Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7700: Lin invincible, but so?

Lin Xuan was surprised, but did not expect that the people of Tianyang Protoss move so fast.

  Here I found it. Is he there?

   Soon, he froze,

  He found that the other party was not directed at him, but just passed by.

   It seems that no one knows he is here.

   Tianyang Protoss, should want to avenge.

  The true God of Qingyang he beheaded, his identity should be extremely extraordinary.

   But what about that?

   Lin Xuan sneered, his figure swayed, he returned to his original appearance, and there was also a sharp sword spirit on his body.

   It's time to let Lin invincible appear in front of everyone.

   Use Lin Wudi's identity to destroy these three strong men.

   After all, the identity of the mad god, there is no way to show it, he is truly awesome.

   swayed, rising into the sky, flying towards the three rays of light.

  The three rays of light in the sky are the three people who shattered the true god, and they quickly searched the Quartet.

  Fire Lotus asked: Do you know where the boy is?

not sure.

   However, that person has a strong dragon air and should be very easy to find.

  He can't run, even if he flees to the end of the world, he must be found.

Lin Xuan, who followed in secret, sneered when he heard the conversation of these people.

   really came to him, in this case, then he is welcome.

  A finger flicked, a breath of sword gas, cut through the void, descended from the sky, and cut off the world.

   A huge space crack, blocking the three figures, the three stopped, frowning tightly.

  Who is shooting them? Don't want to live?

   Some people dare to challenge the Tianyang Protoss.

  Is it impossible, is that crazy god?

   Apart from him, I am afraid that no one, dare to be so bold.

   But it shouldn’t be,

   Will the mad **** know this kind of swordsmanship?

   They turned to look around,

  I saw it in the back, and came out a figure.

   The sword spirit of this person is like a peerless sword god.

  Who is this?

   Their brows were tightly frowned, and they didn't seem to be crazy.

  Before Tongtianhe, they had seen the mad **** and knew each other's appearance.

   is different from this person,

   Moreover, the breath of his body is completely different.

   The sword spirit in front of this man is really terrible.

  Every sword gas is like a peerless sword. Let them have a fatal crisis.

   You are that Lin Wudi?

   True God of Soul Flame suddenly exclaimed, and the other two companions also changed their complexions.

  The legendary Lin Wudi,

   turned out to be him! He really came.

Before   , when they were outside the Tongtian River, they did not see Lin Wudi's figure.

   thought that the other party hadn't come. Where did you want to come? I met the other party here.

   This guy is hidden deep enough.

   This Lin is invincible, but he is all baby.

  Although the veteran powerhouse can't shoot, but it is really no problem to compete in the same rank.

   Although we are the true gods, the fighting power is in a state with him.

  This is a good opportunity to kill Lin Wudi!

   first wiped out Lin Wudi, then went to find the mad god.

   looked at each other, and the decision was made immediately.

   swayed, the three formed, a terrible flame cage, completely covering the figure of Lin Xuan.

   Lin invincible, obediently hand over your body, we can kill you.

  On the three of you?

   Lin Xuan sneered: You are probably not qualified yet.

   Finding dead things, dare to underestimate us.

   I have long heard that Lin Wudi is very strong. I want to see, how strong are you?

  The three were angry.

  The true **** of fire lotus took the lead, a flame lotus swept the world.

   The power of this flame lotus is really terrible. A lotus petal can destroy an ordinary true god.

   At this moment, the lotus flame lotus, killed towards Lin Xuan together.

  Lin Xuan snorted with a peerless sword in his hand.

   The sword light flashed, the sky collapsed, and all the lotus flowers were split in half.

   Good sharp sword.

   Fire even surprised the true God.

  Is this Lin Wudi's Kendo? Is this the power of the Dragon Sword?

   is really too powerful.

   Suddenly, at this time, his face changed, and he found that the sword in Lin Wudi's hand was slashing towards him.

   A peerless sword light, like a bright lightning, instantly killed him.

  The true **** of fire lotus, struck out endless flame petals, formed a peerless shield, blocked in front of him.

   As soon as the shield shattered, he flew backwards, blood tumbling.

   He was shocked, and said: Quickly shoot together, his strength is very strong.

   Fire even the real **** roared, and shot again.

   The flame on his body turned into 3000 lotus flowers, flying between the sky and the earth.

   The terrible power, slamming the waves, swept the Nine Heavens.

   This time, he was really angry, and the lotus flower bloomed and burst.

   The strength of the flame, which even hit Lin Xuan's sword, shook.

   seems to be able to destroy everything between heaven and earth.

   The other two also shot,

  Destroyed the true God, a black flame emerged.

   This black flame turned into a black sun, which was the power of destruction.

   The black sun descended into the sky, enveloped the whole world, and quickly killed him towards Lin Xuan.

  The true God of Soul Flame seals the palm of his hand, there is a mysterious light in his eyes, flashing.

   This is the fire of the soul, it is nothing, and it is invisible at all.

   However, it can be felt.

   Even if he is a true god, if he is hit by the fire of his soul, I am afraid that it will be wiped out.

  The three men used their means of peerlessness to kill Lin Xuan together.

   This is a must.

  It seems to them that Lin Xuan is no longer strong, and I am afraid he can't resist it.

   This lineup is really powerful enough.

   Lin Xuan was surprised: if it is a mad god, it is really difficult to deal with.

   But now, he doesn't care, the power of the Dragon Sword Soul explodes.

   Lin Xuan opened his sword.

   Blast Sword.

  Linxuan seemed to be transformed into a huge willow tree, which quickly spun up.

   His wicker fell, turned into countless sword qi, with a terrible storm.

   This is a golden storm. The golden willow trees are overwhelming, blocking all the lotus flowers around.

   The wicker hole penetrated the lotus.

   Then, he played Taiji sword.

   The black and white picture turned into a sea of ​​black and white, and the black sun was swallowed up instantly.

   Suddenly, his soul rocked, his brows were about to split.

   turned out to be a soul attack? And extremely terrible, with a burning sensation.


   Lin Xuan exerts the power of six reincarnations.

   In his eyebrows, there was a heavenly hand, shot out, blocking the flame.

   He retreated to the back and looked at the figure in the That person has been standing in the void, doing nothing.

   However, this talent is the most dangerous,

  The soul attacks silently.

Is    blocking it?

  Destroy the true God, they were shocked,

  The three of them joined forces and failed to destroy each other.

  Even if he only hurt the opponent a little, wouldn’t he be incredible?

   shot with all his strength, must get, his dragon power.

   Zhutian swordsmanship.

   At this time, Lin Xuan roared, and the void above his head quickly shattered into nothingness.

   Then, there was a sky and fell.

   This sky is really incredible, like the real universe starry sky.

  As he fell, everything around him was broken.

   This super power makes the three great gods become real, and their face is also changed greatly.

   This invincible method is too terrible, right? The opponent's kendo is really against the sky.

   The power of the dragon is really fascinating!

   Fast and resist with all strength.

   Three people roared.

  Although this piece of sky is terrible, they can still resist it.

   The flames on the three of them went straight to the sky and the terrible lotus flower reached 10,000 meters.

   The broken sun sweeps all directions, and as for the fire of the soul, it is like a shadow.

   The roaring sound rang, and they blocked the sky.

  Broken True God sneered: Lin invincible, so are you.

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