Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7883: Take advantage of it! 100,000 sword **** flowers!

Lin Xuan did not act rashly, but waited for a while.

He found that the volcano was extremely dangerous.

First of all, this flame is very terrifying, even more terrifying than ordinary sacred fire.

Furthermore, there are monsters in the volcano,

Lin Xuan could feel a huge breath.

The monster beast was terrifying, even worse than the cold hatred before.

No wonder these disciples of Xuanbing Protoss asked for help.

Lin Xuan asked Xiaobai: "Little guy, can you take it out in a short time, Sword God Flower?"

Xiaobai scratched his head and looked into the distance, with mysterious runes flickering in his eyes.

Then he said: "Yes, but only once."

"In the next period of time, there is no way to use this magical power again."

"No problem, kid, let's do it."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I'll make more fairy wine for you."

"Oh, good."

Xiaobai clapped his hands happy.

Lin Xuan's winemaking technique was learned from the master of wine, which is very unique.

The brewed wine is delicious.

Next, Lin Xuan hid.

Xiaobai secretly shot, his supernatural powers, matched with the cornucopia, began to fetch things from the air.


In the cornucopia, something suddenly appeared, it was the Sword God Flower.

The number is increasing.

Inside the Flame Mountain, suddenly came an angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, a behemoth was killed from the Flame Mountain.

This is a flaming bull with horns soaring into the sky, and a huge body with countless fire runes.

He stepped on all sides, roared, and countless fire storms rushed out.

As if to burn the world.

This power is terrible,

Those people of Xuanbing Protoss couldn't resist.

The ice palace they built with magical powers melted instantly.

They backed away like crazy,

In the process of escaping, they were all injured.

In some places, it turned into a blood dance.

As they fled to the distance, their faces were full of horror.

"This bull actually made another shot."

"Damn, we've been hiding so far, haven't we bothered him?"

"Senior Brother Leng Qiu, why haven't you come yet?"

Various exclamations and discussions sounded,

They dare not make a move.

The strength of the fire ox ahead is about to arrive, and the true **** of Dacheng is the second watershed.

It's really too strong.

Even if they join forces, they are not opponents.

Therefore, they contacted Senior Brother Leng Qiu and asked the other person to bring someone there.

When the time comes, they will use the Ice God Formation together, and maybe they can compete against each other.

Lin Xuan was also surprised. He felt that there was a monster inside.

Unexpectedly, it was so terrible,

If he is singled out, it may not be easy for him to defeat the opponent.

Maybe it will take a long time,

At that time, maybe someone will be taken advantage of.

But now that it's alright, he can use the cornucopia in the dark to collect the sword **** flower quietly.

Looking at the more and more Sword God flowers in the cornucopia, Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

Right now, there should be ten thousand, right?

He was really shocked. He didn't know how many Sword God Flowers were there in the Flame Mountain?

In front of him, the fire ox of Huoyan Mountain was extremely angry, and his eyes were red.

There is another monstrous flame, sweeping out.

He stared at the people of Xuanbing Protoss, and couldn't wait to destroy them.

Those people of the Xuanbing Protoss can only retreat again and again.

This puzzled Fire Bull.

These little ants are so weak that even the breath on his body can't resist.

But why can you still steal the Sword God Flower?

It's not these people, who is it?

Huo Niu was extremely angry, and he returned to the Flame Mountain.

When he discovered that there were more than 10,000 sword **** flowers missing, he roared up to the sky in anger.

His eyes turned into two flame beams, sweeping in all directions, wanting to find.

Lin Xuan used the earth road with all his strength, as if merging with the earth, avoiding the other party's exploration.

At the same time, he found that this fire cow could not leave the Flame Mountain.

Although the opponent is strong, there are several flame chains on the opponent.

The other party was firmly bound, so that the other party stayed in Flame Mountain forever.

That's it.

No wonder this fire bull is just angry and can't rush out.

It looks like someone is trapped here.

As for who did it? Lin Xuan didn't know, and he didn't care.

He looked at the cornucopia,

At this moment, there are already 20,000 Sword God flowers.

The fire cow was crazy, he wanted to rush out, the chain on his body made a sound like the sky.

The flames flew, and the entire Huoyan Mountain shook violently.

Endless flames swept through the sky, as if to burn the sky and destroy the earth.

The scene here has attracted the attention of others, and some strong people have rushed to it.

However, as soon as they arrived nearby, they withdrew.

The flames here are so terrible, they are not able to bear it at all.

They stopped, surprised,

"There is a monster here, extremely terrifying, he is angry."

"Are we going to explore? There may not be any treasures here."

"Let's go, he is too strong."

Some people retreated.

Of course, some people stopped here and wanted to see what happened next?

Some members of the Profound Bing God Clan also came and joined those before.

The number has reached hundreds,

However, they still did not notice, Senior Brother Leng Qiu.

Forget it, can't wait, try it.

Hundreds of people gathered to form the Ice God Formation.

A huge ice sculpture appeared between the sky and the earth, and slew towards the fire bull.

The two fight together,

When the other people saw this, they exclaimed: It is from the Profound Ice Protoss Clan who is making a move.

It seems that there should be treasures in the Flame Mountain.

Go and take a look.

Those people from other family sects also started.

Suddenly, countless people rushed to the Flame Mountain.

Of course, on the way, the weak ones retreated, unable to withstand the flame at all.

There are some people who gather to form formations and join forces to contend.

Fire Bull was completely angry,

He looked up to the sky and roared, guarded the Flame Mountain, and fought with everyone.

Although he is bound by chains, his strength is still shocking.

With the power of one person, sweep the four directions without falling under the wind.

In addition, the flame coordination of the Flame Mountain made him stronger.

Hit it, hit it, it's best to turn the world upside down.

When Lin Xuan watched this scene, he smiled in his heart and said that he could just take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Glancing at the cornucopia, there are already 30,000 Sword God flowers, and his heart is beating wildly.

How many Sword God Flowers are there in Flame Mountain?

Finally, fifty thousand Sword God flowers appeared in the cornucopia,

And Xiao Bai stopped.

He said, "No more."

The little guy became weak and even He said: "I'm sleepy, I have to go to rest quickly."

Lin Xuan put away Xiao Bai, and at the same time put away 50,000 Sword God flowers.

He turned around and left.


Just after leaving, the fire cow behind made a terrifying roar.

He discovered that all the 50,000 Sword God Flowers in Huoyan Mountain had disappeared.

It's worse than killing him.

He was completely angry, and his power exploded.

His horns kept getting bigger and full of runes.

As if turned into, two divine spears penetrated the world.

In an instant, countless strong men stained the sky with blood.

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