Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7914: Green snake swallows dragon!

Qingfeng was very proud and walked towards the formation. In his opinion, the opponent was dead.

But at this moment, in the formation, a palm came out.

Qingfeng's complexion changed drastically and wanted to retreat,

However, it was too late.

This palm fell on Qingfeng’s body,

With a boom,

Qingfeng was beaten to death.

Lin Xuan's strength, how powerful, at this moment, an angry shot can really destroy everything.

As a genius, Qingfeng was only in the realm of true gods, and couldn't resist such power.

In an instant, he fell.

what's the situation? Brother Qingfeng has fallen!

When they saw this scene, the disciples around were shocked.

They are all stupid,

They have already displayed the sword formation in the sea of ​​clouds, and the opponent should definitely die, that's right.

How can the opponent fight back?

The next moment, Lin Xuan waved the palm of his hand, splitting the sea of ​​clouds in half.

He walked out, looked at the people around him, and said: something that will avenge revenge. You all have to pay the price.

With a wave of his big sleeve, countless clouds rolled.

These clouds instantly turned into a cloud-handled sword, flying in all directions.

No, resist it quickly.

The disciples around, resisted.

But how can they be opponents?

In an instant, he was pierced by the sword of the cloud, and his eyebrows split.

Their primordial spirit was instantly annihilated,

They fell to the ground.

Their eyes were wide, and the swordsmanship of the other party seemed to be even more subtle than theirs.

In a palace near the ancestral land, Elder Green Snake sat there cross-legged.

She practiced silently.

Suddenly at this moment, several disciples outside the hall rushed in in horror.

They knelt on the ground and said: Elder, it's not good, that crazy **** has come out.

Elder Green Snake suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a snake's shadow flickering in his eyes.

She was shocked.

The other party came out alive,

Could it be that the other party passed the test?

Did the other party get the sword score?

Thinking of this, Elder Green Snake was so excited that he was going crazy!

Be sure to catch him and **** the score.

Qingfeng and others, have you done it yet?

Elder Green Snake asked.

A few disciples kneeling on the ground said: Qingfeng and others have fallen.

That mad **** is too strong, he has already killed here.


Hearing this, Elder Green Snake's complexion changed drastically.

Looking for death, the other party dared to kill, the disciple of their family.

Has even a genius like Qingfeng fallen?


Don’t worry, we will do it yourself.

Elder Green Snake took the walking stick and walked out angrily.

At the same time, she typed a message.

The other warriors in the family gathered here frantically.

You must stop the other party, never let the other party escape.

When the people outside saw Lin Xuan, they roared.

Quickly, stop him and suppress him.

Countless figures rushed out,

Thousands of disciples attacked Lin Xuan with an overwhelming sword energy.

Faced with such an attack, Lin Xuan just stuck out his palm and patted in all directions.

His palm was even more terrifying than a divine weapon, and instantly smashed the sky full of sword energy.

He exhaled a breath.

This breath turned into a sword of gust of wind, flying in all directions.

A scream of screams sounded, gust of wind and sword aura spreading everywhere.

All those who were hit by the sword qi fell.

Those who are powerful are also severely injured, and their faces are full of horror

The opponent is also strong,

Can they not resist the other's breath?

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of disciples fell.

The other people retreated madly, their faces full of horror.

Their bodies trembled.

what should I do?

A powerful genius said: Quick, condense to form an array.

Cloud sea formation.

Castle Peak Formation.

The storm formation method.

The formations are formed quickly,

These disciples cooperated with each other to increase their power exponentially.

They once again killed Lin Xuan.

With a wave of Lin Xuan's arm, the Qingshan formation broke in half, and all the disciples inside were wiped out.

After that, he blasted out with a punch, and the sea of ​​clouds formation was instantly blasted into a black hole.

The disciple inside died before he even had time to scream.

The remaining hundreds of disciples had completely collapsed.

Thousands of powerful disciples, including many geniuses, took action.

But the result? Unbearable.

They are like ants, destroyed instantly.

How to fight this?

Run away.

Want to escape?

Lin Xuan sneered and waved his big hand, and a dragon claw fell overwhelmingly.

Shrouded these remaining people.

No, forgive me.

Elder, save us!

There were screams,

Some are begging for mercy and some are threatening.

However, none of them worked.

Seeing this palm is about to fall.

But at this moment, an angry voice came from a distance: Stop.

Elder Green Snake is here,

Her speed is already very fast.

As soon as she arrived, she discovered that there were many disciples in the surrounding corpse mountain and blood sea, who had fallen.

Her heart is dripping blood.

She immediately danced her cane and shot out a huge green snake phantom.

The green snake, which is several kilometers long, carries an extremely fierce sword aura, soaring into the sky.

It became enveloped in an instant, those hundreds of disciples,

Saved those disciples.

Elder Green Snake, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

She stared at Lin Xuan and said: Damn you, I will never let you go.

Lin Xuan also smiled: You were the one who avenged the revenge.

Those disciples knelt down and said: Elder Green Snake, please kill him.

He beheaded too many of our companions, he must be destroyed.

Don't worry, I will do it myself next time.

Elder Green Snake came out,

The other disciples retreated one after another to the rear.

They were extremely excited.

Elder Green Snake, powerful, is a great god.

With her action, the opponent will definitely die.

Elder Green Snake, with an extremely solemn expression, slowly waved her crutches.

Her walking stick was made of a powerful green snake monster.

Her strength is very strong, she is a great god, and she has reached the first watershed.

In her opinion, how strong this mad **** would be? Certainly not her opponent.


With a roar, the elder Green Snake waved her cane and played her famous swordsmanship, the Green Snake Sword.

Another phantom of a green snake roared out.

This green snake is only a hundred meters away, but its power is twice as powerful as before.

It is completely condensed with peerless sword energy.

It wandered around in the void, like a cyan lightning, and slammed towards Lin Xuan.

See how this guy died?

The disciples around all sneered.

In an instant, UU read Green Snake Sword Qi and enveloped Lin Xuan.


The disciples around all cheered: the other party is dead.

However, Elder Green Snake frowned tightly.

She found that although the other party was enveloped by her green snake sword, it did not fall.

The other party stood there, releasing a powerful breath.

What a strong body!

Elder Qing Snake was shocked: worthy of the genius of the Protoss, it seemed that he had to do his best.

Swallow him for me.

The green snake poked its head down, as if to swallow Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan laughed: The mere snake, dare to swallow the real dragon?

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