Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7742: Original Dragon Blood

Hearing this mysterious voice, Lin Xuan felt that his soul was shaking, as if he was about to fall asleep!

   Lifted his right hand slightly, and even aimed at his heart.

   Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile, "It's really terrible power, but it's useless in front of me."

   He used the dragon spirit of the dragon and cast the dragon's eight sounds, which shattered the other party's voice directly.

   The next moment, he turned and grabbed the blade of Shura.

   With a brush, the crystal light will envelope.

  At the same time, the black mist was also sent out.

   When he came to the rooftop, the black mist brain was blank.

what's the situation?

   He was actually sent out?

   That guy actually resisted his fairy law!

   is incredible.

  You must know that his immortal method has never failed again.

  Now, it has no effect?

   Not reconciled!

   The black mist is crazy, and almost, he will be able to get the Shura Blade.


   did not expect that the true gods at the peak were not there, and some of these young people were even better than him!

  The other party has been fighting the blood Shura for so long, how could there be so much power?

   Where is the limit of the other party!

   He can only leave, retreat second, and chase and kill Long Fei to get the dragon blood of the other party.

   With anger and murderous intention, the black mist quickly flew.

   Soon, he found Long Fei.

  He once again turned into a misty net, and fell hard towards Longfei.

   Longfei, creepy.

   He tried his best, hit a tail of black dragon, and blocked the blow.

   He flew out.

   At the same time he growled, "Come and save me!"

far away.

   A chariot flew over and caught Long Fei.

  The old men on the chariot changed their faces, "How are you, Master?"

   They saw the dragon, Fei was stained with blood, the dragon scales were broken, and even the keel appeared, which was very miserable.

   Was it hurt by Lin Wuci?

   Is the gap so large?

   What's even more abominable is that some people dare to chase down their young master now, I don't know if they will die or die!

   How extraordinary their young masters are. Who dares to kill?

   They looked up and stared at the mysterious mist in front, an old man sneered, "Who are you?"

   "Old stuff, get out! There is no time to waste in this seat!"

   He stared at Long Fei and said, "Hand over your dragon blood, I can give you a happy death."

   "You have a dream!" Long Fei gritted his teeth. He is now seriously injured and needs to leave quickly.

   and his team flew towards the distance while driving the chariot!

  Where to go!

   The black mist suddenly became larger, as if it was painted as a sea of ​​clouds, covering the whole world.

   A trace of black thread flew out of him, killing those around him.

   Anyone who was penetrated by the black thread turned into his puppet, and his body killed Longfei uncontrollably.

  What is this means? Those around Long Fei were frightened.

  Longfei panic: "Send a distress signal soon."

   A cloud dragon flew into the sky, his body split open, and turned into countless rays of light.

   It didn’t take long for some powerful dragons to arrive, and one of them was very powerful. It was the mysterious woman wearing the crown.

   This woman's strength and blood are extremely extraordinary, she is called Longyin.

  After receiving the distress signal, she immediately brought someone in.

   arrived and found that it was Long Fei and others. Long Yin was a little confused,

  How powerful is Long Fei's strength, and there are nine ghost dragon swords in his hand, how can he call for help?

  When he found out that his opponent was a black haze, he immediately changed his face,

   he said, "This guy suppressed the dragon dance before"

   "Hand it over!"

what? Was even the dragon dance suppressed by the other party? After listening to the Dragon clan and others, his face was ugly to the extreme,

   The group of black mist said with a smile: "The dragon girl's strength is not weak, I can draw her blood, as for his body, I can make a puppet."

   "This person's blood is more powerful," it points to Longfei!

   "If you give me the magic sword in your hand, I can consider spare you."


  Longfei gritted his teeth, "Let's work together!"

   The war broke out, and the strong men of the dragon clan killed Black Mist together,

   However, the strength of Black Mist exceeds their imagination. More importantly, Black Mist's means are terrible, and there are many more puppets in his hands.

  The puppets are all the strong people around, even including the strong people of Chaos Protoss,

   After a battle, Longfei did not have an advantage.

   If they go on like this, they will be controlled by each other sooner or later, and become puppets!

   "Give me your original blood, I urge the Nine Specter Dragon Sword, he is definitely not an opponent."

   Long Fei, said quickly.

  The people around nodded and nodded.

   Otherwise, they simply cannot compete with each other.

   Their eyebrows were split, drop by drop, the blood of the origin flew into the distance,

   With the departure of the original blood, everyone's face became pale, and even the dragon sound was shaken and a little dizzy.

  Longfei got a lot of original dragon blood, he urged the nine ghost dragon sword,

   A magic dragon seemed to come alive, killing forward.

All the puppets around    were blasted out, and even the black mist was enveloped by the shadow of the dragon,

   The black mist rolled violently and quickly resisted.


   The earth-shattering power came, and everything in front was shattered,

Solve it? Those in the Dragon Palace smiled when they saw this scene.

  Longfei also sneered, "Don't dare to fight for something that I don't want to control, let me die!"

  He was driving a chariot, UU reading flew towards the front,

   He wants to see, where is this black mist?

In front of   , in the broken void, the broken black mist flew over again, and reunited,

   There was also a fierce voice, "You dare to hurt me, you have to pay the price! I want to refine you into a furnace of blood dragon!"

what? not dead! Still alive?

how can that be?

   The people of the Dragon tribe were ignorant.

  Longfei also changed his face, he felt a fatal crisis,

   The other party is too mysterious, beyond his imagination, he can't fight anymore.

   He turned and left.

   The chariot turned into a streamer and flew into the distance in an instant.

  In a blink of an eye, Long Fei disappeared.

   Only those of the dragon clan remained.

   They were all ignorant. Longyin and others were even dumbfounded, and Longfei escaped.

   Even more abominable is that the other party fled on their own and did not pay attention to them.

   They came over to help, but were suddenly abandoned.

   "It runs very fast, but you can never escape my palm."

   "As for you, it's stupid to dare to be an enemy of this seat!"

   "Just make you a panacea!"

   The black mist rolled quickly, just like a black sea, coming towards everyone.

   The other side.

   Crystal Palace.

   It is very quiet here.

   Suddenly, a shadow flashed.

   disappeared instantly.

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