Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7903: 1 foot, step into the realm of the king of gods!

More and more talented warriors escaped from the world of the gods.


When the elders who were waiting saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

They knew something went wrong,

They rushed over and took their disciples back.

They asked, "What happened? Why are you so embarrassed?"

The disciple of the Sky-Swallowing God Race cried and said: "It's crazy, the people of the Tianyang God Race are crazy."

People from the Demon Race also gritted their teeth: "We have many disciples who were beheaded by the genius of the Tianyang Divine Race."

There were shouts of exclamation and roar, and the elders of these Protoss were all dumbfounded.

They discovered that the disciples who had fled were all chased and killed by members of the Tianyang God Race.

They are crazy: Tianyang Protoss is also arrogant, right? Does a family have to fight against all the gods?

Even the genius of Dragon Palace said: "No way, they are too strong."

When three golden mirrors are out, no one can beat them.

Even the strong of the second watershed is not an opponent.

Three golden mirrors!

Those elders took a breath: The people of the Tianyang Protoss, are you too well prepared?

"Tianyang Protoss, what do you mean? Give me an explanation,"

The elder of the Sky-Swallowing Protoss gave a cold snort,

The powerhouse of the Demon Race is also murderous.

All people have nailed the Tianyang Protoss.

The elders on the side of Tianyang Protoss frowned tightly.

what happened?

They don’t know, what happened?

They said, "This may be a misunderstanding."

"What's the misunderstanding?"

Those disciples cried and said, "It's your genius, what are you collecting crazy?"

"We still need to investigate, everyone's storage ring, if anyone resists, all go to hell."

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Those elders understood in an instant.

What should the people of Tianyang Protoss be searching for? It may even be extremely important.

The elders of the Sun God Race even took a breath.

The inheritance of the **** king must be collecting the inheritance of the **** king.

Thinking of this, they crushed the jade pendant without saying a word.

Behind them, a huge spatial vortex was formed.

The power of space quickly condenses and turns into a space gate.

From inside, one figure after another emerged.

That is a woman,

This woman has an extremely terrifying sacred fire surrounding her.

With a flame crown on her head, she looked down at Yahuang.

Those strong people around were struck by lightning.

Even the true gods at the peak are like enemies at this moment,

They felt a deadly force.

This woman is not ordinary, this is a half-step **** king.

One foot has entered the realm of God King.

Has even such a strong person come?

Tianyang Protoss is really a good method! However, they are not vegetarian.

These Protoss also summoned one after another, the powerhouses of their respective families.

One powerful figure after another pierced through the void, and a terrifying breath swept across the square.

In the land of nine secluded, the wind is surging,

The heavens and worlds are extremely shocking.

Soon, a disciple of the Tianyang Protoss came out.

After coming out, they immediately came to the elder and said a few words in a low voice.

After hearing these elders, their expressions changed greatly.

Sure enough, it has something to do with the inheritance of the **** king.

The inheritance of the God King was divided into seven parts, of which the second part was exchanged.

In other words, even if they get the remaining six shares, they will not get the complete, god-king inheritance.

No wonder Young Master Tianming and others are going crazy,

Even the eyes of these elders are red.

They stared at the people who came out, especially the Half-Step God King, their eyes were staring.

He said: "Explore everyone's storage rings and leave none of them."

The inheritance of a **** king is really too important to them.

Especially now, the desolate ancient **** race has not fully recovered, only part of it.

There are not many **** king-level powerhouses among the major protoss.

If at this time, there can be one more **** king inheritance, then they can definitely accelerate the recovery.

Above other protoss.

After hearing the other protoss, their expressions changed.

"What? Still exploring the storage ring?"

That's right.

Half-step God King said: "All those who come out of the realm of the God King must explore the storage ring."


Deceive people too much,

Do you think we don’t exist?

The strong men of the Protoss are crazy.

Some of them are all extremely powerful peak true gods, who have lived for endless years and are high above them.

How could it be possible to bow to Tianyang Protoss?

Like the geniuses of the demons, the swallowing gods, and even the chaotic gods.

The rankings are all higher than the Tianyang Protoss, they are naturally even more angry.

"Isn't it? You can't do that."

Half-step God King, one step out, the supreme supernatural power swept over.

Those people of other protoss, such as drawing lightning.

Those young people are even more desperate.

How to fight this? They are not opponents at all!

Join hands.

The people over the Dragon Palace roared.

Other Protoss powerhouses united one after another to fight against this half-step God King.

Half-step God King, with a cold expression, waved his big hand, and a golden mirror appeared between heaven and earth.

Golden mirror, and it is a real golden mirror.

The real golden mirror, the power is really terrible, sweeping everywhere.

The golden light enveloped everyone, countless protoss powerhouses, with despair on their faces.

The people of the Tianyang Protoss smiled: That's great, there is still a half-step God King coming.

They can suppress each other.

Half-step God King said: "All the people who came out of the God King world have not left."


The elder of the Tianyang Protoss nodded, and then they were taken aback.

They seemed to think of something, and they said: No, one person has left.

"Crazy God, left."

Damn, there must be something wrong with this guy running so fast.

The mad **** came out on his own initiative, and after he came out, he let the elders **** him back.

At the time, they thought it was nothing, but now things seem very suspicious.

This mad **** obviously has a secret in him

Leave in a hurry.

"Who is the mad god?"

Half-step God King frowned.

When she learned that Crazy God was a top arrogant and had defeated many geniuses.

Her complexion changed drastically: Damn it, did the genius of the Dragon Palace leave?

Maybe it was him who took away the second inheritance.

She cut through the palm of her hand, allowing her own blood to fuse above the golden light realm.

Then it turned into a golden shadow, which flew out instantly and flew towards the distance.

Must catch the crazy **** back.

The people of Dragon Palace are It’s not really a mad god, right?

On the other side,

Elder Qinglong took Lin Xuan and flew towards the Dragon Palace.

The speed of the elder was very fast, but he did not fly at full strength.

He has a lot of things to ask Lin Xuan, he wants to know, what happened in the world of God King?

Lin Xuan said, "Elder, can you speed up?"

Elder Qinglong smiled and said: "Don't worry, little guy, with me, what are you worried about?"

"Furthermore, this Nine Nether Land is where our Dragon Palace is located. Who dares to attack us?"

The voice just fell,

A golden shadow slew at an extremely fast speed.

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