Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7892: Above Tianjiao!

Before, everyone fought with each other, although it was extremely fierce, but not many were injured by the fall.

However, when the Divine Sword shot, everyone was injured one after another, and even, many people fell instantly.

Those other people retreated madly in fright. They didn't dare to resist and could only dodge.

Finally, they avoided those sword auras,

When they stepped back, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, it was really terrible, and they almost fell.

When the sword aura weakened, they rushed over again.

They could see that there was a time interval between each burst of sword energy on the Divine Sword.

As long as they seize this space, they may be able to enter.

However, they still underestimated the statue.

I saw the statue, waving the divine sword, cutting through the void.

There appeared in the air, a few big cracks,

From the rift, figure after figure came out.

These figures are completely formed by the condensed sword energy.

It is a terrifying sword-qi monster.

The number of these sword spirit monsters is not very large, but each one is extremely terrifying.

One can sweep a whole area.

The sword-qi monster beast rushed in all directions and fought with the powerhouses of these gods.

The earth-shaking voice came, and the terrifying divine power swept the sky.

Get out of me.

Those gods of the Protoss finally made a move.

The power of blood bursts one after another, with peerless magical powers emerging one after another.

The strongest are Devouring Tigers and Mofei.

Swallowing tigers condensed and formed, a black tiger head swallowed a monster beast in one bite.

The demon nature behind Demon Fei condensed, forming jet-black wings again.

It was like two handles, the magical sword of the devil, split directly, the body of a monster.

They rushed forward quickly.

Those other people followed one after another.

The people on the Dragon Palace are also moving quickly.

Lin Xuan was very fast, and he blocked these sword-qi attacks.

Then, he looked at Huo Yi and others, and he said, "I'll take a step first."

"Master mad god, be careful."

Huo Yi and the others knew that Lin Xuan was very strong and had the opportunity to compete for the Sword God Flower.

Lin Xuan's speed is indeed very fast, he uses the martial arts body,

Those sword auras were all knocked into the air by him.

Some fell on him and did not split his defenses.

In this way, getting closer and closer to the statue,

Some people have already stared at him.

"It's the guy who utters wild words, he is really strong, a bit of strength."

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, but so what?"

"He is still not the opponent of Devouring Tiger and Mofei."

There was a lot of discussion,

At this moment, the two carrying black whirlpool figures flew over.

They are the warriors of the Swallowing God Race, and they stared at Lin Xuan.

They said, "Boy, it was you before, dare you to look down upon our True Tiger Devouring God?"

"You are really looking for death, I want you to know that our Heaven-Swallowing God Race is powerful."

The two turned into a whirlpool and rushed towards Lin Xuan, blocking all of Lin Xuan's path.

"No, this kid is going to be swallowed. Get away."

"Don't lean too close to him, so as to save us from being swallowed."

Those people around scattered one after another,

The place where Lin Xuan was was completely engulfed by the black hole.

"This kid, has he fallen?"

"That's for sure, who made him so arrogant? Dare to challenge the Sky Swallowing God Race."

"I thought how powerful it was. I didn't expect it to be vulnerable."

The two Protoss warriors who shot also sneered again and again.

Did you solve the opponent so quickly?

They are ready to leave.

But at this moment, two palms came out from the black hole.

Two blooming, metallic ray palms were instantly grasped, two warriors of the Sky Swallowing God Race.

what's the situation?

The two warriors of the Sky-Swallowing God Race were shocked: this is the palm of that kid.

Is this impossible?

Why is he still alive?

He should be swallowed, that's right.

Before they could react, those two palms exploded with tremendous power, smashing them to pieces.


The screams sounded, and the other people were also shocked.

They turned their heads and looked around,

They saw an incredible scene.

Two people from the Sky-Swallowing God Race turned into blood mist.

From inside, there are two souls who want to escape.

However, with two big palms, it was a light pat, and the two souls were wiped out.

A young figure walked out from the whirlpool.

It is Lin Xuan.

He was unscathed,

He sneered: "It's a mere whirlpool, it's stupid to want to swallow me too."

Everyone was stunned: God, this young man is so amazing.

Actually killed in seconds, two warriors of the gods,

How strong is his strength?

He is a mad god,

Sure enough, crazy enough.

Lin Xuan shook his body and continued to rush towards the scabbard.

At this moment, everyone has separated levels,

The vast majority of people can't beat the sword spirit monster.

They fled in a hurry and struggled to resist.

There are also some people who can fight against the sword spirit monsters.

However, it cannot completely suppress the opponent.

There is no way to get close to the statue.

Only those stronger people can sweep the sword qi and rush towards the sword **** statue quickly.

Among them, the fastest ones are Mofei and Gulhu.

Behind them, there are these three figures, from different family sects.

There are people from the Ice Gods, and from the Tianyang Gods.

There is another, from the ancient tribe, this is an old man.

Entering the world of God Kings, there are only restrictions on cultivation bases, and no age restrictions.

Some veteran powerhouses can also come in.

At this moment, these powerhouses are competing with the gods of the gods.

A few people were fast and came near the statue. Everyone wanted to get into the scabbard first.

They were fighting with each other, and at the same time, they had to avoid the sword energy on the divine sword.

Just when they were fighting inextricably, another figure rushed over quickly.

It is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan is very fast,

He stepped in the air, stepped on top of everyone's heads, and flew towards the scabbard.

Below, the people in the war were angry.

They are either old-brand powerhouses, or the gods of the gods, all of them are above them.

But now, someone stepped on top of their heads.


"Get me down."

A strong man of the Tianyang Protoss roared.

This strong man is a middle-aged man with a mustache.

He is not a younger generation, however, his strength is very strong.

The flames reached out, and instantly enveloped the nine days.

Feeling an attack, Lin Xuan looked down, and the next moment, he stepped on it.

There is a panlong emerging under his feet, with vast power, colliding with the big palm of the flame.

With a roaring sound, the dragon shadow swept across the sky, and the flames' palm was crushed by a foot.

Not only that, the man from the Tianyang Protoss flew out, vomiting blood.

His face was full of horror: The opponent's physique is too strong, right?

The strength of the opponent is so terrible,

Where is this guy sacred?

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: "Dare to attack me, you are looking for death."

After talking I kicked it out again,

The power of the Valkyrie body exploded quickly.

The sole of this foot grew bigger in the air and turned into a giant dragon, covering the man of the Tianyang Protoss.

The man of the Tianyang Protoss spit out two shields.

On the shield, painted a mysterious sun, with a monstrous breath of divine fire.

Suspended by his side, trying to resist.

However, in an instant, the two shields were crushed.

The man of the Tianyang Protoss was also covered with cracks.

He was horrified,

This supernatural power was so terrible that he couldn't resist it.

He said: "Stop it, I give up."

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