Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7847: Immortality disappeared! The age of the king!

   Those **** kings of other protoss did not dare to appear before.

   After all, Taishang, Xuanyuan and others are fighting here, and that force is simply not something they can resist.

  Even once they are hit, they may be wiped out.

   Now that Xuanyuan, Tai Shang and others have left, they can finally come out.

   Moreover, Tongtianhe has another supreme power, that is, the Great Dragon Sword.

   The Chaos God King saw his opponent coming, he snorted coldly.

   He took the lead and turned into a chaotic light, ripped open the void, and slammed towards the Tongtian River.

   However, as soon as he entered, he was in trouble.

   Through the Tianhe River, countless runes have appeared at this moment.

   This is the rune of Tongtian Urn, densely packed.

   As soon as he entered, he was enveloped by the runes of the sky urn.

   a sky-reaching urn, with a mysterious aura, this chaos **** king is like a great enemy.

   He roared and fought with him.

   But it didn't take long for him to panic and quickly fled back.

   Those other gods also tried.

   However, without exception, they were all attacked by the runes of the heavenly urn.

   After they withdrew, their faces were ugly.

   Let's join forces. After entering, we find the Great Dragon Sword Soul, and we will compete with each other by our ability.

   Although Lin Xuan tried his best to turn the tide, slashed the demons, and saved their people.

   However, these **** kings are powerful men who have lived for endless years, and they are very indifferent.

   Lin Xuan saved their descendants, but what about that?

   Lin Xuan has fallen, and they weren't killed.

  The Great Dragon Sword has become a thing of no one.

   When they shot, they didn't keep any hands.

   The roaring sound came, and the people of the heavens and the world were shocked.

   Do these **** kings want to **** the dragon sword?

   They sighed.

   swept across the world, did Lin Wudi, who had never been defeated, fallen?

Was    beheaded by the **** king?

   What a pity, such a genius against the sky.

   You must know that when Lin Xuan grows up, he can definitely become the king of God, and even go further.

   Many people speculate that the opponent will become immortal in the future.

   However, the fallen genius is nothing. Even now, even the Great Dragon Sword has to be snatched away.

   Those people in God's Domain are also crazy,

   Murong Qingcheng, crying like tears.

   However, the entire Shangqing city was sealed.

   Set the Sea God Needle, and freeze everything to prevent the God King from sneaking.

   Everyone can't get out at all.

   Damn it.

   The dark red dragon gritted his teeth: Chaos Protoss, I can't spare you.

   One day, the emperor will kill you and avenge that kid.

   The battle over the Tianhe River is even more terrifying.

   However, it ultimately failed.

   Tongtianhe, completely shrouded by the runes of Tongtianlu, people outside cannot enter at all.

   Those **** kings tried many times, but they failed.

   They are not reconciled, they are ready to wait here.

   They lived endless years, even if they waited here for ten thousand years, ten million years.

   They will not leave.

   It didn't take long for Tongtianhe to have a black atmosphere.

   That breath, very similar to that of a demon, made everyone horrified and desperate.

   right? Is it impossible for the gods to come out again?

   Even those **** kings are creepy

   They didn't dare to stay in Tongtianhe anymore, they returned to their families.

   They sent someone to stare at the sight of Tongtian River.

   What happens once? They will know the first time.

  Tongtianhe's changes have shocked countless people.

   No one knows, what kind of change will happen? Will the demon come out?

   In short, no one dared to go to Tongtian River,

   This place has completely turned into a forbidden place for life.

   The King of God also left, and the world became completely silent.

   The Great Dragon Sword was also sealed in the Tongtian River.

   Maybe one day, those **** kings will come back!

   News about Lin Wudi also spread throughout the heavens and all realms.

   There are some people from the Protoss who are already worshiping Lin Wudi.

   These people were all rescued by Lin Xuan.

   These people are grateful,

   However, they were unable to recover.

   They have no choice but to decide on family matters,

   They can only be sad alone.

  Even these people are seriously injured, and it takes many tens of thousands of years to recover.

   on the other side,

   The people of God's Domain are also sad.

   Lin Wudi is their greatest hope. Has it fallen at this moment?

   Murong Qingcheng washes his face with tears every day.

   Xueqi also cried and fainted several times.

   Yan Ruyu is also sad.

   The dark red dragon and others are even more furious,

   Hateful, they have no power.

   On the side of the Chaos Protoss, the same aura is suppressed.

   Their **** son has fallen, and they feel that the sky has fallen.

   Although their **** king killed Lin Wudi, it was regarded as revenge for the **** son.

   But they are equally angry, they can't wait to destroy God's Domain.

   is just the owner of God's Domain, all of them have been teleported back.

   The ancient city has the Dinghai Shenzhen, and the God King cannot easily attack those who are under the land gods.

   will arouse public anger.

   The people of the Chaos Protoss did not act for a while.

   But they are gathering strength,

   It won’t take long before they attack.

   to attack God's Domain,

   and the world of stars in the hands of God's Domain.

   Now Dou Zhan Shen and Xuanyuan have left, this is their best chance to return.

   On their side, although the ancestors also left, they still have a **** king.

   There is no **** king in God's Domain now.

   They quickly gathered their strength, ready to launch a thunderous blow.

   Those other Protoss people are recuperating.

  At the same time, I was paying attention to another thing,

   That is the whereabouts of the king-level magic soldiers.

Before   , so many peak powers robbed the king-level magical soldiers,

   Until now, there is still no winner.

   Moreover, they still can't find the trace of these people, which makes them extremely worried.

   Tong Tianhe, quiet again.

   In Tongtian River, a remote place, there is actually another world.

   is the realm of the world, but no one has discovered it.

   This world is an ancient place.

   In the land of eternity, Lin Xuan's body was shrouded in endless life divine water.

   Xiaobai was guarding Her big jewel-like eyes kept tearing down.

   She cried anxiously: Oh, are you okay? Wake up soon.

   In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

   For ten years, many things have happened outside,

   An ancient place, but it seems that it has never changed.

   Xiaobai is still there, guarding every day,

   And Lin Xuan is still shrouded in the divine water of life.

   On this day, Lin Xuan's eyelids moved.

   Xiaobai immediately stopped crying.

   She opened her eyes wide, small paws, and began to slap Lin Xuan's face.

Are you awake? I will give you all the delicious food and wake up quickly.

   Xiaobai grabbed a large number of natural treasures and spiritual fruits from her cornucopia and piled them up into mountains.

   She said: These are all for you, you wake up quickly.

  Okay, then I will take your delicious food.

   A weak voice sounded,

   Xiaobai immediately jumped up after listening.

   It pounced on Lin Xuan: You woke up, you woke up.

   Lin Xuan slowly opened his eyes.


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