Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7848: Lin Xuan wakes up! Get the big dragon sword fragment!

   Lin Xuan is extremely weak.

   almost fell completely,

   The power of the **** king is terrible.

   little guy, thanks to you.

   In the battle ten years ago, Lin Xuan was attacked by the Chaos God King, and his Chaos Body was directly deprived.

   The chaotic power completely disappeared, and he turned into a mortal body.

   Not only that, but the other party used a great deprivation technique to deprive him of his vitality.

   He felt his life, and the rapid decline.

   At the moment of crisis, he didn't even have the power to open the ancient land.

   Fortunately, Xiao Bai used its cornucopia to directly bring Lin Xuan to an even more ancient place.

   Lin Xuan escaped from the gods and came back to life.

   It's just that he was hurt too badly, and his breath of life dropped to freezing point.

   Within a few seconds, he will fall completely.

   After ten years of rest, he slowly opened his eyes.

   Xiaobai jumped up happily, she put all the treasures of heaven and earth on Lin Xuan.

   She said: You quickly absorb it.

   Little guy, don’t rush, take your time.

   Lin Xuan is now very slow even in absorption.

   He has become a mortal body, equivalent to the previous chaotic body, completely shattered.

   I don’t know what’s going on outside, how is it?

   Qingcheng, they should be fine, right?

   After all, at the beginning, Dou Zhan Shen and Master Xuanyuan came out.

   Let's recover the injury first.

   Lin Xuan used Long Dao Wu Shen Jue and began to absorb the surrounding power.

   It took another ten years, and Lin Xuan was finally able to stand up.

   This is a very big improvement, Xiao Bai is flying in the air happily.

   20 years, don’t know what has changed? Go out and take a look.

   Lin Xuan thought,

   He secretly opened the Older Place and looked outside.

   He found that Tongtianhe was quiet, and could not feel the powerful breath.

   The next moment, he walked out of the ancient place and entered the Tongtian River.

   Just when he arrived at Tongtian River, Lin Xuan noticed a change.

  Tongtianhe was previously shrouded by the demons, but now it is shrouded by a mysterious rune.

   Lin Xuan felt very familiar with this mysterious rune, it was the power of the heavenly urn.

   Has Tongtianhe been sealed again? It seems that some mysterious changes have taken place.

   Forget it, let’s go back to the ancient place and rest!

   Lin Xuan prepared to wait for a complete recovery before leaving. He is really too weak today.

   However, at this time, Dalongjian rarely spoke.

   He said: I feel a trace of familiar power, go to that place to see.

   What is the familiar power?

   Lin Xuan was taken aback, he took a breath.

   Is it possible that there is something related to the Great Dragon Sword here?

   Thinking of this, he was ecstatic, and he quickly flew towards the distance.

   In his current state, he does not fly fast.

   Even, he also met a few monsters on the way.

   Those monsters rushed towards Lin Xuan unexpectedly.

   But it's okay, there is Xiao Bai.

   Xiaobai slapped these monsters and stunned.

   Then, with another slap, these monsters turned into meteors and flew into the distance.

   Don't worry, I will protect you.

   Xiaobai came back again, waving his paw on Lin Xuan's shoulder, and said confidently.

   Along the way, he stopped and went, and after a month, he finally stopped.

   This is a mountain range on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by extremely quiet, there are no monsters.

   entered the mountains on the bottom of the sea, and he began to probe carefully.

   When the night came, there was a sudden gust of wind.

   an extremely terrible storm,

   Lin Xuan was blown away instantly.

   He crashed into a big mountain, his blood rolled, and he even felt that his body was pierced.

   Lin Xuan frowned painfully, he is too weak now.

   After this body loses its supernatural power, it can't resist even stones?

   He turned his head and looked around, only to see a stone piercing his body.

   is wrong.

   Lin Xuan frowned slightly, how could ordinary stones hurt him?

   Although he has no divine body, his remaining power is still there.

   What he cultivates is still the power of immortals, no matter how weak he is, it is impossible to let a stone pierce it.

   There is a problem with this stone.

   "Little Bai, break this rock."

   Xiaobai flew over, and with a wave of his small paw, he hit the stone.

   However, Xiao Bai flew upside down, grinning.

   Oh, it hurts.

   Lin Xuan was stunned: Xiaobai couldn't hurt this stone, is it incredible?

   What is this stone? It's too sharp too.

   It looks like, what treasure is hidden here?

   Lin Xuan took out Qixing Longyuan, waved his sword with both hands, and severely cut it forward.

There was a bang, and the two collided, making a metallic sound.

   Qixing Longyuan was shaken off, the flames flying between the sky and the earth, Lin Xuan's palms were all split.

very scary.

   Lin Xuan was surprised, he continued to swing the divine sword, cutting it down.

  After hundreds of swords, there were no cracks in the stone, and Lin Xuan was shocked.

  Fuck me, how does he feel, even if he is not injured, in his heyday, it seems that he can't help this stone?

   At this time, the dragon spoke and said: You use the power of the dragon sword.

   Above the Divine Sword, the power of the Great Dragon Sword emerged, and it was severely chopped forward.

   However, this time, the dragon sword did not cut the stone.

   Great Dragon Sword Qi, flying directly into the stone, disappeared.

What's happening here?

   Can this stone swallow his sword energy?

   Just kidding.

  The dragon sword is so sharp, how could it be swallowed?

   He stared at the stone firmly.

   Click, click!

   After the stone absorbed the power of the dragon's sword energy, suddenly, it was covered with cracks.

   Then, it broke apart.

   Lin Xuan discovered that there was another world inside the stone.

   This is a piece of metal, very small, only the size of a fingernail.

   However, it was extremely sharp, and even the aura on it was very familiar to Lin Xuan.

   He trembled with excitement: This is a fragment of the big dragon sword.

Finally found. Dalong also said: Boy, your good fortune is here.

   After finishing speaking, the dragon-shaped sword aura flew out and enveloped Lin Xuan.

   The big dragon sword fragment in front of was induced and floated directly to Lin Xuan.

   Great, got another piece of the big dragon sword fragment.

   Although it is only a little bit, but later when the dragon sword is used, the power can be increased again.

   With a boom, when Lin Xuan had just obtained this piece of debris, the mountain in front of him suddenly cracked.

   A crack appeared.

   And in the crack, a passage appeared, an extremely ancient passage.

   There are fragments of the big dragon sword here, and now there is a passage again.

   Lin Xuan was going to go in and take a look.

   Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan walked forward.

   Xiaobai even sat on Lin Xuan's shoulders, looking around with big eyes.

   As long as the situation is not right, she will flee with Lin Xuan.

   The passage is very quiet, there is no monster, no guardian, and no formation.

   Suddenly at this moment, Lin Xuan was taken aback, and he discovered that there was something above the passage ahead.

   This is ginseng fruit.

   Lin Xuan was shocked: There are ginseng fruit here!

   He was ecstatic.


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