Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7665: Dragon Palace! Shock! Who is the enemy?

Lin Xuan did indeed see Jun Mo Wang, and he compiled a story on this basis.

   Jun asked Tian after hearing it, he was shocked: It turned out there was such a thing.

   The ancestors were trapped in the remains of the emperor. They thought that the other party had fallen.

   Fortunately, the ancestors were alive.

   Senior, it is better to invite the **** king to go to the remains of the emperor.

   asked Lin Xuan tentatively.

   Jun Wentian shook his head, he said: No, this matter can not be rushed, we have to think long.

Seeing Lin Xuan's doubts, Jun Wentian said: I will not hide you.

  To tell the truth, this ancestor is still alive, this thing is indeed very shocking.

   Moreover, this matter is more trouble than you think.

  If the ancestors came back while they were alive, I am afraid that the current situation of the Taixu Dragon Palace might change dramatically.

   Not everyone, you want to see this change, do you understand?

   Lin Xuan was relieved in his heart, fortunately, as he thought,

   Taixu Dragon Palace is not alone.

  It seems that he has a chance.

Who is the biggest resistance? Is it the **** ancestor?

   asked Lin Xuan.


   Jun Mo forgot to shake his head: The biggest resistance is the people in the vein of Long Tatian.

   Long Tatian's current strength is very powerful, and his talent is unparalleled. In the future, he has a great chance to become a **** king.

There are many people who support him.

   It can be said that in Taixu Dragon Palace, most of them support each other.

   What many people think is that Dragon will be able to control the Dragon Palace in the future.

  If our ancestors came back, it would not necessarily be.

   is in charge of the Dragon Palace, and it is not necessarily the Dragon Sword.

   As for the present ancestor of the **** king, he is already the king of the gods, with a high status and great transcendence.

  He thinks more about the future of the dragon.

  Dragon is the future of the dragon, and if the ancestors can come back, it is also the future of the dragon.

   Therefore, the ancestor of the **** king will not easily shoot.

   Hearing this, Lin Xuan was completely relieved.

   It's great, since people of the God King level will not easily take the shot.

   Then the next step is to contend with Long Tatian.

   He and Long Tatian have long been dead rivals, and within a hundred years, there must be a battle.

   Moreover, only one person can successfully go on,

   Lin Xuan will never let go of each other.

  I want to come to Longtatian, do you think so?

   Lin Xuan said: Senior, you can rest assured that Long Tatian will hand it to me.

   Jun Mo Wang said: About you, I have heard a few things before.

   At that time, my feeling was that you were too crazy, too ignorant of the heights, I think you have no chance of winning.

   But now, I have changed my mind, you are really talented.

   Luck, strength is very strong, you really have a chance to challenge Long Tatian.

   Of course, you now have no chance, you may in the future.

   Rest assured, I will support you.

   It seems that next, we need a good layout.

   On the one hand, it is necessary to contend with the dragon and the power behind him.

  Furthermore, we still have the strength to save our ancestors.

  The remains of Heavenly Emperor are very terrible. I am afraid that the ancestor of God King will not dare to go easily.

   As for those other people, I am afraid that the ancestors do not want to come back.

   Next, we have to rely on ourselves.

   Jun asked heaven, feeling the great pressure.

   This matter, he can't do it alone, so he has to discuss with the clan.

  He first let Lin Xuan go back,

   Jun asked God to go to the people of the Five Elements Emperor Blood Dragon to discuss.

   Not only are they too virtual dragon palace, the other dragons are also stunned.

   A message quickly flew: What? Jun Mo Wang is still alive? impossible!

  How many years? How could he be alive?

   That year, he had already fallen.

   was said by the crazy god.

  Hum, a little true god, what do you know?

  I think he is for this purpose. He wants Jun Wen to ask Tiandang to rely on the mountain and contend against the dragon sky.

  Some people don't believe it.

   However, there are still some people who have frowned.

   They have some belief.

   If the mad **** lied, then how could the other party perform too fictitious dragon fist?

   The other party must have seen Jun Mowang, and even had inherited Jun Mowang.

   As for whether Jun Mo Wang is alive? They are not clear.

  Go to the crazy **** and ask.

   is most worried about people who are in the vein of Long Tatian.

  The supporters of Longtatian are very worried.

  In case Jun Mo forgets to come back, it is very unfavorable to them.

   They sent people to Lin Xuan's mad shrine,

   Before seeing Lin Xuan, there were two figures in the void, which appeared.

   These two people are two old men. They stand between heaven and earth like two big mountains.

   They stopped the way.

  How many people come here, what's the matter?

   asked the two old men with a smile.

   Opposite of several dragon clan strongmen, their faces became extremely ugly.

  Unexpectedly, the reaction of the Wuxing Emperor Blood Dragon family was so fast.

   Send masters now to protect Lin Xuan?

   We look for crazy gods, there are some things.


  Crazy God is now resting, he has just gone through a war, we don’t want anyone to disturb him.

   Also, the mad god's talent is good. Our five-element emperor blood dragon family pays great attention to him.

   is ready to cultivate him well.

  Whoever dares to find him in trouble is to be an enemy of our five-element emperor blood dragon family.

   Hope a few think twice.

   Hearing this, the face of several dragon clan strongmen became extremely ugly.

   They said nothing, turned around and left,

   shot now, I am afraid I have to fight, and it will be troublesome.

After    went back, they came to report this matter, and they did not tell Long Tatian.

   Dragon treads the sky, and is now fully practicing the dragon martial arts tactics, preparing to impact the **** realm.

   General things, don't even care about these people at, and they don't bother each other.

   handles this matter, it is the grandfather of Long Tatian, Long Tianyun.

  After hearing the news, his face was somber, he said: Since this is the case, don't move this crazy **** first.

   First stared at Jun Wentian and others to see what they did.

  If they set off, it is to save Jun Mo and forget.

   Then, we followed, in the name of help, secretly looking for opportunities to start.

   absolutely can't let Jun Mo forget to come back alive.

  Long Tianyun's eyes, a stern killing intention appeared.

   the other side,

  The strong men of the Five Elements Emperor Blood Dragon clan gathered together, and they were discussing quickly.

  Can you guarantee that this kid is right?

   should be okay, otherwise, why would he be too fictitious to get a Dragon Fist?

  The remains of Heavenly Emperor are so terrible.

   Even, we are not necessarily able to enter the ruins.

   I heard that the remains of the Heavenly Emperor have changed there.

   There was a black mysterious river outside, and the **** king did not dare to go easily.

   We're gone, I'm afraid we will die for a lifetime.

  Although it is difficult, we cannot give up.

   Jun Wentian said: We can prepare.

   For so long, we all waited, and during this time, we can afford it.

   What we want to make sure now is another thing.

  Do we want to fully support the Mad God?

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