asked how naive he was.

   Lin Xuan took a deep breath, he said: Jun Mo forget senior, indeed alive.

   However, the current state is not good, it can be said that the lamp is running out of oil.


   Jun Wentian's complexion changed greatly.

   Where is the ancestor? I will take someone to rescue him.

  Elder, don’t be excited, that place is not easy to go to.

   Jun Mo forgets Senior, now in the remains of the Emperor of Heaven.

  Remains of Heaven Emperor!

   When he heard this, Jun Wentian calmed down.

   The place is extremely terrible, with the power of Heavenly Emperor, it is not them that can be easily explored.

   Not to mention him, even the **** king of their dragon palace, did not dare to go in easily.

   He asked: What is the specific matter? You tell me in detail.

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