Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7734: Water Vulcan!

The black mist turned into a prison cage and fell overwhelmingly.

   Everyone is like an enemy.

  The woman in black said: Give me strength.

   Everyone's dragon power flew towards her.

   The crown above her head suddenly burst into a mysterious atmosphere.

   It turns out that this crown is still a peerless treasure,

   is erupting at this moment, with incredible power.

  Black mist also rolled violently, and in the mist, there was a surprised voice.

   Next moment, he gave up the black woman and others and flew towards the nearest dragon dance.

  Black fogged dozens of black pillars and chains, and immediately enveloped Dragon Dance.

   engulfed her.

   At the next moment, the black mist turned into a lightning and flew towards the front.

  Not good, Sister Dragon Dance was suppressed by him.

   Damn, stay.

  The woman in black also roared and attacked quickly.

  Golden dragon claw waving,

   However, just caught some mist.

what should I do?

  The warriors of the dragon clan looked so ugly.

  The woman in black said: chasing.

   They rushed past quickly,

   They simply can't move at high speed like Black Mist.

   Although they chased all the way, their speed was very slow.

  In the blink of an eye, they had already lost sight of each other's shadow.

in front,

  The battle between Lin Xuan and Long Fei continues.

  Linxuan has been exerting the power of the six worlds, fighting with Longfei.

   Long Fei was suppressed. Some injuries had appeared on his body, and some bones appeared.

   His small face was extremely cold, and several times he had a fatal crisis.

   Fortunately, the chariots around him are unparalleled in defense, helping him block several times.

   Several green dragons appeared on him, with a strong breath of life, to repair his injuries.

  Long Fei's hands, the phantom of fire dragon and water dragon emerged, he was ready to merge together.

   And he was covered with a layer of earth dragon armor,

  The power of the Golden Dragon also diffused above his head.

   He applied the five elements to the extreme, and killed the past again.

   The dragon of the five elements, the six battles of reincarnation.

  To tell the truth, Lin Xuan did not exert all his strength.

  His six worlds have just improved his strength. Now he is preparing to become familiar with this power.

   He did not spike the opponent, but mastered this new power in battle.

   Now that he has almost mastered it, he is ready to solve the battle.

   The power of water and fire merged together.

   turned into a handle, a more terrifying fire dragon sword, towards the front, severely cut over.

   The flames filled, and the white mist enveloped all around.

   This kind of white mist, with extremely strong dragon pressure, can suppress the perception of the true god.

  The next moment, Long Fei came behind Lin Xuan, quietly.

   He has in his eyes, extremely terrible killing intention: go to die.

  The water and fire sword in his hand was severely cut, and Lin Xuan was going to be cut.

   But at this time, Lin turned his head, with a sneer in his eyes.

   Tai Chi, embrace the tail.

In the hands of Lin Xuan, an extremely terrible black and white sword spirit appeared, quickly condensing.

   turned into a tail of a Suzaku, and swept hard towards the rear.


  A mysterious arc fell on the Sword of Water and Fire, and instantly flicked it.

  Not only that, Long Fei also flew out diagonally.

   His arms were all split, and the huge force hurt him.

how is this possible?

  Longfei was shocked,

   Isn't he suppressing, the other party's perception?

  Amidst the white mist, the other party could not see anything and could not hear anything.

   The other party was impossible and found his attack.

  But now, the other party not only found out, but also came first, even hurting him again.

   This time, his wound recovered very slowly.

  Light is difficult to recover with the power of Dragon Path.

   He can only take it out again, that treasure box,

   took a pill from inside and swallowed it.

The elixir in    is a peerless elixir with supreme power.

   After eating, his injuries recovered faster.

  However, it didn't take a moment to recover as before.

   He could feel the invulnerable power above the wound, destroying his vitality constantly.

  Longfei changed his face and exclaimed: The power of the Dragon Sword.

   Was the tail of the Suzaku just formed by the dragon sword?

   No wonder such a terrible.

Before   , Lin Xuan had not exerted the power of the Great Dragon Sword, and Long Fei almost ignored this.

   did not expect that the other party suddenly shot, killing him by surprise.

   is really an eye-catching power.

  In Long Fei's view, this is the soul of the Dragon Sword.

  He didn't know that it was not like this.

   This is indeed the power of the big dragon sword, but it is not the big dragon sword.

   Lin Xuan used Tai Chi swordsmanship with the power of the Dragon Sword.

  The power of the real Dragon Sword is much stronger than this.

  Can't go on like this anymore, so he has to use that trick.

  After playing for such a long time, although Long Fei was injured, he has accumulated enough strength.

   can withstand the pressure of the Nine Nether Demon Dragon Sword, he can swing, the second peerless sword spirit.

   Suddenly, a black magic sword appeared in front of him.

  Longfei was transformed into a terrible dragon claw, grabbing this magic sword.

  The boundless dragon power surged out again.

   Cut me.

  The black dragon roared up in the sky, and the breath of the Nine Nether was filled, as if it had become the Nine Nether Hell.

  Kid, last time, you blocked with a shield, it was your luck.

  Your shield is broken, this time, I see how you can resist it?

  Longfei has estimated, even if the other party is pushing the dragon sword with all his strength, it should be similar to his strength.

   is even weaker than his Nine Specter Demon Dragon Sword.

   After all, his blood power is stronger than the other party.

  In the case of the same showdown, UU reads and he still surpasses the opponent.

  As long as the opponent was injured, he took his men and shot together to suppress the opponent.

   Lin Xuan shook his head and sneered,

   The other party knows nothing about the power of the Dragon Sword.

   Even, he didn't even need to use the dragon sword with all his strength.

  Who said his shield was broken?

   Faced with this sword, he still did not dodge.

   waved his hand, a simple shield emerged.

   This shield is the previous Earth Aegis, and the cracks on it have disappeared.

  Although the six worlds, the earthly world has become a bit bleak.

   This shield has been restored and is worth it.

   Lin Xuan raised his shield and stood in front of him.

   This time, he roared up to the sky, chaotic body, blooming more terrible power.

   Even on the shield, there is a pattern of Tai Chi, which rotates quickly.

   Block me.

   Lin Xuan roared like a peerless **** of war, and rushed towards the front.


   The earth-shattering voice sounded,

   This sword was cut above the Aegis, sending out a breath of destruction.


   The sky is falling apart!

   Lin Xuan stepped back again, and a crack also appeared on the shield.

   But Lin Xuan did not care, because he knew that as long as there was enough time, this shield could be restored.

   And he turned into a lightning and rushed forward.

  This is a good opportunity to solve each other.

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