Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7882: Are you Lin Wudi? impossible!

Leng Qiu was defeated, beyond everyone's expectations,

But Lin Xuan didn't seem to stop, still walking towards the other side.

When he saw this scene, Leng Qi's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Let's shoot together."

far away,

Those people from the Profound Ice Protoss roared and rushed over quickly.

More than a dozen figures killed Lin Xuan, and the overwhelming magical powers fell down.

Lin Xuan waved his arm, used his swordsmanship, opened and closed, shredding all the ice in the sky.

A dozen people were beaten up and vomiting blood.

Some people even turned into blood mist.

Everyone collapsed: the other party is too strong, right?

Can they not even hold each other?

Xuan Bingye was even more horrified. He originally thought that he was defeated carelessly.

Now it seems that it is not like this at all, he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

Leng Qiu roared, took out the pill, swallowed it down,

Later, he killed again.

He said: "Use the Ice God Formation."

More than a dozen figures, quickly deployed,

Leng Qiu stood in the middle of the formation.

The huge ice statue condensed again.

Countless powers have fallen, and enmity has been enveloped.

The magic knife in Leng Qiu's hand was even more terrifying.

He urged the formation and slew forward.

The magic knife in his hand kept falling, and its power was several times the previous one.

He roared: "This time, how do I see you die?"

Lin Xuan was shrouded by the sky of sword light.

The people of Xuanbing Protoss sneered, no matter how strong the opponent is, they can't resist it, right?

It's impossible to increase the opponent's strength several times, right?

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, and these people joined forces and they were indeed very strong.

It seems that the real kendo must be performed.

However, in that case, his identity will be discovered.

Lin Xuan said coldly, "I will give you one last chance."

"Stop now, I can still spare your lives."

"Boy, death is approaching, you still dare to be arrogant, are you qualified to compete with us?"

They disdain to sneer.

"Then you don't blame me." Lin Xuan's eyes showed a bit of killing intent.

On his hands, black and white aura appeared, and he danced quickly and turned into a Tai Chi diagram.

Lin Xuan used Tai Chi swordsmanship, martial arts body, and Tai Chi sword.

A black and white sword gas rushed straight into the sky, splitting the sky full of ice blades.

Lin Xuan looked up to the sky and roared,

Above the nine heavens, the twenty heavens fell.

In the void, the black and white sword aura transformed into a black and white dragon, roaring frantically.

The entire ice formation shook violently,

Everyone felt a fatal crisis.

They were shocked,

This breath is an invincible kendo.

"Impossible, how do you have such a kendo? Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

Lin Xuan didn't answer, and tried his best.

The Tai Chi sword fell, and several figures disappeared.

The sword technique of Zhu Tian fell, and a few more figures were completely suppressed.

Lin Xuan hit them with a single sword.

In the formation, a total of more than a dozen people fell half of them in an instant.

The power of the formation is greatly reduced.

Lin Xuan used the martial arts fist, opened the sky with a fist, and instantly smashed the formation.

The huge ice statue shattered and turned into countless pieces.

In the formation, those who were still alive all flew out, vomiting blood.

Escape, run away quickly.

Their faces were full of horror.

They shot with all their strength, their strength increased several times, and they couldn't beat each other.

If they continue to fight, they will die.

"I want to escape now, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

Six worlds emerged, covering the whole world.

When they saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Leng Qiu even exclaimed: "The power of the six reincarnations, the invincible sword energy."

"Are you Lin Wudi?"

"Impossible, Lin Wudi, who has fallen in the Tongtian River, was killed by the **** king."

"He can't be alive anymore."

"who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"You won't know."

Lin Xuan's eyes burst out with a biting light.

Put your hands together, and the black and white sword energy overlaps, transforming into a Tai Chi sword.

Cut off with a sword, Leng Qi's body was split in half.

Half of it is pitch black and half is pure white.

The power of Tai Chi completely enveloped the opponent.

In the end, it turned into two dragon heads and swallowed each other.

Cold hatred fell.

For the rest, people are no longer opponents.

In the world of six realms, the figure of Shura Tao appeared.

Shura held Shura's blade and beheaded all the remaining people.

Only the soul of Xuan Bingye remained.

Xuan Bingye was completely silly there, forgetting to escape.

He didn't dare to imagine that their such a strong team would be wiped out.

And the person in front of him could have six reincarnations, as well as the invincible sword energy.

Is this the big dragon sword?

"Are you Lin Wudi?"

"You must be him!"

"You are not dead, you are still alive."

Xuan Bingye seemed to have discovered the biggest secret.

The heavens and all realms have been deceived,

Even the desolate ancient gods did not find it.

Lin Wudi was not dead.

The opponent is not only alive, but also stronger.

He wanted to spread the news,

However, it simply cannot be done.

In the sky, there is an eye of heaven, covering his soul.

His soul surrendered instantly, unable to resist at all.

Lin Xuan shot out the fire of **** and killed the opponent's soul.

With a big wave, a dozen storage rings floated into his hand.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan turned and left.

When he arrived at another place, a safe place, Lin Xuan began to explore these storage rings.

Put away all the useful things inside, and throw away the rest.

Xuan Bingye's storage ring had already been given by him.

Those disciples of other protoss, there is nothing good in it.

However, what surprised him was the storage ring of Leng Qi.

Inside the ring, there were 20,000 sword **** flowers.

It really didn't take much effort.

Lin Xuan grinned.

Today, he has sixty thousand sword **** flowers, which can be exchanged, the last treasure.

However, he did not redeem,

hold on.

He is going to collect more to exchange for a group of natural treasures.

Those remaining things were all cultivation resources, and Lin Xuan put them away.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly a jade pendant lighted up in the storage ring.

Lin Xuan's expression changed.

Unexpectedly, this thing is so special.

Lin Xuan wanted to destroy, but at this moment, inside the jade pendant, there was a voice.

"Brother Leng Qiu, we found a good place."

"There are a lot of sword **** flowers there. Come here quickly."

Then, there is a space coordinate.

Lin Xuan was shocked: There is still such a good thing. UU reading

He took the jade pendant out, erased the breath on it, and then threw it aside.

The next moment, he shook his body and flew to the distance, heading to the place of spatial coordinates.

A day later, he stopped, and there was a volcano in front of him.

The height of the volcano is extremely terrifying.

Lin Xuan used the Eye of Heaven and discovered the people of the Profound Ice Protoss.

These people condensed to form ice palaces and antagonized the volcanic flames.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

Before, these people passed the news that inside the volcano, there is a sword **** flower.

It looks like it should be true.

He raised his head and looked at the volcano ahead.

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