Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7687: Get together! All day!

At present, there are a lot of strong people coming.

Those of the ancient ancient gods have not yet arrived.

Everyone knows that these people will definitely come,

Now it's finally here.

The black breath around them, as if the black clouds crushed the city, made them all tremble.

The originally lively Tongtian River was quiet and terrifying at the moment.

Everyone was trembling, and their faces were cold and sweaty.

Who would dare to spread the wild at this time? I'm afraid it will be swallowed instantly.

I have to say that the swallowing family is really terrible enough to swallow everything.

Even those true gods are small like ants in front of this force.

At this moment, in the darkness, a light suddenly lit up.

Not the golden light of Tongtianhe, but the starlight,

One star after another appeared on the sky.

Those stars, constantly spinning, the stars scattered and shook the world.

The people looked up at the sky and they were stunned.

Someone can actually contend, who is the power of the sky? Quick look.

There are people in those stars.

They found that the stars seemed to be flying.

Above the stars, one figure after another stands.

They are like the fairy in the legend, extremely mysterious.

The star at the front is even brighter.

Above the stars, stood a figure, this is a woman, extremely beautiful.

Some people exclaimed: I know, this is the people of the Star God family, and they are also the ancient gods.

Everyone was shocked: The Star God family, not in nine days and ten places, in the broken Xinghai, has been very low-key.

Unexpectedly, this time, such a high-profile came.

Who am I? It turned out to be the star **** clan, the most beautiful girl in heaven, fairy fairy.

In the darkness, a laugh sounded.

The woman at the forefront is like a fairy in nine days.

Her temperament is dusty, surrounded by countless stars.

A pair of eyes, like a galaxy, is extremely deep.

She looked at the darkness ahead and smiled: Ye Changge, you are also here.

The people below were shocked. They firmly remembered these two names in their hearts.

Xi Yan, Ye Changge, I am afraid that this is the top arrogance in the Protoss.

Another ray of light crossed, followed by boundless flames, swept across.

At this moment, the darkness faded away like seawater, occupying only one side of the starry sky.

The rest of the place was shrouded in fire.

One after another, the sun is much brighter than the previous stars.

They shone through the ages and swept through the Eight Wastelands. They were the Tianyang Protoss, and they also came.

The crowd exclaimed again,

It seems that this time, the Protoss have arrived.

In the boundless fire, one chariot after another appeared.

One of the old men came out of the chariot, and he looked to the four sides and stood down.

Many people exclaimed: It turned out to be Chihuo Ancestor.

Is he even here? It seems that Tianyang Protoss, this time is determined to get.

The sky was full of ice, and the people of Xuanbing Protoss came.

The coldness on them is enough to freeze forever.


Wanlong roared, a giant dragon, appeared between heaven and earth.

They are extremely unpretentious, tearing the sky, powerful divine power, sweeping everything.

Countless people exclaimed again: the people of the Taixu Dragon tribe are here.

The people of the Wild Ancient Progeny, each occupying one side,

They are high above. It was so overwhelming that everyone could not lift their heads.

With these Protoss, I am afraid that the top treasures, other people are not eligible to get.

However, the Tongtian River is so vast that you can’t see your head at a glance. There are definitely many treasures here.

Everyone has a chance,

No one left, they were all waiting.


At this moment, the Tongtian River below suddenly erupted with a roaring roar.

The boundless river swept the sky, and the people around were shocked.

Despite the changes in Tongtianhe, everyone still dare not take action.

Who is it? Do you shoot now?

They turned their heads and saw that below, a **** fish burst into a monstrous breath.

This big fish turned out to be of the true **** level.

When many people saw this scene, their scalp became numb.

It seems that even though the Tongtian River has changed, it is still terrifying.

Not to mention, a black fish alone is enough to despair countless people.

Don't run, stop, let me eat you.

At this moment, a voice came to mind.

Everyone was ignorant after listening: God, who is it? So bold.

They continue to look around,

It turned out that there was a young man behind this black fish.

To be precise, it was a teenager, the other party grinned and reached the extreme speed.

Holding a pot in his hand, and a knife, he was killing this black fish.

Said to eat each other.

Everyone fainted for a while: Whose bear child is this? Even wanted to eat a true god.

The black fish was also extremely angry.

What is his identity? What bloodline? Lived endless years, when did you succumb?

Fish tail sweep! Jing Tao patted the shore, and the void was immediately shattered, killing the bear child.

Everyone worried about the bear child,

At the next moment, they found that their worry was unnecessary.

A black palm shattered everything, patted on the fish tail, and shattered the scales on it.

Not only that, this black palm grabbed the fish tail and waved hard.

The really god-level black fish was thrown into the sky.

At the next moment, a large cauldron immediately enveloped it.

Bear child, spit out a black flame and enveloped the cauldron.

It didn’t take long for to smell a fragrance.

Everyone swallowed their saliva, and a true **** was cooked by the other party.

Where is this bear child, this is the devil, where is this sacred?

Everyone burst into a daze.

At this time, some strong men flew over in the distance.

Came to the bear child, said: Young Master, you fly slower, we can not keep up with you.

Young Master, you really ate him.

Young Master, these days, you have eaten several, powerful monsters.

Let's take a break, so as not to be stared at by the powerful people in the Tongtian River.

Rest assured, just eat the last one.

This scene shocked everyone, not knowing what to say.

In the sky, those of the Devil God clan also frowned tightly.

The young man below looks like a bear child, but his strength and identity are quite scary.

No worries.

Someone frowned.

Who is calling me?

The bear child looked up at the sky, his teeth grinned, and there was a terrible flame flashing in his eyes.

He was like a young devil, staring at these people for more than 9 days.

He smiled: Don’t mess with me, or you will be eaten.

Some people are very dissatisfied.

Some people laughed: It is indeed a bear child of the Devil God Clan, and it really is the same as the legend.

Those around me were shocked: people who originally belonged to the Devil God Clan, which is also one of the Fantastic God Clan.

This bear child, must not provoke.

Many people think of it.

It was at this time that the world roared, the world was opened, and the Tongtian River boiled.

Everyone's body trembled, and a great power swept through.

Between heaven and earth, the atmosphere of chaos flew, as if the universe had just begun.


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