Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7733: 5 lines of Tianlong tactics!

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   Lin Xuan did fight back, his speed was very fast, and he instantly killed Yun Fei.

  'S sword spirit flew out, behind him, formed a willow tree.

   This is a willow tree with leaves and branches, all of which are golden.

   With a bright light,

   This is the power of supremacy to the sun.

   Swordsman, willow with the wind!

  The golden willow tree quickly spun out.

   Its willow branches with leaves, flying fast, penetrated the world.

   instantly killed Long Fei.

   Long Fei was shocked, he naturally felt the fatal crisis.

   Without the Nine Spectre Demon Dragon Sword, that powerful force, when facing Lin Xuan, did not dare to have the slightest care.

   roared, a terrible dragon shadow appeared on him.

   With his breathing and breathing, the dragon power on his body exploded quickly.

   Around him, a lot of trees also appeared in the void.

   These trees are like Panlong.

   Their rapid growth, the formation of towering trees, enveloped Long Fei's figure.

   This is also the power of wood.

   Countless wooden dragons, killed forward, and collided with the golden willow.

   The earth-shattering sound came from the countless wood dragons, whose bodies shattered and turned into wood chips.

   scattered everywhere.

   The willow tree also seemed to be blocked.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Long Fei rose from the sky and came over 9 days.

   Golden Dragon, Gale!

   waving his sleeves, countless golden storms, quickly flew over.

   These storms are formed by the condensation of golden wind blades.

   These wind blades, with a terrible aura, seemed to have landed like a million soldiers.

   There is even the phantom of the Golden Dragon in the wind.

   Although it is not as sharp as the Dragon Sword Soul, it is far more than the average magical power.

   This is the magic formula.

   Five Elements Tianlong Jue.

   One of the eight magic formulas of Taixu Dragon Palace.

   At this moment, Long Fei put it into full play, which was really terrifying.

   The golden dragon in the sky, with a monstrous sharp breath, quickly killed.

   instantly came to the top of Lin Xuan's head.

   This is not over yet, Long Fei continued to shoot.

  Water dragon, trip to the abyss!

   At the feet, the void cracked and a vast ocean appeared.

   The deep sea water is extremely cold and biting.

   And in this sea, there is a huge water dragon phantom emerging.

   its body hovered, forming a huge vortex, as if it could swallow everything.

   bang, he set off a startle.

  Heavenly and underground, the monstrous dragon breath, completely covered Lin Xuan.

  Invincible Lin, let me see, how strong is your Great Dragon Sword?

  Longfei's eyes, with a shining light, stared at the front.

   He didn't keep his hands, the two peerless supernatural powers broke out together, and the other party was absolutely afraid to carelessly.

   Perhaps, with this battle, he can feel the real power of the Dragon Sword.

   Heavenly way! white crane!

   Faced with such a terrible attack, Lin Xuan also snorted.

   He displayed the heavenly path among the six paths, and the power of the skyway became a white crane.

   This white crane flew out of Lin Xuan instantly, hovering over his head.

  It's size keeps getting bigger and it becomes hundreds of meters.

   Two wings dance, bringing up the endless power of heaven.

   This white crane is very similar to the white crane on the heavenly Taoist figure obtained by Lin Xuan!

   However, this is not just a pure power of heaven.

   also possesses the power of Lin Xuan's fairy and the power of his physical chaos.

   This is a peerless supernatural power of multiple powers.

  The white crane fluttered its wings, and instantly killed the sky.

   Two wings, like two swords, split the golden storm.

   The roaring sound came, and the two giants were fighting.

  Everyone was nervous, and the strong men of the Dragon clan looked up at the sky.

   I'm afraid this will be a dragon fight,

   However, the situation was beyond their expectations.

  The sky-long golden dragon was split by the wings in an instant.

  The figure of the Golden Dragon has turned into countless dragon-like breaths, scattered around the world.

   and Bai He turned and swooped down, and instantly killed the ocean.

   A pair of white crane's claws, probing into the sea, instantly grabbed the body of the water dragon.

   Then, took it away from the sea.

  The water dragon is under the sea, its power is terrible.

   left the vast ocean, his strength became weaker.

   However, he will not give up.

  Under the control of Long Fei, the water dragon hovered quickly, covering the body of Bai He.

   The body of the water dragon is completely split, and the two behemoths are dissipated between the sky and the earth at the same time.

  Although the White Crane was solved, Long Fei's face was not good-looking.

   He used two supernatural powers to contend with one supernatural power of the other.

   Doesn't this mean that he was suppressed by the other party?

   It seems that the other party is not using the power of the Dragon Sword.

   Damn it, the opponent didn’t try his best.

   He was looked down upon by the other party.

   More importantly, he did not know where the limit of Lin’s invincibility was.

   The other party stood there, as if unfathomable!

   a little skill!

   Lin narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: I originally thought that you would take out many artifacts and fight it.

   did not expect that your own strength is actually good.

   is a genius.

   However, it is still not my opponent.

   Longfei is really crazy.

  To tell the truth, if before, he had already brought out various artifacts and killed him forward.

  However, the baby before him was taken away by the crazy god.

  Although I returned to the family and added some things, it was not as good as before.

  Now, the two best treasures in his hand are the Nine Ghost Demon Dragon Sword, and this tank.

   The Nine Specter Dragon Sword is for life-saving use and he cannot use it many times.

   Well, this tank has good defense, but it seems that it can't hurt Lin invincible.

   Why didn't you shoot?

  Since this is the case, then I have to start.

   Lin Xuan attacked again, he cast six reincarnations, and fought against each other.

  Longfei was instantly suppressed,

   He was also angry, his eyes flushed.

   hateful, even dare to underestimate me.

   He cast a mysterious technique, forcibly cast dragon blood.

  His strength improved again, and Lin Xuan battled together,


at the same time,

   Behind them, there was a battle above the ladder. UU reading book

   A mysterious black mist, fighting with Dragon Dance, women in black and others.

   has to say that this black mist is very mysterious and powerful.

  The strong men of the dragon clan, united together, have stronger strength.

   They hit the black mist as if they hit the air.

   The damage to the black fog is very small.

   Instead, there was a mysterious breath in the dark mist that could corrode their bodies.

  This makes them like a great enemy.

   For a time, the two sides stalemate.

   So many people, just tied with each other, it really shocked them.

   Suddenly, there was a terrible sound of dragon roar in front.

  Cold sword energy penetrated the world.

   Even if they were so far away, they even felt a trace of fatal crisis.

   This is the nine ghost dragon sword.

   The woman in black and others exclaimed: It looks like Long Fei is ahead.

   Who is fighting with Longfei?

   They are extremely puzzled.

  If Long Fei can come with a magic sword, then they are safe.

   Waited for a while, and did not find the other party coming, which made them extremely disappointed.

   And the dark mist was very surprised: the person in front of him was so powerful.

   It seems that I can't be here for too long.

   Little guys, it seems I have to show a little bit, my real strength.

   The black mist suddenly became larger, as if it had turned into a prison cage, facing the front and covering the past fiercely.

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