Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7917: Kill the enemy!

Lin Xuan's figure, shrouded in clouds and mist, disappeared and seemed to be suppressed.

The elder too, also killed in the clouds.

He wants to take the opponent's power with his own hands and take away the sword spectrum.

There is an astonishing light in his eyes, flickering, and he needs to read the other party's memory first.

But at this moment, he saw a pair of mysterious eyes.

It was a pair of indifferent eyes, high up, as if the gods were looking down at him.

The next moment, from the eyes, a phantom flew out, like a white crane, spreading its wings.

When he came to him, it turned into a white jade-like palm.

It slapped directly on his forehead.

The elder screamed, Qiqiao bled, and he flew out.

His soul was hit hard.

Damn it, what's the matter? What kind of power is this?

In addition to this mad god, besides his strong body, is he even so terrible even as his soul?

Is he practicing the meta-mystical method?

The elder too was mad, he was careless.

Lin Xuan rushed in quickly, using Ji Zi Jue to repair his injuries.

At the same time, his right hand was like the sky, and fell down.

Swordsmanship of the heavens.

One piece of the sky fell down, with a heavy force, on the body of the Supreme Elder.


The bones of the Supreme Elder broke.

At the moment of crisis, a battle robe appeared on him.

Be regarded as blocking the remaining attacks.

The elder Taishang withdrew, and his injuries got worse.

Want to escape?

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, he also moved the killing intent: he would never let the other party escape.

Thousands of dragon shadows appeared on him, transforming into a giant dragon world.

Next, he will use the real hole cards.

Today, he can indeed contend with the strong of the second watershed.

However, it is difficult to defeat the opponent.

It is even more difficult to kill the opponent.

However, Lin Xuan had such confidence that he could kill the opponent.

Because Lin Xuan owns the big dragon sword.

He used the Xing Zi Jue, the speed instantly increased, and he came to the opponent.

The right hand was like a sword, directly piercing the opponent's body.

The next moment, the power of the Great Dragon Sword burst out instantly.

It should be too bad luck for the elder, because he didn't know the true identity of Lin Xuan.

He was careless.

The power of the Great Dragon Sword poured into his body, destroying his source of power.

In addition, he was injured by the Eye of Samsara before, and he has not fully recovered yet.

With a blow from the dragon sword, he completely collapsed.


He made a miserable voice.

Those disciples outside were extremely excited.

The mad **** was injured, and then the opponent was dead.

They look forward to it.

Suddenly, they heard the screams of the Supreme Elder, and they were blinded.

what happened?

The expressions of those disciples changed drastically: There is something wrong with the elders, go and save the elders.

Countless figures rose to the sky, trying to kill them in the Shenlong World.


Lin Xuan snorted, tens of millions to Dragon Shadow, roaring in all directions.

As soon as Tianlong's eight sounds came out, the disciples who approached were all knocked out.

Some primordial spirits were even killed instantly.

The remaining people were also seriously injured.

No way, the gap is too big, they are not opponents at all.

And the next moment, the light on Shenlong's body became even more mysterious.

This time, not only did everyone see nothing, they couldn't even hear the voice.

In the world of Shenlong, the elder Taishang had his eyes flushed.

He roared and said: I fight with you.

Lin Xuan sneered: What do you fight with me?

In his eyes, the light of reincarnation appeared.

Fragments of the Great Dragon Sword were fused with the right hand, and the Blade of Shura appeared on the left.

At the same time, his hair became blood red.

The power of the gods exploded,

The dragon veins in the body are boiling.

Between breathing and breathing, Lin Xuan possessed supreme power.

At this moment, Lin Xuan did not leave any hands.

He wants to kill the opponent in an instant.

When he felt these powers, the elders were dumbfounded.


you are?

He was terrified,

He seems to have discovered what a great secret.

But Lin Xuan is full of firepower.

The power of reincarnation, the power of the dragon, and the power of the Valkyrie broke out completely.

Engulfed the figure of the Supreme Elder.

The elder too, couldn't resist it at all, his body collapsed.

He wanted to escape,

However, the blood primordial spirit was all killed by the big dragon sword.

With a boom,

A white bone fell from the sky.

Fell to the ground.

The elder too, knew who the other party was, but it was too late.

He fell completely.

When I saw this white bone, everyone around him collapsed.

Whose bones are they?

Is it too elder?

They dare not imagine.

At this moment, Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a phantom of the blue dragon fell down and swallowed the bone.

Lin Xuan could not keep any breath of the dragon sword.

He had to take away this bone.

With a wave of his hand, Shenlong World slowly disappeared.

He stands in the sky, like a god.

The figure of the Supreme Elder had long since disappeared.

Countless disciples collapsed, and they knelt to the ground.

Has the Supreme Elder fallen?

Too desperate,

That is the strong man of the second watershed!

Even if you can't beat the opponent and want to escape, there is no problem.

You know, the Supreme Elder has experienced countless battles and lived endless years.

But wherever he wanted to, he would fall into his own family!

This crazy **** is too strong, where is his limit?

Patriarch, please take action and save us!

Old ancestor, please come out.

Those disciples knelt to the ground, and they shouted quickly.

The Supreme Elder is strong, but not the strongest.

The strong of the second watershed, and,

For example, the owner is.

In addition, there is a stronger ancestor.

However, no matter how they shouted, there was no response in Qingyun Tower.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, he looked at the people below, and a bitter killing intent emerged from his body.

The disciples below are desperate.

At this time, someone said: Stop, we are willing to surrender, we surrender.

Lin Xuan cast a glance at Qingyun Tower, and he guessed what should have happened inside.

So that those strong people can't come out.

As for the reason, he was too lazy to bother about it.

He looked at these people below, and said: If you want to surrender, you can, you have to promise me a few conditions.

First, what do I ask and what do you answer.

Second, where is the treasure house of your family?

Third, how many strong people are there in your family? There are many? Say it all.

Yes, we got it.

These people can only bow their heads.

No Even the elder Taishang has fallen. How come they are opponents?

Although there are still many masters in the Qingyun Pagoda, it seems that it doesn't matter whether they live or die.

Let's talk about it, what is the origin of your Qingyun family? How is it still related to the King of Gods?

This is what Lin Xuan wants to ask the most.

A middle-aged man walked out and told the news about the family.

Soon, Lin Xuan understood.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Qingyun family was one of the disciples of the Colorful God King.

The Seven Color God King seemed to have more than one disciple.

I don't know, is there any sword book in the hands of other disciples?

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered.

If he can gather all the sword scores in the hands of the seven disciples, his kendo will be stronger.

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