Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7911: Open Ancestral Land!

These elders left again.

They are ready to start the Qingyun formation, to complete the plan of the ancestor.

Among them, the most critical part is to seize the power of the mad god.

They went back and discussed immediately,

They didn't dare to do it directly.

They don't know what kind of hole cards the mad **** has?

If the other party passes a message and the people in the Dragon Palace know, then they are in danger.

Dragon Palace is also one of the ancient gods,

The mad **** is the top genius of Dragon Palace.

If the mad **** falls here, Dragon Palace will definitely be angry.

At that time, maybe they will be sent to sweep them.

Therefore, they cannot easily do it.

At this moment, an old man said: "I have a way."

"Before, didn't Ziqing promise him to let him go to the ancestral land?"

"We can take this opportunity to unlock the power of Ancestral Land."

"He must die in the face of that power."

"At that time, if he falls there, it will not be our business."

Yes, even if Dragon Palace finds it, what?

We can say that when he enlightened the law, he became confused.

Good way, then act quickly.

Some people are going to set up the Qingyun formation, they want to open up this ancient big formation.

Another part of people is to open the ancestral land.

Lin Xuan didn't know about these things.

Lin Xuan also didn't know that members of the Qingyun family were already making his mind.

At this moment, he was in the palace and had already begun to practice.

He felt that this blue cloud world was extremely extraordinary.

In this world, there is a mysterious aura hidden, which is a sword aura, a kind of kendo power.

Lin Xuan Jieyin, he used the power of a sword bearer to sense the kendo of Qingyun World.

Five days later, the breeze came,

He came to invite Lin Xuan to the ancestral land.

Lin Xuan asked, "Where is Ziqing?"

Qingfeng said: "My sister was injured before, but now she is recovering from her injuries."

"But don't worry."

"You are the benefactor of our entire family. Of course, we will treat each other with courtesy."

"This way, please."

Lin Xuan nodded, he didn't doubt either.

He followed Qingfeng to the ancestral land.

There are already many people waiting in the ancestral land, and the three old men are taking the lead.

The three great gods, each of them holds a token in their hands.

After seeing Lin Xuan, the three of them said with a smile, "Master, please wait a moment."

They waved three tokens,

The Ancestral Land opened slowly, and an ancient breath emerged.

"My son, please."

"That's right, let me remind the son first, our ancestral land is very dangerous."

"If the son encounters a fatal crisis, please give up."

"Don't worry, I know."

Lin Xuan nodded, and then he entered the ancestral land.

The old door, closed again,

Several elders laughed.

One of the elders took out a mirror.

He said: "The previous scene has been recorded in the mirror."

"Even if the mad **** falls, Dragon Palace is angry, it is none of our business."

"We can have a perfect explanation, it's that he is looking for death himself."

These people all smiled triumphantly.

An elder said: "Qingfeng, you take people and stay here."

"At most one month, you will enter the ancestral land to collect the power of the mad god."

Next, Qing Feng and other young disciples stayed here.

Those elders went back and prepared for the Qingyun formation with all their strength.

Ancestral land,

After Lin Xuan entered, he felt that the light was a little dim.

With a wave of his hand, a sword energy illuminates the mountains and rivers forever, and he strode forward.

I don’t know, what kind of power is there in this ancestral land?

He could already feel that the power of his swordsmanship was boiling.

Obviously, there is a kind of kendo here.

Sure enough, Lin Xuan discovered that some murals appeared on the walls on both sides.

These murals record sword marks, one after another.

Every sword mark is extremely extraordinary, possessing an extremely terrifying power.

Some are laws and some are avenues.

Lin Xuan stood in front of these sword marks and began to realize.

so amazing,

The ancient tribes really have their roots.

Lin Xuan was very happy,

This time, it really came right.

He felt that if he could comprehend these sword marks, his kendo power could still be improved.

In an instant, nine days passed,

Lin Xuan has already comprehended 33 sword marks.

His avenue of sword has improved, and his strength has gone further.

Although the cultivation base did not increase, Lin Xuan's combat effectiveness was stronger than before.

Between the hands and feet, it is sharper.

Going further, there will be no more sword marks.

On the wall, there are only 33 murals and 33 sword marks.

This passage obviously has no end, Lin Xuan is curious, what is inside?

He continued and walked inside.

Suddenly, there appeared in front of him, two groups of cyan mist, covering Lin Xuan's figure.

Lin Xuan's martial arts body shook, and the mist hit him, like a magic weapon, falling down.

It's extremely scary.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, the martial arts body, blooming with monstrous power.

A phantom of the dragon, like a dragon, swept in all directions.

He blocked the surrounding clouds and said coldly: Who?

Click, click,

The clouds rolled, and a figure emerged.

This is a monster beast, a monster beast with blue scales on its body.

He was extremely tall and stood there, like a big blue mountain.

Looking down on Lin Xuan, he said in a cold voice, "I am called Qingling Beast and I am responsible for the Qingyun test."

"Do you want to take the test?"

What is Qingyun test?

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Qing Ling Beast was also taken aback: "Are you not from the Qingyun family?"

"who are you?"

Lin Xuan said, "Who do you care about me? I took the Qingyun test."

"Good boy, dare to be in front of me, so presumptuous, you are still the first."

"However, your ability to get here is enough to show that your kendo is super talented."

"I'll just open the net."

"However, the Qingyun test is very dangerous."

"Success, nothing more,"

"But once it fails, it's fall."

"You have to think about it."

"Think very clearly." Lin Xuan was very confident.

In his opinion, this test should be related to Kendo.

Lin Xuan was even more certain.

"Okay, Qingyun test, start now."

As this voice fell, the body of the Green Spirit Beast suddenly disappeared.

There are only 4 weeks of clouds and mist, and the wind is surging.

Lin Xuan only felt that his vision for 4 weeks had become blurred.

When he saw clearly, a figure appeared in front of him.

This time, it was not a blue spirit beast, but a woman in a blue shirt.

This woman, wearing a cyan mask, only a pair of eyes emerged.

But in her hand, there is a cyan long sword.

The green shirt woman rushed towards Lin Xuan quickly.

One step out, her figure disappeared.

When she appeared again, she had already arrived, behind Lin Xuan,

Stabbed with a sword.

Is this the test? Fight against each other?

Lin Xuan's backhand is a sword.


A thunderous voice sounded,

Lin Xuan frowned tightly.

The palm of his hand was cut apart,

The opponent's sword broke through his martial arts body!

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