Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7912: God King Sword Spectrum!

Lin Xuan was really shocked, how powerful his Martial God Body was.

But now, he was split by the opponent with a sword.

The opponent's kendo is terrible.

It seems to be taken seriously.

Lin Xuan's eyes became bitter,

A terrible sword aura emerged from him.

Every sword aura, like a divine dragon, roared up to the sky.

With the strength of unreliable force, swept the wasteland.

These sword auras slammed towards Tsing Yi in front.


The figure of the woman in Tsing Yi became very ethereal, and a lot of sword energy passed through her body.

However, it did not hurt her.

Even when colliding with the long sword in her hand, it seemed to be in the air.

The opponent's sword disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already arrived in front of Lin Xuan.

Stabbed directly at Lin Xuan's vitals.

Curious and wonderful swordsmanship.

Lin Xuan used the Xing Zi Jue to quickly dodge.

He waved his hands, opening and closing like two heavenly swords.

This time, he injected the power of the Great Dragon Sword.

The Great Dragon Sword is invincible, even the nothingness can be wiped out.

What if the opponent's swordsmanship is still ethereal?

Sure enough, this time, the Tsing Yi woman could no longer hide.

Her body was pierced by sword energy, and the light on it became dim.

Lin Xuan roared and shot strongly.

The sword in the woman's hand in Tsing Yi also became more ethereal, as if it had turned into a peerless sword fairy.

In Lin Xuan's palm, the power of Tai Chi appeared.

Valkyrie, Tai Chi sword.


Yin and Yang breath swept the world,

The woman in Tsing Yi was beaten back.

On the other side,

The Qingling Beast was lying there waiting.

With a smile in his eyes, another good food is coming.

When the opponent lost, he swallowed the opponent in one bite.

Of course, he doesn't swallow the opponent's body, he only eats the soul.

It is also a genius to look at the other person. If you want to look at the other person, you must have strong power.

He is not worried that the other party will succeed, because no one succeeds.

Over the years, members of the Qingyun family have sent a genius disciple to come to test every hundred years.

However, all failed,

No one can pass the Qingyun test.

This Qingyun test is extremely extraordinary, once successful, you can get the Qingyun sword spectrum.

Qingyun sword spectrum, but one of the seven pulse sword spectrum.

It was created by the King of God and passed on to seven disciples.

It can be said that the Qingyun family's strongest sword spectrum.

Even if you get the Wild Ancient God Race, this sword book is very powerful, enough to make any genius strong jealous.

However, after the fall of the disciple of the **** king, the Qingyun sword spectrum was gradually lost.

Later, people can no longer pass the Qingyun test, nor can they get a complete Qingyun sword spectrum.

If I want to come this time, the kid in front of me should not succeed.

I don't know if the other party has fallen?

Thinking of this, Qing Ling Beast looked forward and glanced.

It doesn't matter at all, he stayed there as a whole.

What did he see?

Qingyun was actually suppressed, and this guy had the upper hand.

The green spirit beast took a breath,

Stop joking, is it possible that the other party can pass the test?

Lin Xuan didn't know about Jianpu.

At this moment, he is fully focused, dealing with the enemy.

I have to say that this woman in Tsing Yi is indeed very powerful and poses a fatal threat to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not keep his hands, and used the Tai Chi Sword to its extreme.

The power of Tai Chi, both attacking and attacking, both rigid and flexible, can be described as extremely powerful.

Together with the great dragon sword, the invincible force finally suppressed the opponent.

Even Lin Xuan began to kill the opponent.

On Lin Xuan's body, dragon scales appeared, and between breaths and breaths, it was like a dragon recovering.

He turned into a Tai Chi dragon, a huge body, and instantly enveloped the Tsing Yi woman.

The dragon scales on her body turned into thousands of sword auras, piercing through the body of the Tsing Yi woman.

The Tsing Yi woman turned into a light smoke and disappeared into the void.

Lin Xuan regained his human form.

He looked around and found no new enemies appeared.

He said coldly: "This is considered to be, has it passed the test?"

how is this possible?

The Green Spirit Beast exclaimed,

Did the other party really succeed?

It's incredible.

Where is this guy sacred?

Just when he was shocked, Lin Xuan had already walked towards him.

Lin Xuan asked: "I have passed the test, what is the reward?"

Qing Ling Beast looked at Lin Xuan deeply, and then he said, "Please follow me."

His attitude changed,

He was aloof before.

Looking at each other, it's like looking at a little ant.

He even wanted to eat the other party's soul.

But now? His attitude became extremely respectful,

There was even a trace of awe in his eyes.

He didn't dare to provoke him anymore.

Regardless of the other party, is it a member of the Qingyun family?

As long as it passes the Qingyun test, it shows that the opponent is a top kendo genius.

The opponent is qualified to get the Qingyun Sword Spectrum.

Once trained into the Qingyun sword spectrum, at least you can become the pinnacle true god,

There is even a chance to attack the realm of the **** king.

Lin Xuan followed the Qingling Beast, he was not afraid of what tricks the other party was playing.

Not long after, the blue spirit beast stopped.

In front, a stone stele appeared.

The cyan stone stele seems to be made of bluestone. On the stone stele are painted one after another, mysterious patterns.

Next to the stele, the woman in Tsing Yi before resurfaced.

Lin Xuan also knew that this woman in Tsing Yi was just a power phantom.

Perhaps it is the power imprint left by the strong back then.

Or maybe it is formed by condensing the formation,

In short, it is not a real creature.

Qing Ling Beast said: "The reward is this Qingyun sword spectrum."

"This is a top-level swordsman, please take a good look."

"As for how much you can comprehend? It depends on your good fortune."

"You go by yourself, I can't go. Only those who pass the Qingyun test can approach Jianpu."

After speaking, Qingyun Beast stepped aside, lay down on the ground again, and began to doze.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and walked forward.

Qingyun Jianpu? interesting.

As he approached the stele, he felt an extremely mysterious kendo power surrounding him.

He has passed the test, and these forces can't threaten him.

Finally, Lin Xuan came to the stele and carefully looked at the pattern on it.

Lin Xuan's expression became extremely solemn.

The other party is right, this is the top sword score.

Even Lin Xuan didn't dare to take the slightest contempt at this moment.

This Qingyun family is really extraordinary.

I don't know how strong it was when it was at its peak?

Even have such a sword spectrum!

Lin Xuan began to comprehend with all his strength.

In an instant, a month passed,


Those disciples of the Qingyun family were all waiting impatiently.

what happened? That kid, why hasn't he come out yet?

They said, "Brother Qingfeng, let's go in and take a look. That kid should have fallen."

it is good.

Qingfeng nodded, and walked towards the ancestral land with the disciple behind him.

However, they found that the ancestral land could not be opened.

what's the situation?

These people are dumbfounded. UU reading

Even Qingfeng's expression changed: "He is not dead!"

"Is he still there, conducting the Qingyun test?"

Only through the Qingyun test, other talents cannot enter.

This mad **** is too strong, right?

For so long, it hasn't been defeated.

Those disciples next to him were worried: "He won't succeed, will he?"

Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Impossible."

"Over the years, our family has sent a few geniuses there, and they have all failed."

"No one can succeed."

"How can he succeed?"

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