Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7736: Fight for treasure!

Where is the mysterious dark shadow?

   Lin Xuan did not know,

   He discovered that the other party had entered the Crystal Palace.

   He absolutely can't let the other party take away the power inside.

  Thinking of this, he gave up Long Fei, his figure flicked, turned into a sword light, and rushed forward.

   his speed is just as fast as lightning.

have they gone?

  The warriors of the dragon clan on the chariot were relieved.

  Lin invincible before, the pressure on them is really too great, once let them despair.

   Now, this terrifying sword **** has finally left.

   Long Fei's gloomy eyes, he was relieved.

  He soon emerged unwilling.

   He is the top genius of the Dragon race, with extraordinary blood, holding a treasure.

   originally had his ambitions, but now there are two figures rushing towards the Crystal Palace.

   One of them is Lin invincible,

   He felt that he was completely compared.

  Take a deep breath, and Long Fei is ready to go to the Crystal Palace.

  Master, give up.

  Yes, that Lin Wudi is too strong, we are not opponents.

  While he is looking for a baby now, let's leave quickly.

   A group of waste.

  Longfei snorted: You stay here, I will go by myself.

   He stomped on the soles of his feet, carrying the Nine Spectre Demon Dragon Sword, and then killed him in front.

  Nine ghost dragon sword, consumes a lot of power.

   If it is not used to attack, but to protect, the power consumed is still under way.

   Plus, he still has a few magic pills in his hand, which can still support it.


   The dark mist first entered the Crystal Palace,

   Immediately afterwards, there was a peerless sword light that killed him.

   Finally, Long Fei.

  Three figures have successively entered the Crystal Palace and disappeared.

   Lin Xuan entered the crystal palace, he found that this crystal palace is different from the previous one.

   The previous Crystal Palace was divided into many palaces.

   And this one in front of me has only one palace,

   A hall, very vast.

   There are dark red slabs under the feet, and the ground is paved.

The walls around    are very irregular, as if they were directly composed of mountains.

   in front, there is a blood pool.

The area of ​​   blood pool is hundreds of square meters, which is not large.

   The blood pool is full of blood, with a terrible breath.

   And in the center of this blood pool, there is an ancient altar.

   is covered with dense patterns, like one after another, strange symbols.

   Lin Xuan discovered that the black fog in front had stopped beside the blood pool.

  The black mist was up and down. His eyes fell into the black mist, and he was absorbed.

   He could not see the scene at all,

   This surprised Lin Xuan very much.

   This black mist, before can ignore the breath of blood and the pressure of the ladder.

   is definitely an incredible existence.

   But what about that?

  No one can stop his pace?

   Lin Xuan flicked, and flew towards the blood pool in front.

  At this time, the dragon flying behind also flew in.

   just came in, he stared at the blood pool in front of him, and saw Lin Xuan and the others.

The black fog in front of    seemed to sense Lin Xuan's arrival.

In the dark mist, a purple eye emerged, looking towards Lin Xuan.

   saw Lin Xuan, and did not look like this, this purple eye, then withdrawn his gaze.

   There were countless black runes on him, there were hundreds of them, surrounding the whole mist.

   Those black runes, shining light, connected into a piece, just like a piece of supreme ancient scriptures.

   This black mist, a dive, instantly entered the sea of ​​blood.

  Longfei also accelerated the speed when he saw this scene.

   He used the power of the Nine Ghost Demon Dragon Sword, and the endless Nine Ghost Demon Dragon Qi gathered around him.

   turned into a piece of armor, covering his body, only a pair of eyes appeared.

  He also entered the blood pool.

   It was Lin Xuan, standing beside the blood pool, did not mean to go in.

   Lin Xuan looked at the blood pool, his eyes, like a sword, split everything.

  He discovered that these blood pools seemed to have a trace of mysterious power, which actually blocked his eyes.

   He was only able to see some chaotic shadows and could not see clearly.

   doesn't matter anymore, Lin Xuan doesn't need to enter the blood pool at all.

  He just needs to exert the power of Shura Dao to form a resonance.

   is enough to let the treasures in the blood pool fly out automatically.

   Thinking of this, Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a world appeared behind him.

   This world of Shura.

   Lin Xuan urged the power of the Shura world, sending out a mysterious and **** breath, and flew forward.

   The whole blood pool shook violently, and the blood in the blood pool boiled rapidly.

  Bubbles burst out, cracked, with **** mist, flying around.

   a force of terror swept through,

   The whole blood pool is like boiling water.

   At the next moment, inside the blood pool, two roaring sounds came.

   was the first to rush out of the black mist surrounding hundreds of black runes,

   He ripped open the blood pool and came to the sky.

   Next, another lightning flew out, it was Long Fei.

   The dragon breath on Longfei's body also became darker.

   was obviously hit by the previous blood pool power.

  The two left the blood pool and were half-empty, their eyes uncertain.

   Lin Xuan raised a sneer on his lips, what did the two men fight against him?

  He found that the blood pool was boiling more and more violently, and a huge bubble appeared.

   This bubble, as big as a table, emerged from the inside and burst out. UU reading www.

With a bang, the blood pool seemed to be completely cracked, and this figure appeared between heaven and earth.

   This is a **** figure, 20 meters tall, with a **** killing breath on his body.

   The blood beads on his body kept dropping and penetrated the world.

   When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he was stunned.

  This is the last one, is it the baby in the Crystal Palace?

Is    this **** figure?

   This is contrary to his expectations,

Is    a puppet?

   Lin Xuan is not clear,

   He continued to promote the power of Shura Dao.


   The **** figure stood in midair, and suddenly, what seemed to feel?

   He opened his eyes like two **** blades, splitting the world.

   Next moment, he stared at Lin Xuan and rushed over quickly,

  In an instant, he came to Lin Xuan.

  Lin Xuan smiled, and it seemed that it was very easy to accept the other party.

   At the next moment, his face changed, his figure flickered, and he immediately avoided.

  In the place where he originally stood, a **** blade split the void.

what happened?

   Lin Xuan froze.

   This **** figure is attacking him, what is the situation?

  You must know that this has never happened before.

Before   , in 5 crystal palaces, Lin Xuan easily collected 5 treasures.

   In this last crystal palace, the situation seems to have changed.

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