Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7915: Supreme Kendo! Valkyrie 1 punch!

The python swallows the dragon, it is against the sky!

Lin Xuan sneered, "Can you swallow it?"

He raised his right hand and threw a punch at the void.

With a boom,

A giant dragon was born, and instantly killed the python.

The python was torn to pieces in an instant.

not good!

Elder Green Snake's expression changed drastically. She didn't expect that the strength of the other party was so powerful.

Instantly broke her supreme kendo,

She was backlashed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Step back a few steps, crushing the ground,

Her old face seemed to be even more haggard.

At this time, Lin Xuan punched again.

Valkyrie! Dragon fist.

The dragon attacked and killed the elder Green Snake.

Elder Green Snake only felt that the scene changed in all directions, and there was only a giant dragon coming rampant.

She could not escape at all, she could only resist.

With a roar, his head full of white hair turned black in an instant, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared.

The green snake elder, from an old woman, turned into a middle-aged woman.

She is releasing her life force, she is stimulating the blood with all her strength.

She was short-lived and returned to her peak.


Swaying the crutches in his hand fiercely, a more terrifying green snake phantom flew out.

Elder Green Snake rose to the sky and merged with Green Snake Phantom.

Man and sword are one.

This is her strongest attack.

With a boom,

The green snake and the dragon collided, like two divine beasts, fighting.

Those disciples around were beaten back by this force.

Their scalp is numb and they are nervous.

Can the elders succeed?

That's for sure, our elders are the Dacheng God, the first watershed.

There is absolutely no problem.

As soon as the voice fell, a scream came from ahead.

I saw the green snake phantom all over the sky disappear, and the green snake elder fell from the sky.

As she landed, her blood disappeared and turned into a bone.


When the people around saw this scene, their eyes almost stared out.

That is, the elder aloft, the Dacheng God, the strong man of the first watershed.

Has it fallen now?

Those disciples were frightened directly.

The weak, kneeled in fright,

A powerful genius is also trembling.

"It's vulnerable."

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. He looked around and said, "Is there anything stronger?"

The surroundings are terribly quiet.

At this time, a genius gritted his teeth and said: "Crazy God, don't be arrogant, our strong men are all in the Qingyun Tower."

"Otherwise, are you arrogant?"

"If you walk out of it, a strong man will undoubtedly die."

"Are you talking about that pagoda?"

Lin Xuan looked at the thousand-story pagoda with a cold smile on his mouth.

"They dare not come out, then I'll just rush in."

Lin Xuan rose into the air and slew towards the pagoda.

not good.

The expressions of the young disciples around him changed drastically.

They wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Lin Xuan is very fast,

Came in an instant, in front of the pagoda,

A palm shot out and hit the pagoda.

With a roaring sound, countless runes lit up on the pagoda.

This is the formation.

At this moment, the formation was swaying, and the light above seemed to be slapped out by a palm.

Inside the pagoda, many elders opened their eyes, and their faces became ugly.

Someone is hitting Qingyun Tower.

They looked outside, and when they found out that it was Lin Xuan, they exclaimed.

Is this kid out?

Damn, what's the matter with the people outside?

Why not stop him?

Inside the Qingyun Pagoda, they are indeed the top powerhouses of the Qingyun clan.

However, at the moment they are all in the formation, helping the ancestors to recover.

They cannot leave at all.

Once you leave, the formation is interrupted, and all your efforts will fall short.

Among them was an old man, he was the patriarch of the Qingyun family. At this moment, his face was extremely ugly.

Why can this guy come out? Has it passed the Qingyun test?


The other elders also exclaimed.

How difficult is the Qingyun test? Their attempts for so many thousands of years have all failed.

Is it possible that the other party is an outsider who can succeed? Could it be that the opponent got the Qingyun Sword Book?

More importantly, this crazy **** possesses the power of a pill,

This is a must.

Thinking of this, they said: "Enable the foundation."

"Wake up the sleeping elder Tai."

The Qingyun family spit out a token.

This token shredded the void in an instant and flew outside the pagoda.

As soon as it appeared, it burst into bright light and enveloped the entire world.

Lin Xuan raised his head to look at the queen, looking at this bright token, he frowned slightly.

He still wants to do it.

But the next moment, in the depths of this world, an old voice came.

"What is it? Wake me up?"

Accompanied by this sound, in a certain mountain range in the world, countless mountains shook.

The earth cracked, and an old figure came out from under the earth.

This figure is really too old,

It makes people worry, it will fall when the wind blows.

However, the breath on his body is extremely terrifying.

As he walked along, an extraordinary force swept across the heavens and the earth, as if the gods were resurrected.

The disciples of Qingyun World all cheered.

"It's the Supreme Elder."

"The Supreme Elder is awake."

"Hahahaha, we have hope."

These disciples all bowed down, and they were extremely excited.

"Meet the Supreme Elder."

"Please take the initiative to kill this thief."

Everyone knows how powerful the elder Taishang is, and this is much stronger than the elder Green Snake.

Because the Supreme Elder is a great God, the existence of the second watershed.

That is an unimaginable existence.

The elder Taishang looked around and felt that their family had lost many disciples.

There was even a Dachengzhen God, his face gloomy when he fell.

Some people dare to come to their world to be wild, unforgivable.

He looked at Lin Xuan, his eyes were like two magic lamps, and he said coldly: "Kneel down and die."

His voice was like thunder, with a supreme mighty power.

"Oh, is there a strong one?"

Lin Xuan also turned around and looked around.

His eyes also became solemn.

The strong of the second watershed? This is interesting,

Lin Xuan clenched his fists and took a deep breath. He was ready to shoot.

Before, he was able to compete with the people of the second watershed.

Now, he has obtained the Qingyun sword spectrum again, don't know if he can defeat the opponent?

Lin Xuan said: "I will use you to verify ~ my current combat power."

what did you say?

The elders too stunned.

What kind of existence is he? The strong of the second watershed.

A master who has lived for endless years, who dares to be wild in front of him?

When he is angry, he will destroy the world.

However, the young man in front of him was not afraid.

He even wanted to use him as a sharpening stone.

He smiled angrily: "Young man, you are so ignorant."

"Let me tell you what is true power."

Taishang elder stepped out, and the sacred fire swept the world.

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