Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7905: Magic soldier! Green Dragon Seal!

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, several powerful dragons were surprised

They asked: "What is going on?"

Lin Xuan quickly said the matter again.

Several experts in Dragon Palace were shocked after hearing this.

Related to the inheritance of the God King, it is no wonder that the Tianyang Protoss is so crazy.

I am afraid that the disciples and elders near the world of the **** king are also in danger.

We have to hurry over and save.

A strong man wearing a blue dragon armor waved his hand.

The Great Seal of the Azure Dragon struck out a green dragon rune and surrounded Lin Xuan.

The strong man said: "Crazy God, you take the injured elder and immediately return to the Dragon Palace."

"This green dragon seal can protect your safety."

Lin Xuan nodded, and then he took the injured elder Qinglong into the sky.

Fly towards the distance.

The other powerhouses in the Dragon Palace slammed into the golden shadow with the green dragon seal.

After suppressing the other side, they have to go to the world of the **** king to save other dragon disciples.

Lin Xuan flew fast, he breathed a sigh of relief. With the Azure Dragon Rune, it was much safer.

The injured elder next to him said: "You little fellow, why didn't you escape just now?"

"Do you know if the Qinglong Great Seal does not come? You were dead just now."

Lin Xuan said, "Elder, you didn't leave to protect me. How could I leave you?"

"That's not my way."

Elder Qinglong grinned: "You little fellow, it's quite interesting."

The green dragon rune turned into a dragon shadow, covering the two of them.

At this time, he said: "It's really interesting."

"I feel the dragon's strength and purity in this little guy."

"The blood of the little guy, isn't it ordinary!"

Elder Qinglong smiled and said, "Bloodlines are quite ordinary, but they are very talented."

"Moreover, what he cultivates is Long Dao Wu Shen Jue."

"Can the power of the Dragon Dao refined with that kind of magic trick be impure?"

"Long Dao Wu Shen Jue, that's how it is."

The two chatted, Lin Xuan was listening, eyes flickering.

This Qinglong Great Seal is so powerful, he dared not release excess power.

If the opponent sensed the existence of the Great Dragon Sword Soul, it would be bad.

Fortunately, Qinglong Dayin didn't think much about this either.

at last,

Lin Xuan and his party returned to the Dragon Palace safely.

After returning, Lin Xuan sent the elders to rest.

The people in the Dragon Palace were also shocked.

One of their peak elders was actually injured by a person from the Tianyang Protoss?

It's really deceiving people too much.

Lin Xuan was not idle either, he reported the matter to the powerhouse of Dragon Palace, so that Dragon Palace was ready.

Who knows, is there any hole cards on the side of Tianyang Protoss?

The people at Dragon Palace were shocked.

It turned out that it was because of the inheritance of the **** king, and they were also facing great enemies.

Some people have already reported to God King Patriarch.

At the same time, someone asked: "Crazy God, you really didn't get it, do you inherit it from God King?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "I really didn't get it."

"Even if someone gets a part of the inheritance, it is not the beginning chapter, it is useless at all."

"However, I got some other good things. I have to go to retreat and practice."

After speaking, Lin Xuan left.

The world of God Kings, the powerhouses of the major Protoss, was shrouded in golden light,

Many people's storage rings have been investigated.

The other strong elders wanted to fight back, but they were injured by the golden light.

Just when they were desperate, Qinglong Yin came.

The strong of the Dragon Palace, carrying the green dragon seal, descended from the sky,

Hit directly on the golden mirror.

Two artifacts contend, the sky full of Jin Guangyao,

Those people from the Protoss suddenly looked up.

There is hope in their eyes: the king-level magic soldier is here.

It was the Blue Dragon Seal, and the people from the Dragon Palace were making the shot.

Good chance, fight back quickly.

The powerhouses of the major protoss, crazy shots,

All kinds of divine power swept the heavens.

The entire sky was shaking.

At the same time, they said: young disciple, leave quickly.

Those young people fled like crazy, they fled in all directions.

Where to go?

The people of Tianyang Protoss roared and attacked frantically.

The war broke out completely, and the half-step **** king of the Protoss was also furious.

She stared at the people in Dragon Palace firmly and said: "You want to be my enemy?"

Several experts in the Dragon Palace coldly snorted, "It was your first hand."

"Not only did you trap the people in our Dragon Palace, you also sent people to hunt down, the elders and geniuses of our Dragon Palace."

"An elder of our Dragon Palace almost fell."

"This grudge must be calculated."

They urged the Azure Dragon Seal and killed them.

The two fight together,

The people around were all lifted out.

Half-step God King and Golden Mirror were blocked.

The powerhouses of other Protoss made their moves like crazy.

How could the elders of the Tianyang Protoss be able to resist?

They were alone, facing five elders of the same level, and they were beaten miserably in an instant.

They can only flee in a hurry.


Half-step the spitting blood of the king's spirit, urging the golden mirror, sprinkling countless golden runes, covering these elders.

This protected them.

Those young disciples fled madly.

They want to leave here as much as possible.

Not long after, people from the Demon Race also came.

After all, the site of the Demon God Race is also in the land of Jiuyou.

With the addition of the Demon Clan, the Half-Step Divine King was somewhat unstoppable.

The demon **** clan also came to a half-step **** king.

The half-step **** king of Tianyang Protoss was about to leave.

However, he was stopped firmly,

The demons wanted to capture the golden mirror.

court death.

The powerhouse of Tianyang Protoss is really mad.

In the inheritance of the God King, a part of it has been taken away. Now, there are still people who dare to play the golden mirror.

Go to death.

He fought back madly, but was injured by Dragon Palace and the Demon God Clan.

At this moment of crisis, a sigh came.

"Stop it."

This sigh is the sigh of the **** king,

As soon as this force came out, the sky fell apart.

The powerhouses of the Demon Clan and Dragon Palace stopped.

Even the Blue Dragon Seal has turned into a dragon head, looking up at the sky.

He said coldly, "God of Heaven, do you want to make a move?"

Everyone is like a big enemy,

Today, the King of Gods is already the strongest combat power.

If the **** king wants to make a move, no one can resist it.

Unless it is, the **** kings of other protoss take action.

The Tianyang Protoss said: "Stop fighting, you can leave."

People of Tianyang Protoss are not reconciled,

However, they did not dare to disobey the order of the king.

They retreated quickly.

Those people from other Protoss were completely relieved.


They also left.

For a while, the world of the **** king was completely quiet, only the broken void was slowly recovering.

The people of the major Protoss returned, and the news spread, and countless people were shocked.

Unexpectedly, in God King World, such a world-shaking change would happen.

Has even the inheritance of the gods come out?

After all, who got the inheritance of the **** king?

There is no complete heritage,

The Tianyang Protoss got a part, and there were mysterious people, and took some away.

It is estimated that there is no way to practice.

Those people of the Tianyang Protoss were extremely unwilling.

However, the ancestor of the **** king said: "Next, I am going to meet the other **** kings."

"Re-make the rules with them."

"You act secretly, with the lock demon tower, and suppress those who will come out of the world of the king one by one."

"You can shoot in secret, and you must not let them find out."

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