Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7891: Who moved the hand? It's a mad god!

"Someone is going to send it out."

Those who were waiting outside, the strong Protoss, were shocked.

"Did you come out so soon? Isn't there a lot of good things inside?"

Faster than they thought.

Some people also said: "Isn't it a life-saving talisman?"

Just as they guessed, that figure had already appeared in the void.

When everyone looked around, they found that it was a genius of the Tianyang God Race.

"It's the eleventh son."

Some people exclaimed.

The elders of the Tianyang Protoss also quickly asked: "What's the matter?"

"Why did you come out?"

"You used the life-saving charm, who defeated you?"

These elders have ugly faces.

Eleventh son, also pale, he cried and said, "It's a mad god."

"The mad **** of Dragon Palace!"

what? The genius of Dragon Palace,

Who is the mad god?

Those from the surrounding family sects exclaimed.

Even the strong of the Protoss was shocked.

Some people, have heard the name of the mad god,

However, most people don't know.

Is this crazy **** better than Eleventh Young Master? Is it a rising star?

The people at Dragon Palace were also shocked.

Some people rejoiced.

Great, we eliminated a strong enemy.

However, people in Long Tatian's line had ugly faces.

Mad God, is this already so strong?

This is not a good thing.

Lin Xuan didn't know that the strong outsiders had already begun to know him.

At this moment, he was madly collecting the sword **** flower.

Before, he got one hundred thousand sword **** flowers in the desert, which made him very happy.

However, in the following month, he shot wildly and only got 5,000 plants.

No, it's too slow. You must find another mysterious place like the desert.

Only then can I get a lot of Sword God Flowers.

Next, Lin Xuan no longer shot easily, but quickly probed.

At the same time, pay attention to the movements of other Protoss powerhouses.

Not to mention, he really found it out,

He followed, the people of Xuanbing God Race.

Three days later, he stopped,

In front is a huge basin.

And there, there is one thing that attracts the most attention.

Is the statue,

A huge statue,

This statue, holding a divine sword, is like a sword god.

Near this statue, there are already many people, densely packed, like ants.

They are divided into different camps.

After Lin Xuan arrived, everyone turned around and looked around.

Someone exclaimed: "Crazy God, you are here."

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked around and found that it was from the Dragon Palace.

Moreover, it is Fire One.

Lin Xuanfei went over and joined these people. He asked, "What's the situation?"

Huoyi said: "The Sword God statue in front has a lot of Sword God flowers."

"Then why don't you do it?"

Lin Xuan was surprised, he looked carefully, and he said, "I didn't see it."

Huo Yi said: "The sword **** statue will move."

"Did you see the sword in his hand? That sword will slowly come out of its body."

"When the magic sword is completely out of its body, the sword **** flower will appear."

"The sword **** flowers are all hidden in the scabbard."

Although this is just a statue, the kendo power on it is extremely terrifying.

When the divine sword is not out of its sheath, no one can enter.

That's it.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, and he began to wait.

In the next few days, more and more people arrived, and some protoss directly summoned the strong.

A genius descended from the sky, which made many people look solemn.

I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle next.

At this moment, a black tiger fell from the sky and turned into a big man.

This big man's feet are everywhere, and everyone just feels his body trembling.

The power in them seemed to be taken away.

It is a member of the God Swallowing Race, the true God Swallowing Tiger.

This is an extremely terrifying top-level genius, a great God.

It is said that it has crossed, the first watershed.

The Shinto writings in the body should be around 16 million.

How can you fight this? Many people are desperate.

Such a person, coupled with the devouring of blood, can be said to be invincible in all directions.

Even if they join hands, they are not opponents, right.

Even Huo Yi had an ugly face.

Before long, another black breath flew in.

This black breath is not the same as the power of swallowing.

This is devil energy, extremely terrifying devil energy.

Everyone saw that a pair of black wings spread out, covering the world.

It's as if black clouds are pressing down on the city,

Everyone felt once again, a fatal crisis.

Even the Tiger Swallowing coldly snorted, and sent out tigers roars.

In the next moment, the black wings disappeared,

A handsome man appeared in front of everyone.

Many people exclaimed: "Devil God Race Tianjiao, Mofei."

This is also an extremely powerful Dacheng true god, it seems to be stronger than the Gobbler.

It is said that Shinto script is approaching 17 million.

Everyone swallowed wildly.

Lin Xuan also said: "It's kind of interesting, these two opponents are just decent."

The people Lin Xuan met before were too weak.

These two people are worthy of his serious action.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a bitter light blooming.

The others are desperate.

They hurriedly summoned, the stronger of their family sect, to come.

On the fire side, news is also being passed on continuously.

He said: "Don't worry, our people are also coming."


The divine sword slowly came out of its orifice,

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and worried.

They were happy and finally waited for the opportunity,

However, their stronger ones have not yet come.

I am afraid that the Sword God Flower inside will be snatched away by Mofei and Gobbler.

Fire is extremely worried,

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, they can't take it away with me."

"Those people, I haven't paid attention to them yet."

The people around were dumbfounded.

They looked at Lin Xuan one after another.

How sacred is this guy? Such a rant.

Is it possible that he is also a great God? Passed the first watershed?

Impossible, I didn't feel the deadly breath in him.

Even if he is a great god, but he should not have crossed the first watershed.

He is simply not an opponent of Devouring Tigers and others.

People from other clans feel crazy.

The demons, the people of the gods, also sneered: still a stupid kid.

They have no time to deal with each other now, and they all rose into the air.

The moment the divine sword was unsheathed, they would rush over to grab the sword divine flower.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the front.

Finally, the Excalibur was completely unsheathed,

They said: Hurry up.

A group of figures rose into the air, flying towards the statue from all directions.

Someone yelled: "This thing, our Demon Race has taken a fancy to. Others don't want to die, get out."

Some people sneered: "What is the Demon God Race? Have you asked us the Sky Swallowing God Race?"

Roaring, threatening, roaring, endlessly,

Everyone shot like crazy.

Immortal law, magical powers, flashing between heaven and The war broke out in an instant,

During the flight, someone was hit and vomited blood.

Even more human blood stains the sky,

Some people were even wiped out.

Those strong people rushed to the vicinity of the statue, they wanted to rush into the sheath.

Although it is a scabbard, it is very large, like a palace.

Just when these people were about to rush in, a bright light burst out from the divine sword.

Sword Qi, sweeping in all directions, shining through the mountains and rivers forever.

No good, rewind.

There is a roar,

This sword aura was extremely terrifying, and many people were pierced in an instant.

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