Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7701: Destruction Blade!

After the three blocked the sky, they laughed.

  The legendary Lin invincible is like this, they can definitely suppress each other.

   But Lin Xuan smiled: Who told you that there was only a sky?

   The swordsmanship of the heavens! The fifteenth day.

   With a cold drink, a terrible phantom appeared again above the sky, overlapping again and again, a total of 15 layers.

   That power is so strong that I dare not imagine it.

   The eyes of the three people who shattered the true God were almost staring out: How is it possible?

  How could he be so powerful?

   The sky was so shocked that

   15 pieces of sky, how do they resist?

   Hurry away.

   They dodge like crazy,

  However, it was too late.

  How powerful the swordsmanship of the heavens is, this sky has shrouded everything and completely blocked the three.

  The body of the three people tremble.

  This kind of power caused cracks in their bodies, and the blood of the gods kept falling.

  Damn, why is he so powerful?

   The true **** of Soul Flame is crazy, he is good at soul attack, and his physique is not very strong.

   At this moment, he can only spit out a shield to resist.

   This shield is extremely mysterious, with hundreds of palms painted on it.

   These palms, shining light, turned into one after another, big hands in the sky.

   enveloped him.

   Quickly find a way to leave here.

   is shrouded in fifteen days, they feel a fatal crisis.

  Let me come.

  The God of Breaking took a deep breath: I want to use it, the real Eye of Breaking.

   Damn it, this was originally prepared for the Mad God, but I didn't expect to use it in advance.

   I am afraid that in a short time, we cannot chase down the mad god.

  Don’t worry about the mad god, this Lin is invincible, even more terrible, must leave quickly.

I know.

  Destroyed the black flames on the True God and jumped quickly.

   Afterwards, he condensed and formed on him, a blade of destruction.

   This broken blade is only one meter long. However, the flame above is extremely terrible.

   This is the fire of destruction, the fire that destroyed the blood of the true God.

   It can be said that this is his peerless blow with his bloodline origin.

   Blade of Destruction, waved towards the front, quickly

   This blow is really terrible.

   The sky in front of him was incredibly heavy and was split in half, and a crack appeared.

   A crack with only 10 meters.

  Although it is insignificant compared to the whole sky, but it is already very against the sky.

   Hurry up.

   Seeing this scene, the three of them rushed into the crack instantly.

  Blade Blade, attacking constantly, they split open one after another.

  When they tore through the fifteenth heaven, the God of Destroyed was dizzy in front of his eyes, his face pale to the extreme.

   He has no strength.

  Hurry away.

  With two companions, he fled to the distance.

   Hey, it can be broken, my swordsmanship of the heavens.

   Lin Xuan is also very surprised: it is incredible.

   The swordsmanship of the heavens is very heavy, no one can beat that force.

   This shattered true god, it was really shocking to break it with one person.

   No wonder he hit his idea before, and dare to deal with him.

   But can I escape?

   Lin Xuan sneered and quickly chased past.

  He came after.

   True God of Fire Lotus, when he saw this scene, his face changed greatly, he said: Look at me.

  He fired countless flames and cut off the world.


   They were relieved.

   It didn't take long for the flame at the back to be cut off with a sword and split in half.

   Lin Xuan killed at a faster speed.

   Three great gods, their scalp numb, they fled like crazy.

   Their complexion was so hard to see the extreme.

   This man is also invincible and too strong. The three of them joined forces and couldn't help each other.

Do you want to escape instead?

   This feeling is really suffocating.

   It didn't take long for other treasure hunters to see this scene and they were stunned.

  Look, that's the people of the Tianyang Protoss, they seem to be running away.

   Don't joke, that's the Aboriginal Protoss, who can chase them?

  Look, there is a sword **** behind! It seems that Lin is invincible.

what? Lin Wudi appeared!

  He came, he is my idol.

  Invincible Lin is chasing and killing, the great **** of Tianyang Protoss.


  I knew that in the sky and underground, the universe was in abundance, and only Lin Wudi could dare to do so.

   It's too bad.

Before   , the place where Lin Xuan was located was very remote and there was no burst of envelope.

  However, as they flew all the way, their figures were shone by the formation and reflected on the heavens.

  Tongtianhe, those outside also saw this scene.

   They are stupid.

  What did they see?

  The three great true gods are fleeing, which is incredible.

  Is this Lin Wudi? It's too bad.

   Tianyang Protoss people have black faces,

   Those pinnacles of powerhouses can't wait to turn around and leave.

   Too shameful.

  The top genius of their family, Qingyang, was exterminated by the mad god, making them mad and angry.

   But now, what is even more embarrassing is that the three great gods were chased and killed.

   They were angry.

   Others of those protoss also exclaimed again and again.

   Lin is invincible, but there is a legendary existence.

   Suddenly, they exclaimed.

   They found three great gods, seeming to be caught up.

  Invincible Lin's speed suddenly increased, cutting off the world and stopping three people.

   Damn Lin invincible, don't go too far.

After    was stopped, the Fire Lotus True God, they were also angry roaring.

   Quickly give way, otherwise, my Tianyang Protoss will not spare you.

   won't spare me?

   Lin Xuan smiled after listening: What if I give way?

Before   , I had no grievances with you, and after you saw me, you directly deal with me.

  I still want to kill Do you think I will spare you?

  Whether I move or not, I am afraid that you, the gods, will not spare me.

  Since this is the case, why don't I take action and destroy you?

you dare!

   Fire Lotus True God's crazy roar.

  Linxuan stepped out and laughed in the sky: What did I dare not? Between heaven and earth, there is nothing I dare not yet.

   I dare to destroy even the Son of God, let alone you.

   Hearing this, the Fire Lotus True God was completely angry.

  Kill and try your best, at all costs.

   The body of the true God of Fire Lotus turned into a flame lotus with a height of ten thousand meters.

  He has three thousand petals, which stands for Three Thousand Avenues.

  The petals are blooming non-stop, and the flower blooms, sweeping the world.

   is shrouded by this force, even if it becomes a true god, I am afraid that it will die in an instant.

  The true **** beside Soul Flame also shot.

   This time, the fire of his soul turned into a terrible chain of flames, shuttled in the void.

   killed Lin Xuan directly.

   is not just Lin Xuan's head, including Lin Xuan's arms, body and so on.

   His soul chain, shrouded in the other party, to suppress the other party.

   The war broke out completely, Lin Xuan showed his peerless swordsmanship.

   Various swordsmanship emerged endlessly. Peerless sword spirit rushed to the sky. .

   This area of ​​Tongtianhe was completely boiled, and everything around it was wiped out.

   At this time, a scream was heard.

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