Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7743: The ancient secret, the dragon sword!

Lin Xuan has come to a very magical place at this moment, he should have come to the enchantment formed by the altar.

   This should be a mysterious space.

   Lin Xuan was holding the blade of Shura.

   is different from before, he has not been sent out.

  To tell the truth, Lin Xuan wanted to solve this group of black fog before, because he thought the other party was mysterious and it was troublesome to keep the other party.

   But the moment he wanted to start, he felt that this crystal palace seemed to be staring at him.

   He didn't find it when he probed, even if he probed with reincarnation eyes, he didn't find the other person's figure.

   But the feeling of being stared at is not wrong,

   Although there is only a moment, but it really exists.

   Is there any hidden master here?

  In order to avoid night long dreams, Lin Xuan did not deal with Black Mist, but directly took the blade of Shura.

   originally thought he would send it to the rooftop as before, when he could leave with his identity hidden,

   He actually came to a mysterious enchantment.

   The space is very empty, and the atmosphere around it is bloody,

   In front, there is a huge statue,

   This is a statue of Shura, lifelike.

  With the arrival of Lin Xuan, **** lightning appeared in the eyes of this statue of Shura, and a low voice sounded.

   "Have anyone finally got the Shura Blade?"

   This sound is extremely old.

   Lin Xuan was also surprised after listening to it. Someone here,

   He looked at the statue in front of him. He knew that this should not be a real strong man, but a breath left by the strong man of the year, and a mark of the soul.

   "Have seen seniors." Lin Xuan paid a gift.

  'S **** eyes fell on Lin Xuan, and Shura's voice rang again, "Aren't you a strange person?"

   "What time is it now?"

  Lin Xuan explained, "Huanggu has been a long time ago. Now, hundreds of millions of years have passed since it was deserted."

   "It's really a vicissitudes of the sea," the voice said with emotion, and then he seemed to find something, and stared at Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan had a **** light around him.

   He is like an enemy!

   The other party is not going to do it!

   "Young man, what kind of power do you cultivate? Why do I feel the power of Divine Fire and the power of Immortal Qi on you?"

   "You still have the breath of six reincarnations!"

   "Are you the new six masters?"

   "No wonder there is no old blood, you can go to this step."

   Lin Xuan was surprised.

   Asura was just a breath of soul. Unexpectedly, it was so terrible, so many secrets were discovered in an instant.

   "Yes, I do control six reincarnations."

   Lin Xuan waved his hand, six worlds appeared beside him.

   "As for the avenue I practiced, it is neither Shinto nor Immortal Dao, but the Way of the Immortals."

   Lin Xuan also exhibited the power of the gods.

   The Shura statue in front of him shook his body, and the **** lightning in his eyes became even more shining, as if it had turned into a **** of extinction.

   flying in the sky,

  He was so excited,

   "You can even merge the way of the gods!"

   "This is impossible! No one has ever done it."

   "Even if you go to a place of destiny, you can't do it by changing your life."

   "No one's life can afford it."

"how did you do it?"

  Lin Xuan said, "I just thought about it, and my way was to go against the sky."

   "With this faith, I succeeded."

   Asura statue was silent, he didn't know what to say.

   There are many people who go against the sky, but they all fail,

   wants to merge the power of the gods, this is something that people have wanted to do since ancient times,

  Don't say it's barren, even people from the last era have been trying.

   But everyone failed.

   Some people have been to the land of fate, and have spent a lot of money, changed their own destiny, changed their life,

  Make my life more mysterious

   They did incorporate the power of the gods, but they were failures.

   is a semi-finished product, their bodies are split, and the crack will never disappear.

   Although they have some more mysterious powers, such as magical magic, immunity,

   can only hurt these people with physical strength,

  However, these people couldn't go far, they couldn't become God King.

   can't live forever.

   After a while, they will completely turn into a pile of debris.

   is too costly, there is no future, so that those strong men gave up.

   did not expect that after hundreds of millions of years, someone succeeded.

   Is it luck or something else?

   The statue of Shura did not know, and even if it was known, it was useless. Now it is just a mark.

   It's just that he has some emotions, and I don't know the supreme powerhouses of that year. What will it be like to know this?

   "Young man, how do I call you?"

   "Lin Xuan, Lin invincible."

   "What a confident name!"

   "Lin Xuan, you have got the blade of Shura. I will tell you about Shura's mind, and with the blade of Shura, it can make it more powerful."

   This mentality is not long, just 200 words,

   But the content is extremely advanced.

   Lin Xuan felt that his Shura Road, under this mentality, seemed to be boiling,

   It seems that Shura Dao can improve a lot, which makes him very surprised.

   Before in Crystal Palace, why didn't he meet such a thing?

   he asked, "Senior, UU reading, only Shura Dao has the mind? Do the other six Dao have no mind?"

   "The power of reincarnation six channels has existed since ancient times. This mentality was also created by some powerful people after they mastered the power of reincarnation six channels."

   "The mentality is different, there are strengths and weaknesses."

   "My mind is very powerful under the King of Gods."

   "As for the other six ways of thinking, but you also said that hundreds of millions of years have passed, I don’t know what happened in the middle, maybe it has disappeared."

   It turned out to be the case. Lin Xuan sighed after hearing it. It seemed that he had a chance in the future, and he had to find these six ways of thinking.

   He still has some doubts about the ancient times. Now that he encounters such an ancient existence, he just wanted to ask about it.

   "I can't answer you too much, so, I only answer you two questions."

   Two questions? Lin Xuan frowned tightly after listening.


  What questions must he ask?

  To tell the truth, there are too many doubts in his heart, such as Dalongjian, how did it break?

   Who interrupted it?

   What is the difference between Heavenly Emperor and Immortality?

   Also, what is the realm that the other shore is too high?

  Among the ancients. Which protoss are in the top ten?

  How did the last era break?

   These questions, Lin Xuan wants to know.

   can only ask two questions now,

   Thinking about it, Lin Xuan asked the question he wanted to ask most,

   "Dragon Sword, how did it break?"

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