Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7689: you? Unbearable 1 blow!

Suzaku Xingjun!

   heard the name, and the people around exclaimed.

  The name, they are no strangers, especially the Protoss people, even more thunderous.

   They saw each other for the first time.

   A pair of eyes, with a bright light, looked towards the front, wanting to see through the figure in front.

   So young!

   This man of the Protoss was shocked.

  Suzaku Star King is much younger than expected.

   Moreover, the other party really did not have a quaint bloodline, it is a person of this era.

   is really surprising!

   did not expect that in this era, in addition to Lin invincible, it can even appear, such as Suzaku Xingjun master.

  Kid, you finally figured it out and return my artifact.

  Longfei growls.

  He is a baby, all of them were taken away by the other party, which makes him crazy.

   However, he has never been able to report this hatred.

   Now that he saw Suzaku Xingjun, he immediately gritted his teeth: It seems that the ancestor's method failed.

Before   , their ancestors sent the wild ancient demon clan to deal with each other.

  Where you want it, it's a sea of ​​rocks.

  Now that he meets the other party again, he will definitely not keep his hand.

  How? Want to do it to me?

   Lin Xuan looked at the other party and sneered: Your defeat is not my opponent at all.

  After being suppressed by me last time, I cried and begged me not to smoke your dragon tendons.

   Only a few days? Did you forget these things?

   When I heard this, many people laughed: Did Long Fei have such a miserable situation?

  You bullshit.

  Longfei was crazy: When did I cry?

  Kid, you are too much.

  The strong man behind Longfei can't stand it anymore.

   A tall dragon elder, came out and stared at Lin Xuan.

  He said coldly: I don’t want to participate in the battle of your younger generation.

   However, you are too deceiving, and obediently hand over the artifact you robbed.

   I can never look back.

   Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

  Cold murderous intention, swept the world,

   Everyone shivered.

  Although they read the joke before, they will never forget that this is the Taixu Dragon Clan.

   has a strong bloodline,

  Once you start, you will be shocked.

   Lin Xuan glanced at the other party and smiled: You're welcome? It’s up to you, I’m afraid you are not qualified.

   wanted to shoot, come on!

   Is it crazy? This guy didn't even look at the elders.

   Where is this Suzaku star lord? Why is it so arrogant?

   Those of the Protoss were also very surprised.

   Someone laughed and said: The elders, who bullied a younger generation, are too shameful, right?

   Without the elder's shot, I can destroy him.

   An icy voice sounded, and then a man surrounded by Shenhuo came out.

   He is the top genius of the Fire Dragon family, the three young masters of the Fire Dragon.

   He came out and said: Mad God, you are too arrogant, do you really think that no one can suppress you?

   Today, I will give you a good lesson to let you know, what is a gap?

   waved his big hand, the fire on his body swept the world, countless dragon shadows, roaring in all directions.

   The hot breath seems to destroy everything.

  The people around Tongtianhe shivered.

  Under this force, they felt a fatal crisis.

   Even the bodies of those true gods are melting.

Too strong.

   Those terrified faces of the true god: Is this the dragon family?

   There are really too many strong people, just come out one, you can sweep everything.

   Those of the ancient gods of the desert are also dignified.

  But they know that these three young masters are not ordinary disciples.

   The other party is a top genius, the other party's fire dragon tactic is extremely terrible.

   At the age of the other party, this state can be said to be the best.

You can not.

   Lin Xuan glanced at the other party and shook his head slightly: You are too weak to be my opponent at all.

  The fire dragon three young master's complexion changed greatly, under the eyes of all eyes, the other party even said he could not.

   This is the biggest challenge to him.

   As the top arrogance of the Dragon race, why was he so despised?

   Find death.

   roared, the fire on his body exploded in an instant.

   on him, turned into a mysterious sky map.

  Eight wildfire dragons.

   The phantom of the eight-headed dragon roared between the world and shattered the sky.

   They turned into a huge dragon figure and quickly fell down.

   Not good, rewind.

  The spectators around him are crazy like hind legs.

   Even the people of the Protoss race have distanced themselves.

   No way, this blow is really terrible.

  Below the Tongtian River, they all boiled violently, as if they could not bear it.

  Suzaku's strong men also changed their complexion, and they also pushed to the rear.

   And Lin Xuan, but stood with his hands down, looking up at the sky.

  Looking at the fire dragon figure that landed in the sky, a sneer raised in the corner of his mouth.

   The next moment, he shot, and took a palm shot.


  The sky is falling apart.

   This palm is too fast. The people didn't see it at all, only heard a scream.

  When they recovered, they discovered that the Fire Dragon Three Young Masters were also shot to the ground.

   All his faces were smashed and his teeth flew out.

   Very fast!

   The powerful and genius of the heavens and the world are all gathered here. It can be said here that the master is like a cloud, and there are countless powerful.

   However, at this moment they were still scared.

   Lin Xuan's speed is too fast, most people do not see clearly.

   And those who see clearly, even to take a breath: this Suzaku star-kun, can not be underestimated.

  Dare you hit me in the face?

  The three young masters of Fire Dragon, then mad.

   I fight with you!

   His bloodline ~ ~ was all burning, he turned into the body.

  The huge fire dragon claws came fiercely towards Lin Xuan.

  However, Lin Xuan escaped calmly, slapped again, and smashed the other party's face again.

   Lin Xuan kept shooting and slapped him.

   said coldly at the same time: Lesson me, it is up to you, do you have this qualification?

   Every slap is shocking, everyone's scalp is numb, and the body is trembling.

   Some people unconsciously covered their faces: is it terrible?

  Longfei seemed to remember that his previous experience was also taken a step back.

  His face turned pale.


   The elder next to him couldn't stand it anymore, shouted and shattered the world.

   A powerful voice swept toward Lin Xuan, and the void around him kept breaking.

   Lin Xuan shook his figure, evading the blow, he had a cold light in his eyes, condensing.

   He said: Why? Are you sure you want to do it?

   The killing intentions on him are getting more and more stern.

   Even if he is an elder, if he dares to deal with him, he will bear his anger.

  Young people, you are too arrogant. If you don't teach you, you are free to grow like this.

   You will make a big mistake.

   The old man in a white robe across from him walked out quickly.

   in his hands, formed a fan, condensed with a light wave, the sky collapsed.

   He disregarded his identity and shot strongly to kill Lin Xuan.


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