Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7686: The identity of the mad **** has been seen through?

Between breathing and breathing, the power of heaven and earth quickly gathered towards him.

Afterwards, he formed around him, one figure after another.

These giant dragons have terrible fire dragons, water dragons, misty cloud dragons, and powerful tyrannosaurus.

One dragon after another stood between heaven and earth, making the whole world tremble.

These dragons, like real beasts, come to life,

Between hands and feet, with supreme divine power.

The roars of dragons roared, and in a trance, people thought that the ancient ancient dragons had all come.

A roar, countless dragon shadows, overwhelming, killed in the past towards Mo Wuyou.

Wherever he passed, everything was shattered and nothing could resist.

Mo Wuyou was also taken aback, he also felt that this strength is much stronger than before.

The black runes on his body bloomed, quickly condensed, and turned into a black ocean.

He quickly moved forward.

His tiny body, among these behemoths, shuttled quickly.

Every time a shot is made, a behemoth is crushed.

The war broke out completely,

In a flash, hundreds of strokes passed.

The people around the demons were shocked when they saw this scene.

Too strong, this Suzaku star lord, was able to fight with the young master to such a degree.

It's really unimaginable.

Lin Xuan was also very surprised: the bear child in front of him was indeed stronger than Long Fei.

It seems that the origin of the other party's identity must be extremely extraordinary.

Just give it a try, Tianlong Bayong just practiced.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and the next moment, he made a roar of dragons.

This is not an ordinary dragon roar, this is a dragon sound.

Tianlong Bayin is an extremely terrible peerless magical power.

It is recorded in real keel, and one can imagine how precious it is.

How difficult it is to practice the dragon sounds.

Even if the talent is high, it is difficult to cultivate in a short time.

Lin Xuan, however, has an advantage, that is, he has practiced infinite Tianzun before.

Wuliang Tianzun is even more mysterious, and he can now display the word Wuliang.

When practicing Tianlong Bayin, he added immeasurable Tianzun's insights and practiced extremely fast.

The terrible sound resounded through the world, and the emptiness of the four sides was covered with cracks.

The elders of the demons tremble.

Their complexion changed greatly,

It was terrible, feeling that in this voice, they seemed to be wiped out.


Mo Wuyou is fighting with the phantoms of those dragons.

Suddenly, a mysterious voice sounded and he rushed towards him instantly.

He dodge quickly, the magic rune on his body has turned into a side armor, covering him.

This time, he was careless,

He was blasted out,

The magic armor on his body was broken.

His little face became pale.

Little Lord.

The strong men of the Mozu were taken aback.

They were extremely nervous: was the young master hurt?

Mo Wuyou was extremely surprised, and it was really incredible to be able to suppress him.

It's kind of interesting. It seems that I have to show my true strength.

Mo Wuyou prepares, and tries her best to show the bottom card.

At this time, a man in black robe came over and whispered a few words.

After listening to Mo Wuyou, he said: Okay. I know.

He never shot again,

He looked forward and said: Suzaku Xingjun, your strength is indeed very strong.

You won my recognition.

Although now, I lose to you, but really fight the battle of life and death, you are certainly not my opponent.

The artifact baby on me is really too much.

Now, I have other things, I have to leave quickly.

Xingjun, goodbye! We are in Tongtianhe and we should meet again.

The strong men of other Demon God clan also followed one after another and turned to leave.

At this time, there was a figure, glancing at Lin Xuan, he grinned.

The next moment, his voice rang in Lin Xuan's ear.

Unexpectedly, the famous Suzaku Xingjun turned out to be Lin Wudi.

What a surprise!

When he heard this, Lin Xuan's face changed, and there was a stern killing intention in his eyes.

Staring deadly, the figure in front.

who are you?

He also voiced.

This person did not directly reveal his identity, but secretly transmitted voice. .

It should be a conspiracy.

Threaten him?

Lin Xuan snorted, no one dared to threaten him.

The man in black robe sneered and said: Don't you know who this seat is?

Haven't seen you for such a long time, you will not forget my breath, right?

After talking, the man in black robe looked at Lin Xuan again, then turned and left.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly.

On the surface of the other party, it is a Demon God Clan, but it should be a person he is familiar with.

He cast his eyes in reincarnation and looked at each other.

It turned out to be him!

Lin Xuan recognized that this man in black robe was none other than the Devil Emperor.

It has been a long time since there was no news from the other party. Where can he get it, the other party has entered the Devil God Clan.

It seems that the status is not low.

This guy's method is as surprising as he is!

Never mind.

Lin Xuan shook his head, not to care about the devil's affairs.

The other party is a Can't guess at all, what does the other party want to do next?

Lin Xuan is going to Tongtianhe,

Of course, he is not alone.

This time, he went in the name of Suzaku Star King,

He wants to gather a group of strong men to follow him.

With an order, the powerful Suzaku stars gathered toward his palace.

This Suzaku galaxy has many strong ones, and there are several true gods.

The old Jinwu before was a true god,

In addition, there are several others, which are very powerful.

They are extremely respectful in front of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said: Follow me to Tongtian River.

At this moment in Tongtian River, the wind was surging and became extremely lively.

Before Tongtianhe, it was like life was forbidden, no one dared to come.

Since that time, the golden light has penetrated through the heavens and the earth, illuminating the vastness of the universe.

Countless people have come to investigate, the Taigu tribe has come, and the ancient tribe has also come.

In addition, there are the land fairy family, the true **** family, and some other schools.

It can be said that countless people gather here in the heavens and the world.

Those with strong strength are ready to show their talents and win the fortune.

The weak ones are also prepared to come over to see the excitement.

Even some sleeping fossils wake up and come to Tongtianhe.

At this time, around the Tongtian River, it became dark again.

Everyone was stunned, could it be impossible, has Tongtianhe changed again?

At this moment, someone exclaimed: No, the Tongtian River is changing, but the whole sky is changing.

Someone is performing a supernatural power.

What is sacred?

This should be, the ancient gods swallow the heavens.

They really came!


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