Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7691: Beiming

Everyone was curious and looked towards the front. Next moment, they were stunned.

   They found that there was also a sound in the golden light.

   Moreover, it is also a fish,

   is a golden fish.

   The breath of these goldfish is also mysterious.

   They converged together, but they resisted the fish from the North Sea.

   This goldfish should be a kind of beast.

   Are two kinds of monsters fighting?

   Everyone was stunned.

  The people of the Heavenly Master Alliance, they acted quickly, and played out a piece of formation.

   turned into mirror after mirror, shining forward.

   And they reflected the scene above the heavens.

  The people outside failed, they could not enter the bottom of the river.

   They couldn't bear the pressure. At this moment, they were all waiting near the Tongtian River.

   Suddenly, at this time, a ray of light flew into the sky,

   Above nine days, the situation changes.

   piece after piece of light curtain, spilled down, condensed to form a scene of encounter.

  The warriors of the heavens and the world looked up to the sky.

   They exclaimed: It is the sky masters of the sky master alliance, they have reflected the heavens.

  Look quickly, the sight of the formation has changed, and those strong men who entered seem to have stopped.

what happened? Are they stopped?

  Look, that is a black fish, a bear child, the kind of fish I ate before.

   This kind of monster is too terrible, the number is so much.

   Fortunately, we didn't go in, otherwise, we will definitely die.

  The spectators of the heavens and the world are scared.

  With their strength, they can't resist, so many terrible monsters.

  At this time, Qianyu Tower also acted.

   Several white cranes flew out and spread the news in all directions.

   "These black fish are the legendary northern fish."

   "In the golden light, there are also goldfish. They are all strange creatures with extraordinary bloodlines."

   This Tongtian River is extremely extraordinary. It is said that the end of Tongtian River is nine days.

  Nine days and ten places, nine days, is a more mysterious existence.

   Originally everyone only saw these scenes, but only felt the shock, but did not understand.

   However, after Qian Yulou explained this, everyone was stunned.

  The legendary heaven and earth,

   Moreover, it appeared in groups, so terrible.

   No wonder the Protoss people were stopped,

   Can they pass?

  Early discussion.

   At this time, Bai He in the sky said: Dao friends.

  Our Qianyu Building, to inquire about the news for you, is not easy.

   I hope that all Taoists can provide some training resources.

no problem.

this is necessary.

  Inquiry of information, originally required resource exchange, every message is exchanged, too troublesome.

   Well, every day we pay, some cultivation resources, in exchange for these news.

   Yes, yes, we have to give the Sky Master Alliance, some magic stones for cultivation, immortality, etc.

   Can't let them work hard.

  The people who watched the war knew that without the two forces, they would see nothing.

   I am afraid they can only hear, some terrifying roar.

   In this way, both Qianyu Tower and the Heavenly Master Alliance received a large amount of cultivation resources.

  Although everyone only took out a little, but it couldn't hold the crowd.

   People from all over the world.

   Those Heavenly Masters were stunned, even Master Zhou was smirking.

  To tell the truth, they really didn't have this idea before.

   But now it seems that this is a way of making money.

  Dark red dragon, also red eyes,

this is okay too?

  How do I feel that you are almost the biggest winner.

   The strong guys in front were stopped, and no baby was detected!

   As a result, these Heavenly Masters made a fortune.

  No, the emperor also joined, I also arranged the formation, you also score me a little.

   The dark red dragon flew past.


   Those strong men who have been stopped have already begun to try to act.

   Someone said: We just want to go over, do not want to be against you, and ask you to give way.

   The loud voice, with a strong soul breath, swept the world.

  Tongtianhe, all shaking,

  However, the monster in front was not moved at all.

  What do you say to them? Go ahead and show off.

   The strong members of the Xuan Bing clan broke a cold ice, forming an ice bridge, and flew to the distance.

   These strong men, set foot on the ice bridge and set off quickly.

   They didn't walk a few steps, and those strange beasts in front of them started.

  The monstrous force smashed all these ice bridges, and countless pieces of ice were scattered around.

  The people on the bridge flew out, their faces ugly.


   They are crazy,

  However, they did not dare to take it easy, and directly dealt with these beasts.

  Once these monsters go crazy, I am afraid it is extremely difficult for them.

  Let us come.

   Next, the demon **** clan shot, Tianyang **** clan shot.

  The strong men of these gods, including the strong men of the heavens and the world, try their best.

   The results all failed.

   It seems that some cards are about to be displayed.

   These strong men, frowning tightly,

   They come here, they must have strong self-confidence.

   In their hands, they brought some powerful artifacts, formation and so on.

   These are the cards, less than a last resort, will not be used.

   They are used when they are ready to **** peerless treasures.

   Now it seems that it is necessary to perform in advance.

   But at this time, the monster in front of it has changed again.

   Those fishes of the North Nether made a deep roar, and the air of the North Nether flew fast on them.

  Each fish of the Northern Nether, a black rune flew out of his body, and became a piece in the sky.

The shape of    has formed countless runes. From a distance, it turned into a picture, extremely mysterious.

   It's a terrible way.

   Everyone was shocked.

   Someone was pleasantly surprised: if we can understand, this power.

   Our own path can also be improved.

   is worthy of there are surprises everywhere.

   Some land fairies were already excited. They cast their pupils and looked intently at the front.

  The next moment, these land fairies screamed.

   There is a land fairy with bleeding eyes,

   There is a land fairy body split,

   There is a land fairy, screaming with his head on his head.

what's up?

   The people around were startled: who is shooting?

   stupid things.

  Longfei snorted: Do you think this Beiming Avenue is so easy to understand?

  If I guess right, this should be the legendary Beiming figure.

   This is the mysterious sky map that was recorded in the period of the ancient times.

   Are you ants, you can understand?

   Don't limit yourself.

what? It turned out to be such a terrible thing.

   After listening to the others, the scalp became numb.

   Someone said unwillingly: Can't you take a glance?

   A young genius glanced into the distance, and at the next moment, he disappeared.

  Because he couldn't bear it, the power of the avenue.

   So scary.

   The people around were scared.

Those who watched the battle outside were also stunned when they saw this scene.

  Through Qianyulou's explanation, they were shocked.

  The legendary Beiming Figure, this is a huge treasure,

  But few people can get it.

  Tongtianhe is really mysterious!

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