Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7904: Half a step to kill the King of God! crisis!

This golden light is very fast.

And there was a hint of monstrous blood on it.

Lin Xuan's complexion changed drastically when he felt this breath.

He is very familiar with this breath,

This is the breath of golden mirror.

He exclaimed: "Elder, it's not good, go quickly, this is the golden light of the Tianyang God Race."

Elder Qinglong also changed his face greatly.

He just finished talking, and it's safe with him.

Unexpectedly, the Tianyang Protoss was killed.

And also used golden mirrors.

Holding Lin Xuan in one hand, he roared up to the sky, and a blue dragon phantom appeared on his body.

The power of his bloodline broke out completely.

With a bang, he tore the void to pieces, several times faster than before.

Just after leaving, the place where he was originally was instantly torn apart by the golden shadow.

After that, the golden shadow continued to rush.

No, it's really aimed at us.

Elder Qinglong's expression was hard to see the extreme.

Before, he still had hope, thinking that this golden light was just passing by,

It doesn't have to be, for them.

But now it seems that it is not like this at all, this golden light is aimed at them.

The elder Qinglong's face turned pale, he was crazy to stimulate blood.

However, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and Jin Guang is really terrible.

"Elder, deliver the news quickly."

Lin Xuan said quickly.

He also felt a fatal crisis.

He found that this golden mirror was different from the previous imitations.

This may be a real golden mirror.

It is said that the 8 golden mirrors were trapped back then, the true king of gods.

What a terrifying artifact, he couldn't resist it at all now.

Elder Qinglong said: "The news has been delivered long ago."

"But can you come in time? Not necessarily."

The golden light at the back has come.

Elder Qinglong waved his hand and threw Lin Xuan far away.

The next moment, he looked up to the sky and roared, and his palms came out.

Countless dragon scales appeared on his palm and arm.

Qinglong explores the sky.


A pair of blue dragon palms collided with the golden shadow,

The power to destroy the world came.

Everything around was wiped out,

The sky, the earth, the mountains and forests, all disappeared.

Lin Xuan was also lifted off by this force.

Above his Martial God body, there were cracks.

It's terrible, this is just a remnant of energy.

Lin Xuan quickly backed away, retreated to a far place, absorbed the life divine water, and recovered his injuries.

At the same time, he looked forward.

The next moment, he took a breath,

He found Elder Qinglong and was blasted out.

A pair of arms turned into blood mist, and his body was covered with cracks.

With just one blow, did the elder Qinglong suffer severely?

You know, Elder Qinglong, but the pinnacle elder,

But, even one move can't resist it?

This golden shadow is too terrible, right?

This is power beyond the peak,

Lin Xuan's expression was ugly.

Tianyang Protoss, it is impossible to hunt down this elder, the opponent's target should be him.

Damn, why?

Because before he had killed the powerhouse of the Heavenly Sun God Race?


Using this force has violated the rules,

The major protoss have rules among each other.

The power of transcendence, it is impossible to rashly attack the younger generation.

The general peak powers can't shoot them, let alone the power beyond the peak.

Unless there is something very important, it must be obtained at all costs.

Lin Xuan thought of it in an instant.

In the world of the king of gods, the three sons of the gods made crazy moves.

All those people escaped.

Obviously, the powerhouse of the Tianyang Protoss has also taken action.

The purpose is the inheritance of the **** king.

Moreover, it is to find the missing part.

The other party doubted him.

Lin Xuan's expression was ugly to the extreme.

He didn't get that part of the inheritance.

However, the other party’s suspicion is also very correct.

Because he is very strong and very suspicious.

It is estimated that it is not just him, all top geniuses are suspected.

And he was extremely suspicious because he left early!

Damn it, it's a big deal, it's still a step slow.

He thought that by leaving early, he could return to the Dragon Palace smoothly.

Unexpectedly, halfway, he was stopped by this golden shadow.

Ahead, the elder Qinglong vomited blood, his face was hard to see the extreme.

Is it so strong? I am afraid he is not an opponent.

He turned to look at Lin Xuan, and said, "Crazy God, you go quickly and leave me alone."

"I can stop him for a few seconds. You try to escape in the direction of Dragon Palace."

When the voice fell, the elder Qinglong roared again, rushing towards the golden shadow.

He then gave Lin Xuan time to escape.

To be honest, Lin Xuan was extremely grateful.

He is not a member of the Protoss, he is just a member of this era, he just joined the Dragon Palace.

Unexpectedly, the elder Qinglong would work hard for him.

To be honest, Lin Xuan came to the Dragon Palace before, just wanting to get Shen Jue and breathing method.

And find a strong ally.

However, he did not have much sense of identity with Dragon Palace itself.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan felt that blood was boiling in his body.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

Although running away now is the most correct choice.

However, he did not escape,

Instead, he stared straight ahead.

If Elder Qinglong really couldn't resist, then Lin Xuan would definitely have to work hard.

At least save the other person.

Looks like, are you going to show your hole cards?

Lin Xuan summoned Xiao Bai, and when he was about to display his trump card, he stunned the elder Qinglong.

In this way, the opponent should not feel the big dragon sword.

The elder Qinglong in front was retreating steadily, and he really couldn't hold it anymore.

After feeling it, he found that Lin Xuan hadn't left.

He said: "Still not leaving?"

Lin Xuan rose into the air and said, "I'll help you."

The Dragon Dao power in his body is getting stronger and stronger.

But at this moment, the void split, and a big seal of the blue dragon suddenly appeared.

Towards the golden shadow, killed.


The Qinglong Great Seal, shot on the golden shadow, burst out with earth-shaking power.

A golden shadow, countless golden lights appeared on his body, but it was still shot flying out.

Lin Xuan stopped and didn't make another move.


He knew that this was the blue dragon seal,

This is a **** king class weapon.

Elder Qinglong also fell to the ground, and he was also relieved.

He said: It almost disappeared

On the Qinglong Great Seal, several figures appeared, and they quickly fell down.

Seeing Elder Qinglong seriously injured, their complexion changed drastically.

One person took out the dragon marrow, and some others took out the powerful life spar to restore vitality to the elder Qinglong.

At the same time said: "What's the matter?"

Lin Xuan also rushed over and probed Elder Qinglong.

It was discovered that the opponent was only seriously injured, and there was no danger of falling.

He was relieved.

Elder Qinglong recovered a bit and said, "I don't know."

"When he escorted the mad **** back, he was attacked by golden light."

Lin Xuan next to him said, "I know what's going on."

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