Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7902: He is very much like Lin Wudi of the year!

Young Master Tian Ming and others are really crazy.

They explored around and found no second flying sword.

Apparently, not on these people, go to probe other people.

They turned into three brilliant rays and flew into the distance.

Finally gone.

The disciples of other gods breathed a sigh of relief: I was really desperate just now.

However, what makes them wonder, what is the other party looking for?

Why did Young Master Tianming go to the gorge, and when he came back, he was so angry?

What is the other party looking for?

God pill? Or is it other treasures?

they do not know.

In the next period of time, an even more terrifying battle took place in the world of the king.

Three golden mirrors swept across the four directions, and no one was able to defeat them.

Many strong people have even been suppressed,

Their storage ring has also been checked.

However, there is nothing.

The eyes of the three sons are all red, who is it?

In the vast mountains, a woman in white hides in the forest, looking up at the sky.

Looking at the golden light flying in the distance, she frowned tightly.

Was it discovered so soon? The situation is not good.

Have to find a way and leave quickly.

She stared at the ring in her hand, then took it off and swallowed it in one bite.

After that, he took another ring and put it on his hand.

The woman in white quickly shuttled through the forest and flew towards the exit.

Lin Xuan was still looking for the whereabouts of the sword **** flower.

However, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

There are many people running away,

Moreover, these people were seriously injured.

what happened?

This time, Lin Xuan found the disciple of the Dragon Palace, he frowned and asked: Who shot you?

The disciple of the Dragon Palace said: It is a member of the Tianyang God Clan.

The three sons were crazy, and their three golden mirrors, united together, swept everywhere.

They seem to be looking for something, and they must search the storage ring when they see someone.

All who resisted were beheaded by them.

Lin Xuan was stunned after hearing this, and soon he understood what the other party should be looking for.

He asked: What are the people of Tianyang God Clan looking for?

The disciple of Dragon Palace shook his head: I don't know, if we knew, we wouldn't be so scared.

I heard from the disciple on the other side of the canyon that it was said that it was Young Master Tianming, who had gone crazy out of the canyon.

Hurry up, we are ready to leave the world of the king.

That genius quickly fled to the distance

Lin Xuan also frowned tightly: coming out of the canyon, he went crazy.


At first, Lin Xuan thought that the other party was targeting him.

However, now it seems that it is not at all. The other party is searching for storage rings. He is obviously looking for something?

What exactly is it? Can make the three geniuses of the Tianyang Protoss so crazy.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan was taken aback, he thought of a possibility,

God king inheritance.

I am afraid that only the inheritance of the **** king can make the other party so angry and crazy.

He remembered that when he entered, the two flying swords in the inheritance of the **** king were exchanged.

At that time, he was still thinking, who did the exchange?

Now it seems that it should be a person from the Tianyang God Race, who had exchanged it.

However, Young Master Tian Ming should only exchange one of the two flying swords.

The other handle was exchanged by another person.

In other words, the inheritance of the **** king is incomplete, and this should be the cause of the opponent's anger.

Wanting to understand this, Lin Xuan took a breath.

No matter who took the second flying sword, who was it? I'm afraid the next thing will be troublesome.

The Tianyang Protoss will search wildly for everyone's storage ring.

There are too many secrets in Lin Xuan's body, it is absolutely impossible to let the other party investigate.

It seems that it is time to leave.

Originally, Lin Xuan was still thinking, to see if there was a chance to exchange another **** pill?

Now it seems impossible.

After all, although he is strong, he cannot compete with the three golden mirrors.

Forget it, the harvest this time is very huge, and he is already very satisfied.

Moreover, he has no life-saving talisman, there is no need to fight here anymore.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan also turned and left. He flew towards the exit at an extremely fast speed.

Although Lin Xuan was not the first to leave, he was the first to leave.

Because of his Xing Zi Jue, the speed is too fast.

Coupled with the increase in his strength, he flew with all his strength, even faster than the people of the second watershed.

Outside the world of the king,

The powerhouses and elders of the major Protoss are waiting there.

At this moment, they were taken aback,

They discovered that a powerful aura came from the world of the king of gods.

Someone came out.

In the next moment, a young figure appeared in front of them.

Countless eyes, looking carefully: Who is it? Has it been typed out again?

Such a strong Dragon Dao breath is from the Dragon Race.

Many elders breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. Fortunately, it was not their family.

It's a mad god!

The people over the Dragon Palace exclaimed.

The other elders were also surprised: Is he a mad god?

Was the genius who defeated the 11th son and the Devourer?

This guy looks average, it seems that his cultivation has not reached the first watershed.

Can it cross so much power, fight? This talent is too bad, right?

The last one, who possesses this kind of talent, should be Lin Wudi!

Unexpectedly, besides Lin Wudi, there are still people in the world, so heavenly.

I heard that he was cultivating with a martial **** body, and it was normal to be able to leapfrog battle.

After all, this is the legendary body.

Various discussions sounded.

Tianjiao, like Young Master Eleven, Devouring Tiger, Mo Fei and others, also fixed their eyes on Lin Xuan.

Some gritted their teeth, some sneered: It seems that you sometimes lose.

Some people even asked: Who defeated you?

No one beats me. Lin Xuan said: I am tired inside, so I am ready to come out.

Nonsense, nonsense, there are so many treasures in it, how can you give it up?

You must have been defeated.

Those of the Protoss do not believe it.

Lin Xuan was too lazy to say anything, he went straight back to the Dragon Palace.

He found it, and the previous elder Qinglong said: Elder, can you send me back?

I got it inside, a pill made by the **** king, and I am going to go back and practice in retreat.

When he heard this, Elder Qinglong was taken aback.

The next moment, he said: OK, I will **** you back.

Crazy But their top genius! Therefore, he is prepared to personally escort.

Elder Qinglong, the elder at the pinnacle, was escorted by him and was safe.

Lin Xuan left early,

The others glanced, but they didn't care.

Now that everyone is in full view, there is no way to do anything against the mad god.

If you want revenge, there will be opportunities in the future.

However, after half a day, they regretted it.

They found that more and more people escaped from inside.

These people were pale, and some of them were seriously injured.

The elders of these Protoss were all dumbfounded: What happened? Who hurt you?

They knew that there should be a shocking change in the world of the **** king.

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