Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7685: Demon Lord

A loud voice rang between heaven and earth.

The people fighting in front of them all stopped, and they all turned to look around.

At the next moment, they saw a very marvelous young man coming over.

Who are you? Dare to take care of my business.

Feitian Yasha snorted coldly, not caring, he wanted to continue.

However, in his hands, those few star worlds, however, are shining brightly.

He flew out quickly and left his control.

Are you when I don't exist?

Lin Xuan stepped out, he urged Suzaku Ling, and Heavenly Seal.

As a Suzaku Star King, not only can you urge Suzaku Star's power.

It can even promote the power of the entire Suzaku galaxy, billions of stars.

However, the latter is more difficult,

It requires complete control of the Suzaku order, and the heavenly seal.

Lin Xuan hasn't mastered it yet, but he has mastered it.

Compared with before, when fighting with Longfei, the control power is much stronger.

At this moment, under the orders of Suzaku Ling, hundreds of millions of stars are shining brightly.

A huge Suzaku phantom formed.

That strength is really too strong, and instantly will fly Feiyueya to blow out.

Feitian Yasha, vomiting blood, shocked.

The man in front of him can mobilize the power of hundreds of millions of stars. Who is this man?

Even the teenager in front, the bear child, also exclaimed.

It’s so good, I don’t know how it compares with me.

Several artifacts around him radiate a dazzling light.

The old people in the rear said: Young Master, don't do it, he is Suzaku Star King, and we have no conflict with him.

Suzaku Xingjun? Oh, I remember, just some time ago, the world famous, that crazy god!

Bear Child smiled and said: I am called Mo Wuyou, from the Devil God family.

Xingjun, how about you give me this flying night fork?

I want to take him back.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, he could naturally feel the strength of this bear child.

There are many masters next to each other. It is extremely extraordinary to want to come to the other party's identity.

Although he had fought against the Demon God Clan before, he also knew that there were many branches in the God Clan.

There is no need to be completely enemies.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: As long as you are not here, continue to work, naturally.

Don't worry, you won't do it again.

Mo Wuyou, urging the Great Ding, instantly suppressed Feiyueyacha.

He said: This Feitianyacha is too weak to be my opponent at all.

It's not fun to fight.

Speaking of this, he looked at Lin Xuan and smiled: Your strength is very strong.

You can get the Suzaku Star among the Dragon Clan. It is indeed extraordinary. Let me see, what strength do you have?

Speaking of which, Bear Child urged the bone-bone flying sword in his hand and quickly killed him towards Lin Xuan.

Faced with this blow, Lin Xuan did not dodge at all, but waved his hand.

The light of hundreds of millions of stars condenses, forming Suzaku's claws, and falls quickly.

Hit the Bone Flying Sword.

With a loud bang, the bone-bone flying sword was shaken out.

Are you sure you want to be against me?

Lin Xuan asked with a frown.

You are wrong, not against you, just to learn from each other.

To be honest, I am very strong, and it is difficult for ordinary people to be my opponent.

Even in the leapfrog battle, those who become great gods can't beat me.

So, I am bored,

Nowadays, it is rare to meet an interesting opponent, how can I miss it?

is it? If you want to learn, you can,

It's better to compare your own strength.

It’s too boring to use artifacts,

Just don't know, do you dare?

Haha, what dare not?

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, Bone Flying Sword, Mo Ding, and several other artifacts.

All was collected by him.

Young Master, be careful.

The elders in the rear are worried.

The bear child laughed: Why? Don’t you believe me?

Quickly back away so as not to delay my shot.

Okay, Suzaku Xingjun, you can start now.

Lin Xuan nodded.

He shot, with a big thunder palm, patted towards the front.

Just like Thunder Dragon's claws, it instantly enveloped the sky.

In front of the claws, the star worlds around them became very small.

The other powerful Demon God clan retreated to the rear.

They were also surprised when they felt the blow.

This Suzaku Star King is really strong enough, but they have more confidence in their young master.

Mo Wuyou looked up at the sky, looking at this shocking blow, he did not fear.

On the contrary, he was extremely happy, laughing hahaha, and then quickly rushed over.

He was like a young god, with black runes flashing on him.

It was devil qi, and it was terrible, and he seemed to turn into a devil.

With a bang, he fell on the sky dragon claw.

Although the ratio between the two is very different, the strength is shocking.

The blow caused the Dragon Claw to shake violently, and the sky of thunder shattered.

Haha, Suzaku Xingjun, you are careful, my strength is very strong.

Mo Wuyou laughed and rushed over again.

He did not use any artifacts, but waved a small hand, showing the peerless magic.


An ancient Warcraft, from his palm, flew out like a real monster.

The scales above radiate a dazzling light. .

The huge body rushed quickly enough to move the mountains and fill the sea.

At the same time, there was a black thunder in the other palm, flying out.

No weaker than the previous Thunder Dragon Claw,

The black thunder is flying like a wild knife.

The two peerless supernatural powers instantly killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan banged out with a punch, and he used the supreme dragon fist to collide with that ancient Warcraft.

With a loud bang, Taikoo World of Warcraft was shaken out, and the magic energy above was shattered. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And these are the black thunders, but they are chopped on Lin Xuan, making a violent sound.

The void around Lin Xuan shattered into a huge black hole, engulfing him.


When I saw this scene, the strong men of the Devil God Clan smiled: It seems that the outcome is divided.

This Suzaku Star King, although powerful, is still worse than the young master.

The young master's supernatural powers, the magic thunder knives, became more terrible than before.

It seems that this Suzaku star is careless, he thought that the young master had no artifacts, and his strength was weakened.

In fact, he guessed wrong, even if there is no artifact, the master's strength is still very powerful.

has it ended?

Mo Wuyou also blinked a pair of bright bright eyes and looked forward.

Won't it end like this? It's too boring.

The next moment, his eyes lit up, and then his body dodged quickly.

The place where he used to stand suddenly cracked and turned into a huge crack.

It's terrible, almost cut me in half.

Mo Wuyou was taken aback.

Those around, watching the powerful Demon clan, also exclaimed.

what happened? Is it possible to become a Suzaku Star King?

They looked towards the front,

At the next moment, they saw that a figure came out of the black hole.

On the other party, a breath of monstrous dragon road bloomed, and a giant dragon surrounded it to form a battle armor.

The other side was unharmed.

Such a powerful physique can actually block the magic thunder knives.

You are really good. Your strength is beyond my imagination. Next, I have to be serious.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, his expression became extremely dignified.


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