Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7741: I dare to grab something invincible?

"Damn, what's going on? My body seems to be out of control!"

   A strong man roared wildly,

  He found that as the black lines on his body swayed, his palms were shot fiercely towards the people next to him.

   bang, the companion next to him was blasted out, his body split.

   "Damn, why attack me?"

   "I don't want to, I can't control it!"

   There is a problem with these black lines.

   The voice just fell, and the companion who had been photographed and flew over again.

   The two are fighting together.

  Under the control of these black lines, these people began to fight each other.

   Ye Tiange was also controlled by this black line, and his face was so unsightly that he found that he could not completely swallow the power of this black line with his blood.

  Although he resisted vigorously, his body still involuntarily killed forward.

   See, he will join the battle.

   "No, you can never be trapped here." Ye Tiange closed her eyes and pushed a life-saving sign in her body.

   has a black token in his body. This token has a figure drawn on it, and there are 4 horns on his head.

   Under his urging, the black token absorbed his blood power.

  Four horns flew out and turned into four daggers, which instantly cut the mysterious black line.

   Ye Tiange went back like crazy.

   left Black Mist, he was relieved.

too frightening.

   Where is this dark mist, and what a horrible means.

   From behind, there was a roaring sound, and countless figures quickly chased over.

  The strength of these people is worse than them, and they have just arrived.

  When he saw this scene, Ye Tiange shook his head slightly.

   Even he is not an opponent, these people are even less likely to be opponents.

   It's too dangerous ahead, so leave. Tongtianhe is so big, he can always find treasures in other places.

   flicked, he left quickly, and at the same time he sent a message to the people who swallowed the gods to let them leave together.

   Those around me, when they saw this scene, didn't feel anything.

  Some people don’t know Ye Tiange and think that the other party is just a loser. So many of them are enough to sweep everything.

   Even in the face of Protoss, they are still not afraid.

   Soon, they came to the front of the black mist, seeing that the black mist would be torn apart,

  A dozen figures flying out of the black mist, these people are all powerful in the world,

   They waved their artifacts, displayed their unique skills, and killed them to the rear.

  The people behind were instantly blasted away, some of them turned into blood mist, and others were seriously injured, flying to the distance like a kite.

   Their face was terrified.

   Why is this like this?

  The dozen or so powerful men did not enter the Crystal Palace, but attacked them nearby!


   "Hurry up!" In front of them, the people of Chaos Protoss are also crazy roaring.

   The strong bodies of the three Chaos Protoss were controlled, and the black line on them was controlled by an invisible big hand,

  The three of them killed towards the rear.

   "Quick escape, the situation is not right." The people around fled.

   "A group of ants."

   Black mist sneered when she sensed the scene outside.

   He speeded up and caught up with Long Fei.

   Thousands of black silk threads flew out of the black mist and killed Long Fei, wanting to control Long Fei

  Longfei, naturally dare not have the slightest care, exert the power of the Five Elements Shenlong, and confront it,

  Jinmu water, fire and earth, 5 kinds of forces erupted around him, and various dragon race supernatural powers emerged endlessly.

   While fighting, the two flew towards the ancient altar.

   Suddenly at this time, purple eyes appeared in the dark mist.

Between heaven and earth, there seem to be countless purple clouds surrounding it.

   The entire crystal palace has turned into a purple ocean.

   a voice, remembered in Long Fei's heart.

   Destroy it, destroy it.

   Long Fei's eyes had a hint of purple light emerging. The next moment, he slapped himself on the palm.

   The body is like glass, cracked.

  Longfei fell to the ground, the pain made him recover,

  His face was ugly to the extreme,

what happened?

   At that moment, he seemed to faint, his body was out of control, and he even obeyed the orders of others?

  Think now, it's really scary!

  You must know how powerful his bloodline is, but he can't resist the voice of the other party.

   This black mist is also terrible!

  What is the origin of the other party?

  Longfei knew that he had failed, and it would be impossible to get the Blade of Shura.

  Stay on again, I am afraid it will be more dangerous.

   After the black mist got Shura, he might turn around to kill him.

   Sure enough, he heard a laugh in front of him, "Your bloodline is more terrible than the dragon girl before, really want to swallow you!"

  Longfei was creepy, turned around and left.

   There is only one person left in the crystal palace,

   He stared at the ancient altar in front of him, and he made a weird laugh.

   The black mist spread out, like a large net looming toward the front. Seeing that the blade of Shura would be caught,

   But at this moment, between heaven and earth, a sword flashed, splitting the net into two halves.

   In the dark mist, there was a scream, and all the mist was like a tail, quickly retracted back.

   "Who is it! Dare to sneak into this seat?"

   Crazy roar sounded, UU reading made the Crystal Palace shake violently again.

   Above the altar in front, a young figure appeared, it was Lin Xuan.

  Lin Xuan said with a smile, "Dare you dare to grab my things? Dare to **** food, don't believe me to pull out all your teeth."

  Black Mist roared and rushed over again.

   The mist spread out and turned into various demons, as if torn Lin Xuan into pieces.

   Lin Xuan urged the Dragon Sword Soul, that invincible force, into the dark mist.

   The sword was breathtaking, like a peerless divine light, piercing everything.

   No one can stop the sharp breath.

After a few swords, Black Mist screamed and turned to escape.

   Many of his weapons were wiped out.

   The power of the Dragon Sword has a strong restraint effect on him!

   retreated to the distance, and the black mist kept rolling and condensing, forming a face.

   This face is extremely weird, it makes people look at it, and they feel very uncomfortable.

   Even if the true **** is under this side, I am afraid to tremble and despair.

   In this face, two purple flames appeared, and they were two purple eyes.

   thought of a voice in Lin Xuan's heart, "Destroy it, destroy it."

   This sound was very small at first, but in the end it became louder and louder, just like the **** of destruction roaring.

   This is a very terrible soul attack, like Long Fei before, it has not been able to withstand,

   The Lin invincible is stronger in front of me, I'm afraid I can't bear it.

   Literature Museum

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