Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7690: Tianlong 8 sounds! Xianwei!

No, this mad **** is in danger. Unexpectedly, the elder would actually shoot himself.

   This is a leapfrog battle, only a very few geniuses can do it.

   This crazy **** should not be able to do it.

   came a cry of exclamation.

   Unexpectedly, before entering the Tiantian River, they could see the battle of the Protoss.

  Relying on the old and old guy, he dare to do it to me.

   Lin Xuan also sank his face.


   With a cold drink like thunder, he cast the sound of the dragon.

   This is a supernatural power.

  Elder Baipao didn't expect that Lin Xuan would suddenly shoot, and it was this lore when he came up.

   The smile on his face froze, and his soul seemed to be shattered.

   Damn it.

  He fought back like crazy,

   However, as soon as he came up, he fell into a disadvantage.

   He was withdrawn from the town, his face became extremely pale, a sip of old blood, almost squirting out.

   But he was suppressed by his death.

   If he vomited blood in public, his face would be lost.

  Kid, are you looking for death?

  The old man in white robe was completely angry, murderous and wanted to shoot again.

   At this moment, a light voice fluttered.

  Is there a good show? Wait, wait for me to take a bottle of wine and eat while watching.

   said it was the bear child, his big eyes, very bright, stared at the sky.

  Because, he knew that next, it would be a peerless battle.

   The strength of Suzaku Xingjun, he had experienced it, it was terrible.

   Although the elders of this dragon family are powerful, I am afraid that they cannot help each other.

   Enough, stop, isn’t it shameful enough?

   Other powerful dragons frowned.

   What kind of grievances, go back and resolve, and now our goal is Tongtianhe.

   That's right, we can't let people from all over the world see our jokes.

Don't stop blaming us, don't blame us.

  Many people stared at the old white robe.

  Although the old man in white robe comes from the Taixuzhen dragon family, how about that?

  If lost, the face of Taixu Dragon Palace annoys the **** ancestor.

  Even if they are too virtual dragons, they will be punished.

  Kid, you are lucky, this time, I will spare you first.

   Elder White Robe is not shooting.

  Can't you fight?

   Bear child sighed: It's a pity, I have a good bottle of wine.

   Originally, he still wanted to watch a good show.

  Where he wanted to, he just opened a bottle of wine, and as a result, the two did not fight.

   It's abominable!

   After listening, everyone rolled their eyes: they are really bear children.

   Lin Xuan also withdrew his gaze, and he ignored it, these elders,

   but stared at the Tongtian River below.

  The next moment, he roared upward, and the huge Suzaku phantom appeared again.

   enveloped him.

   He rushed towards Tongtianhe below.


  Tongtian River, the surging waves beat the shore, the river swept thousands of miles.

  Lin Xuan was as strong as a broken bamboo, and he was the first to enter the Tongtian River.

  Damn, he can't let him take the lead, let's go.

  Longfei's eyes are also red,

   People from the Taixu Dragon clan, move quickly.

   After them, the other **** races, as well as the powerful people of the heavens and the world, also acted one after another.

  Tongtianhe, boiled again.

   entered the river and everyone felt a force.

   They defended one after another and swam towards the distance.

   Good things, it should be at the bottom of the Tongtian River, go, take a look.

  These people speed up, the further down, the greater the pressure.

   There are already some people who can't support it.

  No, we can’t go,

   It seems that we can only become spectators.

   It's a pity that our strength is too weak. I'm afraid that even watching the game may not be able to do it.

   Maybe they can only, wait.

   A piece of news came out.

   Rest assured, with our Alliance of Heavenly Masters, you will definitely be able to see peerless battles.

  Our Qianyu Building will also keep you informed at any time.

  Tianshi Alliance, Qianyu Tower, what is this?

   These warriors from the heavens and the world are stunned,

   Soon, they understood.

The    Alliance of Heavenly Masters is a group of Heavenly Masters joining forces together to form a force that is terrible.

   These Sky Masters will then use the formation method to record the battle of the Protoss in front.

  And, will use the array method, reflected in the heavens, let other people watch the battle.

   Qianyu Tower is also an extremely mysterious existence. Its full name is called Dahuang Qianyu Tower.

   is a force that existed in the ancient times, mainly based on intelligence.

   After listening, everyone was very happy,

  Although they are weak, they cannot watch the past.

  Through the formation, they can also watch the battle.

   This time, there are really too many people.

  Even if most people cannot enter the bottom of the river, the number of the remaining part is still alarming.

   This does not include, the true God of the Peak.

   The top martial art clan family, there will definitely be a true god.

   They are here,

  But now, they are hidden in the void,

  Let's watch its changes.

  Only when they discover the true peerless treasure, they will shoot.

   At present, I am afraid that other people will try the water to find a way for them.

   Lin Xuan is fast, taking the lead,

   Soon after, he was caught up.

   This time there are too many masters, Lin Xuan does not care.

   Looking for baby, but not just fast, you can get it.

   He even slowed down.

  Longfei and others have also surpassed Lin Xuan,

  Longfei also turned his head to look around and made a provocative action against Lin Xuan.

   However, Lin Xuan ignored it directly.

   Today's Long Fei is already a defeated man, he doesn't even think about it.

   over the God Realm,

  Murong Qingcheng and others also slowly approached.

   Qingcheng Biography said: Brother Xuan, do you want to join forces?

  Lin Xuan said: Don't join forces first, act independently and keep in touch at any time.

it is good.

  The people of God Realm pulled away,

   After a few days, the crowd stopped again.

   was not finding the baby, but their way, was blocked.

   has changed in front,

  Tongtianhe appeared golden light.

   However, not the entire Tongtian River, all turned into a golden ocean.

   Most of the places are black,

   The golden light is still a small part.

   The front is the boundary between gold and black light.

   appeared in front, one after another, black fish, a very large number.

   Looking far away, going to the endless When I saw this kind of fish, many people gasped.

  Is the bear kid eating before, isn't this black fish?

   It's just that the bear child eats it at the level of the true god.

   There are many black fish in front, most of them are below the level of the true god.

   Of course, there are many true gods.

   Even they saw that a huge black shadow, like a mountain, hovered there.

   This should be the king of black fish.

  Don't dare to act lightly, so many monsters really want to fight, they may not be able to prevail.

  Can they all join forces? I'm afraid it's difficult.

   The people who swallowed the gods exclaimed: This is the fish of the North Underworld, but this is a strange animal!

   This number is too much.

   Those around me also exclaimed.

  Fish of the North Sea, the legendary fish? I didn't expect to be able to see it here.

   is really incredible, worthy of Tongtianhe.

  The people of Tianyang Protoss are shining brightly.

   They said: According to legend, the Tongtian River connects Jiutian, and its end is the entrance of Jiutian.

   I didn’t quite believe it before, but it seems most likely true now.

  What are these northern fishes doing here? Is it specifically to stop us?

   I am afraid that next, there will be a war.

   The people of the Demon God Clan are murderous.

   The elders of Taixu Dragon Palace frowned, and they said: Don't act rashly.

  Look, what is that golden light?

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