Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7740: Asura's Blade! Scramble!

What a sword this is, it is so strong that it despairs everyone.

   Everyone found that if they faced this sword, they were not opponents at all.

   Even those strong gods are shocked.

   Between heaven and earth, how could there be such a powerful genius?

  Is it indelible?

   People of Chaos Protoss exclaimed, and soon they thought of a possibility.

  He is Lin Wudi, the legendary dragon descendant.

   He exerted the power of the Great Dragon Sword, an invincible force.

   The words came out, and everyone was upset: It turned out to be Lin Wudi, no wonder he was so powerful.

  I knew that his sword was enough to destroy everything in the world.

  How about blood Shura no longer strong? Not defeated yet.

   Those strong men of other gods are stunned.

   They fixedly stared at Lin Xuan and wanted to see through each other.

   At the same time, there was a trace of Ling in their eyes.

   If they can get it, the big dragon sword.

   They didn't think about it anymore, because the battle ahead was not over.

The blood halves of   , although unable to heal, still have strength.

   From the sea of ​​blood, a roaring roar sounded.

   The broken body of Blood Shura flew out again.

  Lin Xuan snorted: Are you still upset?

   The sword in his hand was cut out again.


   The original broken body was even split and scattered around.

   Lin Xuan killed the blood sea and began to wipe it out.

   Blood Shura, who had originally made an angry roar, but it didn't take long before this sound weakened.

   In the end, I could not hear.

   There is only a sea of ​​blood, rolling between heaven and earth.

   The power of those blood seas has been wiped out a lot.

All the remaining    flew out, flew back into the rift, and back into the blood pool.

  The blood pool has also changed, and the **** blood inside it flew onto the altar.

  The stone above the altar cracked, and a ray of light flew out of it.

   This is a **** weapon, more than two meters long, as if made of blood jade.

   has countless complicated and mysterious lines on it.

  He is not a sword, nor a sword, but a long blade.

   Asura's Blade!

   This is the treasure in the last crystal palace.

   This weapon is somewhat similar to the one used by the blood Shura before.

   is even more terrible than Shura’s Blade.

   This should be beyond the general artifact, most likely a peak artifact!

   This thing makes everyone jealous.

   Even those pinnacles will be shot at all costs if they see them.

   Everyone is crazy.

   Those who are strong have already started to shoot.

   first shot was Long Fei.

  To tell the truth, he had given up before.

  Blood Shura is too strong, he does not think that Lin Xuan can defeat Blood Shura.

   His goal was placed on Lin Xuan.

   However, Lin Xuan's strength is beyond his expectations.

  He found that he looked down on Lin Xuan.

   He was terrified.

  If the mysterious black mist did not come before, he and Lin Xuan continued to fight.

   I am afraid that his ending will be very miserable,

  He underestimated the power of the Dragon Sword.

   Just now, the power exploded by the Dragon Sword was several times stronger than he had seen before.

   In other words, when Lin Wudi was fighting him, he did not exert all his strength at all.

   Thinking of this possibility, Long Fei was angry and scared,

  He was despised.

   is precisely because of this contempt, let him live to the present.

   Now, when he sees the blade of Shura, he knows that his chance is coming.

  Lin's invincible battle before the blood Shura, although won, I am afraid it is very expensive.

   After all, the power that transcends one's own realm and many times is not so easy to be exerted.

   Lin Wudi at this moment is definitely the weakest time.

   However, he did not dare to start.

  In case the other party desperately urges the Dragon Sword Spirit.

   is also a fatal crisis for him.

   shifted his goal and turned to Shura Blade.

   got this weapon, his strength can be greatly improved.

   He urged the Nine Spectral Demon Dragon Sword, his body transformed into a black dragon, and he instantly killed him.

  His speed is almost extreme.

   Seems to fly into the crack of the Crystal Palace.

   Among the cracks, there was a cloud of black mist.

  The black mist blocked the crack.

   Longfei rushed into the black mist instantly.

   As soon as he entered, he seemed to have entered the quagmire.

  Black Mist brings a deep depression, heavy power, and a cold breath.

   seemed to go into his body from all directions to freeze his blood power.

   The **** thing was the black mist before.

   Damn it, get me off.

   Longfei was angry.

  He hit the golden dragon, gale.

  The golden storm, with a powerful wind blade, can tear everything apart.

   The black mist was ripped open, and it instantly returned to its original state, as if it was endless.

  Damn it, this is not the way to go.

   This group of black mist should not be the other party's body, the other party should have entered it, right?

   Thinking of this, Long Fei roared, and could only use the power of the Nine Ghost Demon Dragon Sword.

   This time, it consumes him more. If you can't get the baby, it will be miserable.


   Seeking wealth and insurance!

  Longfei cut his palm and let his dragon blood fall on the magic sword.

   The magic sword is like a creature, and begins to devour the dragon blood insanely.

   A strong force emerged.

   Modao Jianqi cut forward, instantly splitting the black mist in half.

   Long Fei entered the Crystal Palace. After him, there were countless figures flying over.

   rushing to the forefront is a dozen figures. UU reading books www.uukanshu.cco

   There are people of the Chaos Protoss, those who swallow the Heavens, and those of the Xuanbing Prosperity.

   They must also go in and **** the blade of Shura.

When    just came near the rift, the crack of black mist actually healed again.

   Nine Specter Dragon Sword, although terrible, is different from the Great Dragon Sword.

   He didn't have that kind of indestructible power, and the broken black mist easily merged.

   This cloud of black mist enveloped dozens of strong men who rushed in.

   After those strong men entered, they also felt like entering the mire.

   They said: join forces to tear this black evil.

   The power of chaos erupts, and the fire of chaos sweeps the world.

   The ice turned into an ice cone, as if to pierce everything.

   Those who swallowed the gods of the sky even made black holes, and they wanted to swallow the black mist.

  The origin of the black mist is extremely extraordinary, far beyond the imagination of these people.

   Even Long Fei and Lin Xuan are like enemies.

   They have to move the cards to be able to contend.

   There are a large number of these people in front of us, but they are just ordinary gods.

  Although his blood is extraordinary, he still can't resist it.

  The black mist rolled violently, flying out of the mist, one line after another.

   These black lines instantly penetrated everyone's body.

  People found that their hands and feet were penetrated by black lines, just like chains, locked. .

   Their bodies are not controlled.

   seemed to be a puppet, and was controlled by Black Mist.

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