Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7735: God Figure vs Tai Chi

Lin Xuan's speed is very fast, instantly killed Long Fei.

   Long Fei at the moment, pale face, trembling body.

   He just exerted his full strength just now, trying to succeed in a sneak attack and killing the other party.

  But where did you think it was blocked by the other party,

how can that be?

  Don't believe that Longfei was killed,

  He found out that the other party actually took out a shield.

   used that shield to block his Nine Specter Demon Dragon Sword.

   This kind of shield is definitely the top artifact. There are two in the opponent's hand.

  What kind of joke?

   He did not know that this was the previous shield.

   He hasn't seen it yet. The shield is damaged like that, and it can be recovered automatically.

  In Long Fei's view, Lin Xuan should have two super shields in his hands.

   This background is a little too scary.

  He didn't know, is there any other baby on the other side?

  He is really scared now, he is ready to flee.

   Come and help me.

  Longfei retreated while boarding the chariot. At the same time, he greeted those around him and shot together.

  These people boarded the chariot. They put their power into the chariot.

  On top of the chariot, the dense runes radiate a dazzling light.

   turned into chains of order, rotating around to resist Lin Xuan's attack.

  Dangdang Dangdang!

   Many of Lin Xuan's sword spirits hit these chains of order and made a tremendous sound.

   Some sword qi was blocked, and some sword qi broke the chain of order and killed the chariot.

   The defense of this tank is extremely terrible.

  Although the tank was shaking, the light on it became erratic.

   is still blocked.

  Oh, useless boy, the quality of this tank is beyond your imagination.

   You can't break through his defense. Although you have a lot of cards, I'm not a vegetarian.

  Longfei was relieved when he saw this scene.

   can't hurt you?

   Lin Xuan sneered, and above his palm, there was a black and white light rotation.

   This is the power of Tai Chi.

   Suddenly, the black light disappeared, and the palm became dark!

   Tai Chi! Cloud hands.

   Lin Xuan's palm disappeared, as if turned into countless mists.

   The void swayed slightly, and the people inside the tank wanted to mock.

  In their view, Lin Xuan is self-effacing, and the other party can't break the defense at all.

  Longfei changed his face, he felt a fatal crisis,

   in front of him, in the void, suddenly flew countless black mist.

   turned into a dark palm, and grabbed it fiercely towards his head.

   Not good, what is this means? Even ignored the defense of the tank,

  Longfei was scared to back off.

   space is so small, he has nowhere to escape.

   He played the power of the five elements, and turned into a five-element **** figure, blocking him in front of him.

  In a moment, the five elements of the **** figure, violently shaking, became distorted.

   there are cracks on it,

  The black palm passed through the five elements of the **** figure and killed Longfei again.


  Longfei's complexion changed greatly, and he could not take care of anything at the critical moment.

  He started to burn his source.

   The original fire emerged and merged with the Nine Specter Dragon Sword.

   The nine ghost dragon sword rolled, turned into a black dragon, and wrapped around him.


   This palm was shot on the magic dragon, making a roaring sound.

   The black palms shattered, turned into clouds, and scattered around.

  Longfei also exited and nearly fell to the ground.

   His face became extremely pale.

   Although he blocked this trick, he consumed a lot of blood!

  Master, how are you?

   The strong men around the dragon clan changed their face when they saw this scene.

   What palm was that just now? Isn't it terrible?

   There are so many magical powers of the invincible Lin, and each one is terrible.

   When they looked forward, they looked frightened.

   Lin Xuan also frowned slightly: It was unexpected, actually blocked.

  Unexpectedly, this dragon fly can also display the Nine Ghost Demon Dragon Sword.

   Want to consume a lot of dragon blood, in this case, how many times can the opponent cast?

  Excessive power consumption, when the time comes, he will not be used.

   The other party will turn into a pile of bones, and the smoke will disappear.

   He snorted, ready to shoot again.

  'S sword spirit flew out and enveloped the chariot in front to prevent the other party from stealing.

   Lin Xuan walked step by step, his footsteps, like the sky thunder, fell on everyone's heart.

   everyone's heart beat fiercely.

   These strong men of the Dragon clan, whose face is so ugly, that even Long Fei is also beating wildly.

  To tell the truth, he never had such a threat.

   Even when facing the mad god, he was not as scared as he is today.

   Because he knew that the mad **** did not dare to kill him.

   The invincible Lin in front of him has a terrifying murderous intention on his body.

   The other party does not intend to keep his hand, and really wants to behead him.

   I'm afraid now, what identity background is talking about is useless.

   The other party is not afraid at all.

   He can only find ways to resist.

   has consumed a lot of his own blood, and it is difficult for him to support it again.

   He said to those around him: Give me your original blood.

   The strong men and disciples around the dragon clan were a little surprised.

  To tell the truth, they are not willing.

   The source blood is consumed too much, and their state will be affected.

   Even, life will drop significantly.

  Longfei snorted: What can't be reluctant? If it can't resist, the guy's sword spirit.

   We all have to die.

  Everyone knows that what Long Fei said is true, they bite their brows with their teeth.

   The original blood flew out, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com flew towards the front and poured into the Dragon Sword.

   Magic Dragon Sword seems to be a peerless magic dragon.

   Lift the faucet and swallow all the blood from the source.


   The low roar came, and a breath of breath filled out.

   When he felt this power, Long Fei was relieved, and it seemed that he was qualified for confrontation.

   Lin Xuan frowned slightly, and he was ready to use the Dragon Sword.

   also made a terrible sound of dragon roar inside.

   Ssangyong fighting!

   Seeing that the war was about to break out, but at this time, the sound of breaking the air came from behind.

   There is also a mysterious force coming.

   felt this power, Lin Xuan and Long Fei stopped.

   They looked back.

   At the next moment, they found a dark shadow, rushing from behind from the back at a very fast speed.

  In an instant, they came near them.

   blinked, they passed by and rushed towards the crystal palace in front.

   Above the chariot, those of the Dragon tribe were stunned.

  Did they dazzle? What did they see?

   Someone was flying above the ladder at a very fast speed.

   Are you kidding me?

   Where is this person sacred? Isn't it terrible?

   Lin Xuan changed his face, and the power inside the crystal palace, he was determined to win. .

  In his opinion, there is no one here, who can be faster than him.

   But now, there is a person who is beyond his expectations.

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