Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7737: kendo! Chaolong!

Unable to hit, the **** figure raised his head and looked at Lin Xuan again.

  He turned into a **** lightning and rushed past quickly.

   In his hands, a **** long knife appeared, wide open and wide open, splitting the world.

   Long sword, there is an amazing power, this power alone can make the weak crazy.

   Even if it is the true God, I am afraid that my soul will be hurt by being so overwhelmed with so much murderous energy.

   Lin Xuan kept dodge, avoiding these attacks.

   retreated to the back, he was also a little angry: this guy, there is no end to it, right?

   waved his hand, he cast Heavenly Dao, Baihe.

   An illusion of a mythical beast, cut through the void, with the supreme power of Heavenly Dao, and instantly hit this **** figure.

   The **** figure, the body immediately split, fell to the ground.

Solve it?

  Long Fei and the black mist are also slightly surprised: won't it be so easy?

   They all stared at the broken figure.

   The broken **** figure flew back into the sea of ​​blood again.

   The next moment, he flew out of the sea of ​​blood again, re-condensed, a complete body.

  Not only that, this time, on him, there was an additional armor, a **** armor.

  Behind him, there was also **** hair, flying constantly.

   And in his hand, there was a handle, Shura long sword!

   his breath became more terrible than before, as if he had become a blood Shura.

  He killed Lin Xuan again.

   The speed of the two is very fast, the war is together, just like the two gods of war, in the general duel

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of tricks passed,

With a bang, Lin Xuan stepped back.

   He crushed the void and stood between the sky and the earth.

   His brow furrowed slightly, and he found that the blood Shura in front was very powerful.

   Even more powerful than the old lady he met before.

   This is extremely remarkable in the Dacheng true god.

   If before, Lin Xuan really is not an opponent.

  Now, after his strength has increased, he is able to contend with the opponent.

  I want to defeat the opponent completely, I am afraid I have to pay some price.

  If it is a heads-up, Lin Xuan does not care, but now it is not.

   There are two other guys around, staring.

   One is Long Fei. Although he is not his opponent, he has nine ghost dragon swords.

  Once this guy is desperate, he is very powerful.

   The other one is the mysterious black mist.

   Until now, Lin Xuan did not know, what is the other party sacred?

   Lin Linxuan is impossible, desperately with Blood Shura.

  He discovered that during the whole process, Blood Shura only attacked him alone, ignoring Longfei and Black Mist.

  Thinking about it, Lin Xuan felt that it should be related to his possession of six reincarnations.

  Thinking of this, Lin Xuan waved his hand, put away the breath of Shura Dao, and the six worlds disappeared.

  Lin Xuan said: Don't catch me attacking, these two guys, but both of you are beating your idea.

  Invincible Lin, what do you mean?

   Longfei immediately became angry.

   This guy wants to move eastward.

   In the dark mist, there was also a voice of cold tycoon.

  His pair of purple eyes appeared, a terrible breath filled.

   The whole world is shaking, and it is clear that Black Mist is also ready to start.

   However, Blood Shura, still not paying attention to these two guys, but stared at Lin Xuan.

  He shot again,

   This time, the **** light behind him kept blooming.

  His back split open, with countless **** strange symbols flying.

   flew out of it, one arm after another, and in the end, turned into 800 arms.

   Eight hundred arms, like **** pythons, spread their teeth and dance their claws in the world.

  The palms of these hands formed different marks, and they slapped fiercely towards Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan's face was gloomy. Unexpectedly, he put away six reincarnations, but the other party still didn't let him go.

   He was also angry: in that case, then suppress the other party.

   Lin Xuan took out Qixing Longyuan, and his sword spirit exploded completely.

   A phantom of Suzaku emerged.

  Suzaku's huge tail, towards the front, fanned hard.

   is like a fan of the sky.

  800 **** palms shook violently, and the imprint on them radiated a tremendous light.

   The two collided together, a breath of destruction, sweeping in all directions.

   After a blow, Lin Xuanjian pointed to the sky, eighteenth heaven, and quickly fell.

   This power is really terrible.

  Longfei and Heiwu also had dignified expressions. They shook their bodies and retreated to the corner of the hall.

   They were watching the game, they didn't mean to do it.

   Eight hundred palms, shining light, palms facing the sky.

   They went through layers of sky, and even turned 18 heavy sky into the sky.

   This scene is really shocking, even Lin Xuan is also very surprised.

  The swordsmanship of the heavens was unfavorable, but I did not expect this time to be blocked.

   is really incredible.

  In his eyes, an extremely shining light burst out, and the dragon sword soul roared in his body.

   Dragon's sword appeared, and merged with Qixing Longyuan.

   Against the sky, the dragon!

   This is Lin Xuan's own sword technique.

   He used the supreme kendo and the big dragon sword, the invincible power, Qixing Longyuan.

   seemed to turn into a starry sky dragon, and the sky fell down.

   Wherever I went, everything disappeared.

  800 palms, originally resisted Zhutian swordsmanship, but the next moment, but was cut by Qixing Longyuan.

   800 palms, broken in half, and kept falling from the air.

   Between the world, there was a blood rain.

   A strong sword.

  Longfei's face changed greatly when he saw this scene.

   Faced with this, I am afraid he has to use it, the power of the magic dragon sword will do.

   It seems that UU reading, Lin Lindi is desperate.

   In the dark mist, the purple eyes are also blinking constantly, I don’t know what I’m thinking?

   Blood Shura, also made an angry roar.

   He returned to the blood pool and came to the altar.

   At the next moment, under his feet, there were countless **** lights, flying out.

   seemed to turn into a tail, protruding into the blood pool.

   He began to absorb the power of the blood pool frantically,

  The blood pool boiled violently again.

   Behind him, those broken arms want to grow again.

   Under normal circumstances, a broken arm will definitely recover.

   But this time, it didn't.

   Lin Xuan's Great Dragon Sword, invincible, broken wound, has a sharp breath, entrenched.

   prevented this growth.

   Blood Shura was slightly surprised, it seemed that his brain was blank for a few seconds.

  The next moment, he roared angrily again, and he gave up the arm behind him.

   In front of him, his body was broken, and eight hundred arms reappeared.

   This scene is even more weird,

   The other party turned into a monster.

   Eight hundred arms, after growing out, they grabbed the front together and grabbed the sword of Shura in his hand.


   boundless power poured into the past, 800 arms, wielding the sword of Shura, and slashing toward the front.

   Shura knife! Earthshaking!



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